PRESIDENT:Pauline DunnPO BOX 1847

SECRETARY:Di Malcolm (Correspondence)GLADSTONE 4680

Trudy Zussino (Minutes)

District 24Web Site:
Gladstone Website:



NEXT MEETING:Tuesday 19th April 2005 in the Curtis Room at the Country Plaza Int

6.00 pmFellowship

6.30 pmBusiness session

7.15 pm Dinner

APOLOGIES:Ring Sue Smith 49728 5735 (H) if you are bringing a guest or if you wish to apologise - by lunchtime on Tuesday. Failure to apologise will result in a charge to you for the cost of the meal.

BIRTHDAYS:AprilJoanna -27th



*If it is your turn and you will not be at the meeting, please arrange for someone else to take your place.

DIARY NOTES:7 – 9th October 2005 – District 24 Conference – Gold Coast

24 – 29th June 2006 – International Convention – Melbourne, Australia!

Building Zonta for the 21st Century
Inspired by the Challenge of Change



As you most probably are aware our elections will be held during our next dinner meeting.

Please consider taking on a position, either on the executive or the board as these positions help us gain more knowledge and therefore enable us to be stronger Zonta members.

Don't feel that you cannot nominate because you don't have any experience as everyone is very supportive and there is always someone willing to help. Being integral in the decision making of our club can also be very rewarding.

As you know our Nominating Committee has now forwarded a list of prospective board members to the board. The club members will vote at our next dinner meeting.

If you have reconsidered and would like to nominate for a position or would like to nominate another member please feel free to do so at the next dinner meeting.

Again, a huge thankyou to the Nominating Committee, and those of you who have agreed to become a board member.




No Meeting, so No Report for this month.

Carole, Di, Jade, Karen and Wendy .

Membership and Fellowship

Our Committee met on 4 April - Trudy, Sue, & Gloria (apologies from Trish)

  • There are still some outstanding Member Profiles. PLEASE make an effort to complete yours by the April meeting. We want to have them all in by the end of the Zonta year. If you need another form, please contact Trudy. Please do not email them to me, as I will be away from 10 April until 31 July. The completed Profiles are to be emailed to Trudy or handed in at the April dinner meeting at the latest.
  • We have sent letters to 8 women inviting them to join the Club. We hope to get positive responses.
  • Members are reminded that they must complete and submit a Prospective Member form to our committee before we can put their names before the Club.
  • We will be holding an Information Evening as soon as possible (hopefully in May). We propose asking the following people to attend:

Leanne Ibell / GSSS / Sue Gilbert / 4CC
Debbie Steel / Narelle Greenhalgh / CAR
Robyn Sermon / Wendy Beale / QAL
Julie Reitano / GCC / Anna Hitchcock / Waterwatch
Melissa Russell / QAL / Ros Howse / Env Consultant
Vicki Bruton / QAL / Melody Ingra / CAR
Pam Coleman / Goldings / Kim Norton / CQPA
Ros Westman / Hot Print Design / Lorelei Vandalen / CQPA
Saskia Dyke / Verse-style / Judy Whicker / Harbour Fest’vl
Julie Evans / CAR / Meg Knoak / GSSS
Marilyn Haigh / GCC Gardens / Joey Parsons / QAL
Isabel Warman / Potters Place

If you have any comments regarding the above list, or you have names to add to the list, please bring this to the attention of our Committee (Trudy, Sue, Trish, Cath).

Gloria, Trudy, Cathy, Sue, Trisha

Service/Status of Women

No Report

Barbara, Karen Marsh, Kath, Sharon, Gail, Christa

Program, Public Relations & Environment

Speakers: Guest speaker this month is Krysten Booth – Chief of Staff at the Observer. CQPA letter re informing community about developments in the region and the future role of the Port Authority. We will contact them re this.

Library Display: At the last dinner meeting a suggestion was to do a display at the Library – Joanna and Anne have volunteered to do this, but they need stuff. Probably they need to assess what we want to display before booking a time and space. Those who have material need to contact these two.

Zonta Quiz: I am part of a First Responder group here, which is volunteer First Aiders attending 000 calls to Turkey, while the Ambulance is coming. When we completed the Senior First Aid training, we were all a bit unsure that we really knew what we should know. One of our members invented a board game with questions taken from our books. We play this on a regular basis, and it really has reinforced our knowledge. We have all found it very beneficial.

While driving about, I thought maybe we could apply a similar process to Zonta, to inform us all about Zonta. Rather than relying on one person to do it, involve the members through the committees to devise a number of questions, so they will have to do some research either in their manuals, Zontian mag, or the Zonta Website. Bring their questions to a meeting, so that when answers are forthcoming all are able to comment and discuss.

The Board liked this idea, so our committee challenges each other committee to provide three questions for the May changeover Dinner meeting. What better time to expand our knowledge of Zonta at the beginning of a New Year, besides most of you won’t meet again before the April meeting. Maybe if each member creates a question, and take it to their committee. Choose three to bring to the Club meeting. President Pauline – you don’t escape – bring one!

Harbour Festival: Also brought up at the last dinner meeting was the idea of entering a float in the Harbour Festival parade, or an entry in the raft race. Your thoughts on this.

Our next meeting at the ice creamery will be on Wednesday 27th April 2005 at 5.30p.m.

Helen, Bev, Anne, Joanna, Diana

Notes from the Editor – Helen

The following is from my email girlfriend who comes up with some gems.

Words of Wisdom from the "richest" man on earth!! Bill Gates High School Grad Speech. Thought you might like to get Mr. Gates perspective on life. At a recent High School address to Mt. Whitney High in Visalia, CA, he imparted the following 11 Rules to them;
Rule 1 ; Life is not fair - get used to it.
Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000.00 out of High School. You won't be a vice president with a car phone until you EARN both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath you. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping- they called it opportunity.
Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parent’s fault, so don't whine.
Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills; cleaning your clothes, and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents generation, try delousing your own closet in your room first.
Rule 8: Your school may have done away with Winners and Losers, but life has NOT. In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This does not bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off, and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND yourself. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee room and get TO WORK.
Rule 11 ; Be nice to Nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.