6.00pm Monday 11 February 2013

PRESENTArlene Allan (Governor)

Chris Baker (Governor)

Hannah Corner (Student Governor)

Rob Fletcher (Governor)

Matthew Green (Student Governor)

Bill Johnson (Governor)

Nick King (Staff Governor)

Morag Matthews (Staff Governor)

Julian McInerney (Parent Governor)

John Rostron (Governor)

Vipin Trivedi (Governor)

Sandra Unsworth (Governor)

Adele Wills (Principal/Governor)

In attendance

Jimmy Abram (Estates and H&S Manager) until 6.20pm

Ian Swift (Vice Principal) In attendance

Janet Regan (Assistant Principal)

Wendy Moorcroft (Clerk)

A Quorum being present, John Rostron (in the Chair) opened the meeting at 6.00pm.

13/01 Apologies

Elinor Dodd ( Governor)

Ronnie Fearn(Governor)

Paul Lacey (Governor)

Michael Barker (Assistant Principal)

Will Melia (Assistant Principal)

13/02 Register of Interests Form

Governors were asked to complete the Register of Interests form, which had been included with the agenda papers and return it to the Clerk at the end of the meeting. Governors were reminded of the need to declare any conflict of interest arising during the year at the start of any meeting.

13/03 Minutes of the Meeting of 10 December 2012

The minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

13/04 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

With the approval of the Board, the Chairman then took Agenda item 13/09 next in order not to detain the visiting speaker.

13/09 Health and Safety and Premises Report

The Board welcomed Mr Jimmy Abram, Estates and Health and Safety Manager, to the meeting. Beginning with the Estates Report, replacement of theFearn Building had now been included within the BCIF bid. This was because of serious problems with window leaks, roofing issues,plywoodsaturation and steel corrosion. A detailed intrusive survey had been commissioned for half term to determine the full extent of the problems, the nature of any remedial work and thepotential cost. Pictureswere included in the report for information. Governors asked if there was any redress with the building manufacturers. Mr Abram reported that the building had been supplied by Britspace around 11 years ago. Whilst the company was no longer in business it was possible the building designers may have some responsibility. This would be investigated and it was also possible there could be some protection through an Agrément Certificate. The findings of the survey would be available in three weeks. The building was however safe for use at the present time.Governors also noted the Health and Safety Report including the strategic plan targets and actionplan update. Governor Arlene Allan confirmed that this had been discussed in detail bytheHealth and Safety Committee.

The Board noted the Report.

Mr Abramleft the meeting at this point (6.20pm).

13/05 Update on Strategy

The Principal presented the Update on StrategyReport which included the presentation slides from the staff meetingin January. At the request of staffthere had been a further question and answer session thefollowing week. As agreed at the last meeting the means of implementingthestrategy would be subject to adjustment. The Principal therefore reported that as a result of the consultation process andrepresentations made by staff,therewerea small number of changes to report. BTEC Art would be retained as applications to date suggested this was still a viable programme. The removalof the A Level EarlyModernHistory would still takeplace as numbers did not make this viable but A Level ModernHistorywould remain. TheITDepartment had made a sound case for retaining A Level ITwhich had been accepted. The same was the case for BTEC Performance which would also now be retained. The Principalthen gave an update on the voluntary redundancy position. Significant savings had been made but more were still required and the areas at risk had been identified. Governorswere concerned thattheareas at risk appeared to be key subject areas. The VicePrincipal reported that this was because these were large areas so the effect of reducing numbers here would be proportionately greater. The Principal clarified that studentswishing torestart a year againwouldnot be able to do so.

Governors asked how staff hadreceived the strategy proposals. The Principalreportedthat staff had perhaps not fully accepted theargument that the aim of the strategy was to provide longer term stability and because it would be a difficult process, morale had been affected accordingly. The Staff Governor reported that whilst staff understood the strategyand this had beenadequately communicated, the evolving and changing details made theprocess more difficult. ThePrincipal reported this was unfortunately the nature of the process and decisions would continue to change based on staff feedback during the consultation period.

Governors noted the Report endorsing its support for the Strategy and also the Senior Team at this difficult time.

13/06 Principals Report

The Principal took Governors through the Principal’s Report noting in particular

  • the student activities that had taken place so far this year
  • the pleasing position of KGV in the national league table and the comparison with other local providers resulting in the highest points score for students locally
  • the successful January examinations period with thanks due to all staff involved
  • the national A Level Reform proposal and potentialimplications
  • the BCIF bid plans which would be discussed later under agenda item 13/08
  • the pleasinghealthyapplications level for next year particularly from the Southport Schools

Governors accepted the report.

13/07 Self Assessment Report including approval of Curriculum Targets

Mr Ian Swift, Vice Principal presented the Self Assessment Report to the Board. The Report had been discussed in detail at the last Curriculum Committee and the detailed results report had been presented to the Board previously. The Report set out the key action points withinthe QualityImprovement Plan and these were noted. The Report included the curriculum targets which had been negotiated in discussion with course leaders.

The Board approved the Self Assessment Report and the Curriculum Targets for 2012/13, thanking Ian Swift and all College staff for their work in producing a very comprehensive report.

13/08 Financial Report and approval of Financial Targets

The Principal presented the Financial Report to the Board which had been discussed in detail by F&GP Committee at the last meeting.As reported at the last full Board meeting, Governors noted that the College intended to bid for further BCIF monies. As discussed under agenda item 13/09 earlier,there was however a serious issue with the Fearn Building with significant rotting problems within the structure. AA Projects were therefore including in the bid the replacement of the Fearn Building. This would increase the total bid cost to £4m and would increase the borrowing requirement to £2.5m. The outcome of the bid was expected mid March. Any funding awarded would need to be spent by March 2014. As requested by F&GP Committee more detail in termsof budget and cash forecasts had been included so that Governors could asses the long term financial impact and affordability of the proposed bid for theCollege. ThePrincipal reported that a number of assumptions within the report relating to the Bid needed further discussion and at this stage no approval for expenditure was being sought pending the outcome of the Bid.

Looking at the key points within the report Governors noted theforecast surplus and cash position. The more detailed variances within the Report had been discussed by F&GP Committee

In terms of establishing targets for 2012/13, it was proposed that the ‘dependency on EFA/SFA income’ indicator be removed as this was no longer relevant due to reasons which had been discussed at previous meetings. As the College was considering a loan in relation to the BCIF bid it was proposed that this be replaced with a new target of ‘interest as a % of income’ and that this target be 1% at this stage. No changes to the other targets were being proposed.The targets would however continue to be reviewed annually.

The Board accepted the Financial Report and Period 4 Accounts and approved the Financial Targets and proposed changes as outlined for 2012/13.

13/10 Governors Training

Governors had participated last year in a twilight training session to identify the strategicdirection of the College. Governors would also continue to receive presentations at most meetings which were viewed as a welcome and ongoing part of training. The Clerk requested however that if Governors had any specific areas of interest they would like to see addressed through these presentations they should contact either the Principal or the Clerk.

No other specific training requirements were identified at this time.

13/11 Reports from Committees

Curriculum Committee 23/01/13

Julian McInerney as Chairman reported that the Committee had received a presentation from John Owens, subject leader for the PE Department noting the pleasing significant improvement in results. The Committee had also received a detailed presentation of the SAR from Mr Swift which was discussed earlier this evening.The Staff Governor had reported that there was some confusion about the outcomeof the SLT review. It was agreed that the Board would issue clarification on this to all staff. ACTION JNR/AKW

There had also been discussion on whether there should be Governor representation shouldthere be a workingparty set up to discuss communicationof the Strategy externally. Governor Bill Johnson kindly agreed to participate should this be the case.

F&GP Committee 23/01/13

Arlen Allan as Chairman reported on behalf of the Committee. The Committee had discussed in detail the Period 4 Accounts considered earlier by the Board. The Committee had also received the Health and Safety minutes.

Search 11/02/13

Vipin Trivedi as Chairman reported on behalf of the Committee. The Committee had considered thereappointment of Governors and would make a recommendation at the next meeting.

13/12 Any Other Business

The Chairmanreportedfurther on his response to thecorrespondencefrom John Pugh MP which had beenreceived by all Governors. He also updated Governors on another matter which had arisen which had required further correspondence. He had invited Mr Pugh into College to discuss the issues and a response was awaited.

There was no other business.

13/13 Review of Meeting

The Chairman asked if Governors felt they had received enough information to enable them to reach a decision or been given enough time or opportunity to comment on proposals.

The arrangements for and the conduct of the meeting were considered to have been satisfactory.

13/14 Date of Next Meeting

25 March 2013

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.15pm.


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