011613Content Specialist Job Description- General

Job Description

SUMMARY : TheContent Specialist provides expertise in their given area to create high quality, college preparatory online course contentand work closely with other content specialists, instructional designers, teachers and course developers to create the overall structure and goals for curriculum in a subject area, including reviewing and editing lesson activities, assessment and instructional guides. Each content specialist at Oaks Christian Online School will incorporate into their writing a worldview that is distinctly Christian (see teacher handbook, OCO – A Christian Worldview), and will also demonstrate excellent writing, learning, thinking and expression.It is also assumed that a content expert has scholarly abilities in the area in which they write and that each content specialist will diligently work toward helping students become independent and confident learners.Each content specialist is directly accountable to the director of their department and the director of the school.

The Content Specialist
•Provides content knowledge in the subject area of his or her specialty;
•Createsthe Scope and Sequence, standards and student outcomes for new courses;
•Plans content and designs materials for new courses;
•Coordinates with other experts and course developer during the entire development process, from pre to post production;
•Researches and recommends instructional materials and programs;
•Responds to all feedback about the course and revises, as necessary;
•Reviews the competitive landscape of curricular products in his or her specific area of specialty regularly.

Supervisory Responsibilities: This position has no supervisory responsibilities.

Job Requirements

•Master’s degree or equivalent academic credential in related field
•Four (4) years of experience in online course development or virtual teaching
•Four (4) years of experience in conventional classroom teaching
Certificates and Licenses: None required.
•Familiarity with national standards in the field, and with current trends in methodology
•Ability to work independently in fast-paced environment
•Exceptional writing skills
•Proficiency in Microsoft Office suite
•Stable broadband Internet access for creation and transmission of materials
•Willingness to learn new technologies and workflow systems including the Company’s models for storyboards, activities, exercises, and assessments for online writing
•Ability to review and select material and assets from previously created Company courses
•Responsiveness to constructive feedback
•Positive and enthusiastic approach to solving problems
•Ability to meet all delivery deadlines specified by the Company and work within project budget constraints
•Ability to pass required background check

Spiritual Commitment and Growth

  • Has a dynamic, growing faith and is a spiritual role model for students
  • Maintains a commitment to the school’s Statement of Faith in action and belief
  • Helps maintain an atmosphere of grace at OCO