Address of Satellite Club / Name of Hub Club / Sport / NGB

Get Berkshire Active – Satellite Club Funding Template

Note: If this satellite club is starting after April 2016 (Yr 4), the project must target the 16-25 age group; unless it is engaging one of our priority groups (female only, disability, or ethnic minority), in which case it can be for the 14-25 age group.

How much CSP funding is required for this satellite club to set up?

Cost area/description / Amount
Facility Hire
Other (please specify)

Please calculate how much income will be generated by this satellite club, and over what period, along with the ongoing costs of the satellite club. If there is be a charge for participants, please give details of how much will be charged, over what period (weekly/termly etc).

Income / Ongoing Costs
Total / Total
What is the demand for this satellite club being set up? Are any of the proposed participants ‘inactive’ (i.e. they do not take part in any sport/physical activity)
What age group/target group are being targeted for this satellite club? Please see above in red for our criteria.
What other funding is being sourced to help set up and deliver the satellite club? Please include details.
What involvement will/has the NGB had in the design and set up of this club?
How many participants does the club/NGB hope to engage in this Satellite Club, both weekly and in total for the project? Please give figures.
Who will be the workforce of the club be? How many coaches/assistants will run the club?
Does the hub club need volunteers to support the hub club coaches, and who will provide these?
How will the satellite club be marketed, and who will do this? How will the club ensure that young people across the community (i.e from outside of the host venue) can access the satellite?
How will the hub club and satellite club host venue communicate to run the satellite club? Will there be periodical meetings or a steering group?
How will the club be sustained financially beyond the course of the CSP funding? Please also provide details of the hub club’s capacity to accommodate satellite club participants.
What is the proposed start date of this project? How many sessions will the project deliver over its first year?
How has Sport England’s Youth Insight been used to shape the delivery of this satellite club??
Would your club be interested in a Club Matters Workshop to assist with your planning/strategic work? Which workshop would interest you?