This Union Notes:
1. / That the present University policy is to remove those found in possession of any quantity of cannabis from their halls or residence within four weeks, and to refuse them campus accommodation for the remainder of their time at University.[1]
2. / That the University’s Alcohol and Drugs Policy states that: “It is the policy of the University to assist people who have alcohol or drug related problems and to take disciplinary action as a last resort”.[2]
3. / That cannabis is now classified as a Class B drug contrary to the advice of the Government’s Advisory Council on the misuse of drugs.[3]
4. / That many other Universities do not have a policy of automatic exclusion.
5. / That the only legal requirement on the University upon becoming aware of an incident of cannabis possession is to notify the police.[4]
This Union Believes:
1. / That the University’s current policy is disproportionate.
2. / That the policy of ‘zero-tolerance’ directly threatens the welfare of our members and has adverse effects on their personal, academic and professional prospects.
3. / That we as a Union have a duty to protect our members from such disproportionate action.
4. / That many other Universities do not have a policy of automatic exclusion.
This Union Resolves:
1. / To mandate the Welfare and Campaigns Officer and Women’s Officer to ensure a campaign is led to change the present University policy of automatically excluding cannabis users from halls of residence.
2. / To demand that the University notify the Welfare and Campaigns Officer of any exclusion from halls based on cannabis possession.
3. / To demand that the University informs any student being thrown off campus of the representation from the Students’ Union.
4. / To mandate the Welfare and Campaigns Officer and Campaigns Convention to actively inform students of the repercussions of possession of cannabis on campus.
5. / To mandate the Welfare and Campaigns Officer to lobby the University to adopt a policy whereby in the first instance the possessor must attend a number of compulsory, monitored sessions with the Coventry Community Drugs Team or the South Warwickshire Community Drugs Team; in the second instance the possessor is placed in off-campus accommodation.
Action / Body / Date
Passed / Union Council / 2004/05, T1W3
Amended and Renewed / Union Council / 2006/07, T1W4
Amended and Renewed / Union Council / 2008/09, T1W4
Amended and Renewed / Union Council / 2010/11, T1W4
Amended and Renewed / Student Council / 2012/13, T1W4
Policy Review / Student Council / 2014/15, T1W4

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006 - Cannabis in University Halls of Residence

(Welfare and Community)




[4] Ibid