Date:Title of the Lesson: Making Change
Curriculum Area: Mathematics Unit of Study: Money
Learning Expectations:What skills, knowledge, attitudes/values do you expect your students to learn?
Students will….
-represent and describe the relationship between coins and bills up to $10.00 (ex. there are 8 quarters in a toonie)
-count and represent (using the $ symbol) the value of a collection of coins and bills with a maximum value of $10.00
-subtract money amounts using currency manipulatives to make simulated purchases and change for amounts up to $10.00 / Social:
Students will….
-work collaboratively with others when engaging in whole class activity
-learn to share, take turns, work together
Assessment & Evaluation (Evidence of learning)
-observation during both whole class activity and worksheet
-completion of worksheet
Materials/Resources: What will you need to prepare in advance?
-cereal boxes
-price tags
-currency manipulatives (coins/bills up to $10.00)
Timing Grouping W-Whole class; S=small group; I=independent
5 min / W
X / S / I / Beginning:Introduction/Hook/Mental Set
- set up a store front (shelf = cereal)
- each box of cereal will have an amount in front of it (using dollars and cents)
- A ‘mini’ bank will be set up in the middle of the circle (as students will be sitting in a circle)
- Look at each cereal box, and have students focus on prices of each box
- have students put boxes in order of price: least to greatest amount
- cereal boxes used as connection to language lesson from morning
-before moving into whole class activity, let students know that we are going to pretend we are at a grocery store, buying cereal
-put story into perspective, by showing example; I’m going to the store with $10.00 and want to buy a box cereal, which can I afford? And will I get change back if I buy it?
10 min
10 min / X / X / Body: Guided practice, Input, modeling, check for understanding, independent practice
Guided practice (Group Engagement)
- As a class, will go cereal box by cereal box and will ask questions:
-How can we show this amount using coins and/or bills? (ex. cereal costs $4.35; have students decide which bills and coins to use to make $4.35)
- Once this has been achieved, ask students
-How much change? (question how they will figure this out; ex. add or subtract)
-Once answered, have students demonstrate on board (each one)
- Then, Ask students to show change in various ways using different types of coins or bills for larger amounts (2-3 different ways)
- After activity, quickly run through worksheet giving examples which will have already been established during activity
- if time does not allow for students to complete their worksheet in class, assign for homework
Teacher modeling:
-will example activity, in terms of giving change back, by incorporating thought provoking questions rather then telling them how to do it
-will use manipulatives such as cereal boxes, chalkboard, money display cards; so as to ensure clear understanding
-will explain worksheet before sending off students to complete it (either at home or school)
Independent practice:
-if time allows, students will be asked to complete their worksheet or begin working on it
-if not enough time, will be asked to take it home and bring it back the next day to be either taken up as a class or handed in
Check for understanding:
-observation during whole class activity; ongoing questioning throughout to ensure clear understanding
-observation/questions during, before, after (including observation while completing worksheet)
-have students hand in worksheet
5 min / X / Conclusion/Closure/Wrap-up
-if worksheet completed, have students hand in to be looked at, reviewed, and marked
-have students explain some of the work they did, allowing students the opportunity to share what they have learned
Accommodations/modifications:How will you change the lesson to meet the needs of individual students?
*Increase time, space, amount*Scribe*Use manipulatives
*Decrease*oral explanation*include visuals
*Change*Peer tutor/Partner*Extend
Extensions & Enrichment
- can ask students the easiest (fastest) way possible to give change (ex. if person needs dollar change, what is faster: one dollar or 4 quarters)
- give students examples of how we can buy something, giving even amount of what is being asked to get even amount back rather then tons more change (if something cost $10.31, will give $11.32 so that I can get an even dollar for change rather then lots of other change
Reflections/Personal Notes