(001XXX - 049XXX)

Agricultural Extension and Communication


001211 Rural Extension Development 3(3-0)

Roles of agricultural extension in rural development; extension structure affecting rural development.

001301 Agriculture 3(3-0)

History, policy and agricultural organization of Thailand. Principles and problems of crop and animal productions important to economic and social benefits.

001302 Agricultural Development 3(3-0)

Agricultural problems, applied agricultural technology to increase crop and animal production that are important to economy and society; a guideline to agricultural extension, production and marketing management.

001311 Introduction to Extension 3(3-0)

Philosophy, specific principles of agricultural extension; problem identification, selection, methods and practices; principles and procedure of extension evaluation.

001351 Principles of Photography 3(2-2)

Principles of photography; photographic equipment, accessories and materials; techniques in taking, printing, and enlarging pictures for extension publication and exhibition activities.

001401 Principles of Extension 3(3-0)

Principles and methods in agricultural extension to bring about knowledge and new practices to relevant people.

001411 Rural Community and Agricultural Development 3(3-0)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401 or 460111

Principles , scope, rural community problems identifications, and application of social theories suitable to resource development for rural community and agricultural development.

001412 Integrated Rural Development 3(3-0)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401 or 460111

Theories, principles, methods, procedures, and strategies in integrated rural development. Practical effect on agricultural and rural development especially in developing countries. Analysis of developmental factors affecting the national rural development plans.

001421 Rural Home Economics Extension 3(3-0)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401

Principles, procedures in rural home economics extension, applied theory in home economics. Agricultural extension for personnels and family development to suit rural economics situation.

001422 Rural Home Economics Extension Development 3(3-0)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401

Development of applied technology and resource personnels of the government and private sectors for rural home economics extension development.

001431 Rural Youth and Development 3(3-0)

Philosophy, practice, establishment, group development, selection, leadership training, rural youth group activity to support agricultural and rural development.

001432 Rural Youth and Adult Leadership Development 3(3-0)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401 or 460111

Basic concept of rural youth and adult leadership development, rural youth activities arrangement in formal and nonformal education system, rural youth development. Importance of rural youth and adult leadership in agricultural extension and development.

001433 Career Development of Rural Youth 3(3-0)

Characteristics and implanting agricultural career. Problems, methods and procedures of career development to rural youth for agricultural and rural development.

001441 Population Studies 3(3-0)

Some changes in quality and quantity of population, including theory, policy, component, structure, population distribution, maturity, mortality, migration, labour condition of rural people. Factors affecting to population change, impact from population change related to others involving agricultural and rural development.

001451 Agricultural Communication 3(3-0)

Theory, principles, methods and techniques in agricultural communication.

001452 Audio-Visual Materials in Extension Work 3(2-2)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401

Importance, selection, preparation, production, and techniques of using audio-visual materials in extension work.

001453 Oral and Written Expression in Extension Work 3(3-0)

Principles of public speaking; administering meetings and conference; practice in preparation and oral presentation of written information, news and reports in extension work.

001454 Public Speaking 2(2-0)

Principles and methods of public speaking, meeting procedures, criticism, discussion and group meeting.

001455 Writing and Producing Agricultural Information 2(2-0)

Pre : 015211 or 001311 or 001401

Principles of practice in preparation of agricultural articles, news, and reports for extension work.

001456 Radio and Television Programs Preparation in Agriculture 3(2-2)

Principles and presenting agricultural information, radio and TV programs; article writing, and preparation of radio programs for farmers.

001457 Principles of Public Relations 3(3-0)

Significance of public relations, definitions, meaning, principles and other related theories, History and development of public relations, communication process, persuasion, planning strategies, public opinions formation, and evaluation.

001458 Communication Media Administration 3(3-0)

Pre : 001452

Principles and methods of communication media administration related to rural population. Media analysis and utilization techniques applicable to rural situation.

001459 Mass Communication for Extension 3(3-0)

Pre : 001451

Influence, importance and profitable of mass communication for extension, selection techniques in choosing appropriate mass media for extension.

001461 Technical Photography 3(1-4)

Pre : 001351

Technical Photography production for education material, publication and research work.

001462 Cinematography 3(2-2)

Pre : 001351

Cinematography development, theory, principles, materials, methods and steps in cinematography.

001463 Radio Programs Production for Extension 3(1-4)

Pre : 001451

Script writing, steps on radio programs production for extension.

001464 Television Program Production for Extension 3(1-4)

Pre : 001451

Script writing, steps on television programs production for extension.

001465 Computer in Agricultural Extension Works 3(2-2)

Application of computer for extension works, database management for agriculture, data analysis, computer network and computer using for media production.

001491 Introduction to Research Methods in Agricultural Extension 3(3-0)

Scopes of Agricultural extension research, research steps, literature reviews, hypothesis identification, research methodology, and report writing.

001497 Seminar 1

Oral presentation and interpretation of research findings in agricultural extension for undergraduate students.

001498 Special Problems 1-3

Guided investigation on selected topics related to agricultural extension for undergraduate students.

001499 Specific Practicum 3(0-10)

Pre : 015299

Specific practicum on agricultural extension. Field trip.

Animal science


002231 Animal Breeding 3(3-0)

Pre :734111, 730311

Mathematics and statistics for animal breeding, population genetics, inheritance of qualitative and quantitative traits, inbreeding and relationship coefficients, principles of selection and mating system.

002241 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals I 3(2-3)

Pre : 737113

Systematic structure and function of organs in domestic animals. Comparative anatomical and physiological studies of mammals and avian part I.

002242 Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals II 3(2-3)

Pre : 002241

Systematic structure and function of organs in domestic animals. Comparative anatomical and physiological studies of mammals and avian part II.

002291 Statistical Methods in Animal Science 3(3-0)

Pre : 734111

Statistical methods for animal research. General linear models. Principles and methods in animal research. Report writing and presentation.

002299 Practicum I 2

Fundamental practicum in animal science.

002301 Animal Production 3(2-3)

Species of economical livestock, principle of livestock production. Livestock and environment, equipment and housing for livestock and feed production..

002311 Poultry Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Commercial poultry production, selection and breeding. Role of physiology on production. Incubation and hatchery management. Housing and equipments, feed and feeding. Poultry farm management. Production cost and marketing. Poultry industry for export.

002312 Swine Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Importance of swine production. Feed and feeding. Swine husbandry. Equipment and housing. Cost of swine production. Environmental management and sanitation. Computer programs for farm management. Regulations in commercial swine production and marketing.

002313 Beef Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Importance of beef production, breed, feed and feeding, fattening, health care and marketing. Farm planning and housing, environmental management, computer programs for farming and management. Field trip required.

002314 Dairy Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Commercial dairy production, breeds, dairy cattle selection for the tropics. Feed and feeding, reproduction, lactation and milking, milk quality and price evaluation, dairy health.

002315 Equine Husbandry 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

General characteristics of equine breed, anatomy, physiology, conformation and movement of good equine. Principles of farm management, feeding, care and first aid restraint and, horse-riding training. Field trip required.

002316 Sheep and Goat Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Breeds and breeding. Raising and management, behaviour, feed and feeding. Health management and sanitation. Marketing and product management.

002321 Animal Nutrition 4(4-0)

Pre : 725311

Classification of feedstuffs, metabolism and role of primary nutrients, feed formulation and evaluation.

002322 Biotechnology in Animal Feed 3(3-0)

Pre : 002321

Biotechnology in animal feeds. Biological upgrading of nutrients. Genetic engineering process to improved quality of feed protein and energy . Application of antibacterial and microbial feed additive in animal nutrition. Industrial synthetic amino acids production.

002323 Feed Analysis 2(1-2) Pre : 725311

Chemical analysis of nutrient in feedstuffs. Analysis of gross energy, minerals and digestibility.

002331 Applied Animal Breeding 3(2-3)

Pre : 002231

Principles of animal genetics and breeding. Systems of breeding and selection in livestock. Developing plan for animal variety improvement. Application of computer program for animal breeding.

002351 Principles of Animal Hygiene and Sanitation 3(2-3)

Pre : 015221

Principles of systemic disease prevention and control, medical therapy, important epidemic and parasitic diseases of domestic animals.

002381 Animal Biotechnology 3(3-0)

Biotechnology in animals production emphasizing application of biotechnology in nutrition, physiology, genetic modification, disease prevention and detection.

002399 Practicum II 2

Pre : 002299

Specific practicum in livestock and processing of animal products. Field trip required.

002411 Livestock Industries 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Overview in livestock industry. Pigs, poultry, dairy and beef industries. Feed mills, and ingredient, drugs and feed supplements. Slaughter house and meat products industries. Financing agents and personnel management in livestock industry.

002412 Companion and Non-conventional Animals Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Breeds, Breeding feed and feeding, health and management of dog, cat, ostrich, deer and other animals. Field trip required.

002413 Finishing Pig Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Pig production and consumption. Principles of breeding, housing and feeding system. Principles of maintaining good health system for newly weaned pig. Basis of efficient improvement systems for growing finishing pig. Carcass and meat quality control. Waste management.. Transportation, marketing and monitoring of pig enterprise.

002414 Dairy Herd Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Fundamentals of dairy farm management, techniques of feeding. Herd health, reproduction, milking and housing management. Field trip required.

002415 Beef Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Commercial herd management for fattening and breeder. Problems and solution. Reproduction management, breeding, feeding and herd health management. Computerised system to increase efficiency of farm management.

002416 Poultry Breeder and Hatchery Management 3(2-3)

Pre : 015221

Broiler and layer breeder farm management. Hatching egg production. Embryo growth and development. Hatching egg management, incubation, hatchery management. Field trips required.

002417 Animal Restraint and Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Basics of animal behavior. Restraint, abnormalities and treatment of cattle, pig, goat, sheep and poultry behavior. Effect of stress on animal behavior. Animal welfare.

002418 Animal Welfare 3(3-0)

Animal welfare. Laws in different countries and break event of animal production. The effects of changing of farm management on animal behavior, productivity, quality of the products and the stockman.

002419 Livestock Business 3(3-0)

Overview and factors effecting on the livestock production in Thailand, business management, production and marketing cost approach, demand and supply of animal product, marketing system, financial account and statement. Tariff and trade Barrier of animal product. Financial sources and livestock project proposal.

002421 Feed Microscopy and Quality Control 3(2-3)

Pre : 725311

Microscopic identification of structural and physical characteristics of feedstuff components. Chemical test for quality and adulteration of animal feeds.

002422 Feedstuff Processing 3(3-0)

Pre : 002321

Principles of feedstuff production. Rice milling, drying process, vegetable oil expelling and extraction. Feedstuff products from fish meal and cannery fish waste, meat meal and slaughter house waste, milk and milk by-products. Field trip required.

002423 Principles of Feed Processing 3(3-0)

Pre : 002321

Principles of feed production. Grinding, mixing and pelleting. Materials handling in feedmill, bins and silos. Steam system in feed production processes. Automatic feed production process. Feed mill design. Field trip required.

002424 Advanced Feed Processing 3(3-0)

Pre : 002321

Special feed processing methods. Principles and methods of extrusion, aquaculture and compuanian feed production, Application of extrusion process, microencapsulated feed production. Production of total mixed ration for ruminants.

002425 Forage Utilization 3(2-3)

Pre : 015221 or002321 or003412

The importance of soil preparation for pasture, quality and quantity of pasture. Pasture management, cutting, grazing and preservation for dry season. Pasture improvement for high quality forage. Field trip required.

002426 Applied Animal Nutrition 3(3-0)

Pre : 002321

Application of supplement in feed formulation to improve the quantity and quality of animal products, quality control and evaluation of feed formulation.

002431 Animal Molecular Genetics 3(3-0)

Pre : 730311

Molecular genetics in animal science. Repetitive DNA sequence interspersion in animal genome and its application in chromosome mapping. DNA amplification by PCR. Gene screening and cloning. Molecular techniques for animal science study.


002441 Biotechnology in Animal Reproductive Physiology 3(2-3)

Pre : 002242

Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system of domestic animals. Proven sires and dam, semen collection, evaluation, and insemination technique, estrus detection, pregnancy diagnosis, parturition, management before and after parturition, diseases of reproduction. Artificial insemination recording and embryo transplantation.

002442 Applied Physiology for Animal Production 3(2-3)

Pre : 002242

Applied physiology for animal production in Thailand. Pure bred and cross bred animal management. Biotechnology for improvement of livestock production and fertility.

002451 Animal Health Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 002351

Principles of farm management for environmental health and potentially genetic adaptation to environment. Farm management for pathogen free, herd health management. Principles of drug use and vaccination.

002452 Animal Diseases and Health Care 3(2-3)

Pre : 002451

Principles of diagnostic, health care, principles of pharmacology and principles of animal biological products administration for disease prevention.

002461 Principles of Meat Science 3(2-3)

Pre : 015221

Growth and development of muscle, fat and bone. Slaughter animal grade, steps in slaughtering and carcass cutting. Biochemical changes during transformation of muscle to meat. Principles of carcass grading, hygiene and sanitation, law and regulation, marketing. Theory and concerned government regulation, marketing of meat and meat products. Theory and practices in meat processing, nutritional quality of meat and cooking principles.

002462 Principles of Dairy Science 3(2-3)

Pre : 732214

Milk composition. Physical, chemical and biological properties of milk and milk products. Processing of milk products production. Clean in place. Waste treatment systems. Field trip required.

002463 Poultry Product Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Scenario of poultry meat and egg production. Poultry species for meat and egg production. Poultry anatomy in relation to meat production, transportation and resting. Slaughtering steps in small, medium and large slaughterhouses. Poultry carcass cutting and packaging. Commercial egg management. Further processing to semi-finishing product, storage, shelf display and quality control. Field trip required..

002464 Livestock Product Management 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Scenario of quantity and values of livestock produces. Collection, transportation, grading, storage and sales of livestock produces in terms of meat and milk. Management of economical by - products. Domestic and export market systems. Development for export market. Field trip required.

002465 Slaughtering Technology 3(3-0)

Pre : 015221

Principles and objectives of comparative livestock slaughtering standards. Animals for slaughtering, transportation and resting. Abattoir design and work steps, equipment and utensils, refrigerated room, hygienic principles, carcass inspection and grading . Carcass management prior to meat cutting and waste management. Field trip required.

002466 Quality Control in Meat Production 3(3-0)

Pre : 002461

Principles and objectives of the HACCP. The application of HACCP in meat production from farm level to meat ready for processing, HACCP design and implementation in meat production. Field trip required.

002471 Animal Information System 3(2-3)

Basic structure in animal information system. Construction of information system via internet and intranet. Construction of multimedias for animal information system. Information system in different animal species. Animal science softwares. Analysis of data via information system.

002472 Bioinformatics and Computer packages in Animals Science 3(2-3)

Pre : 734111

Basic knowledge in molecular biology and biochemistry of animals. Database in animal science and utilization. Computer packages in animal science.

002473 Computer Simulation in Animal Breeding 1(0-3)

Pre : 002231

Theories, basic statistics and software usage for computer simulation in animal science. Application of computer package for animal breeding.

002481 Animal Waste and Management 3(2-3)

Pre : 015221

Type and quality of animal waste in farm. Waste management, treatment and utilization.

002482 Animal Housing and Equipment 3(2-3)

Pre : 015221

Environmental physiology of animals, animal behaviour, principles of animal housing construction, air ventilation system, waste treatment, housing and equipment design, farm layout and budgeting evaluation.

002491 Basic Research Methods in Animal Science 3(3-0)

Pre :734111

Principles and methods in animal science research, identification of research problems, formulation of research objectives and hypotheses, collection of data, construction of questionnaire, data analysis and interpretation, application of statistics for research, report writing and presentation.

002496 Selected Topics in Animal Science 1-3

Selected topics in Animal Science at the bachelor degree level. Topics are subjected to change each semester.

002497 Seminar 1

Presentation and discussion on current interesting topics in animal science at the bachelor degree level.

002498 Special Problems 1-3

Study and research in animal science at the bachelor degree level and compiled into a written report.

002499 Practicum III 1-3

Off-campus work experience approved by the department. Knowledge and skills, are to be evaluated. Written summary paper is required.

Animal Husbandry


002111 Principles of Animal Husbandry 3(3-0)

The basic principles of animal husbandry with particular reference to the aspects of animal production that are of great economic importance to livestock industry in Thailand. Type and breeds of farm animals, in the fundamental principles used in selecting and breeding them. Economic problems associated with the production of meat, milk and eggs.

002301 Animal Production 3(3-2)

The principle of farm animals production. Housing equipment designed for economically efficient management concerned with labour, feeding and disease control according to environment in Thailand.