Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands Agency

Regular Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2011

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Time: 7:00 P.M.

Date: March 10, 2011

Place: Watertown High School Lecture Hall

324 French Street

Watertown Connecticut

1. Call Meeting to Order

Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.

2. Roll Call

Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy executed the roll call.

Present: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler

Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini

Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy

Mr. Joseph Polletta

Ms. Dorota Habib

Absent: Mr. Michael Genovese

Ms. Martha Sturgis

Mr. Brian Benoit

Mr. Richard Sarandrea

Mr. Todd Robinson

Also Present: Wetlands Enforcement Officer, Mr. Moosa Rafey

Land Use Secretary, Mr. Chuck Bezio

3. Public Participation


4. Action on Minutes

A. Regular Meeting January 13, 2011

B. Public Hearing February 10, 2011 CCIWA Proposed Amendments

C. Regular Meeting February 10, 2011

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini moved to table the minutes to the next regularly scheduled meeting.

SECOND: Mr. Joseph Polletta.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


5. Pending Applications


6. New Applications

A. Application #757 of Lynn Dayton for a permit for existing structures and ongoing activities within upland review area at 0 DiNunzio Road, Watertown, CT.

If a public hearing is not held then a decision is required by May 14, 2011.

Dayton Lynn Dayton the applicant was present and explained the application to the Commission. They advised the Commission that no material will be altered. There is no material that will be deposited or removed. The applicant reviewed the site plan dated 2/17/11 with the Commission.

The site is used to store concrete barriers, steel beams, steel sheeting, pipe (concrete, metal, plastic) storage, containers, office trailers, truck scale, 1000 gal. self contained portable fuel tank, heavy equipment. The applicant’s attorney was not present and requested the application be tabled to the next regular scheduled meeting.

MOTION: Mr. Joseph Polletta moved to schedule a site walk for 4/9/11 at 10:00 A.M.

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


MOTION: Mr. Joseph Polletta moved to table the application to the next regularly scheduled meeting on April 14, 2011.

SECOND: Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


B. Application #759 of Koster Keunen Properties for transfer of Permit #582 from Hard Rock Development to Koster Keunen Properties regarding 1061 Echo Lake Road, Watertown, CT.

A decision is required by May 14, 2011.

Mr. Rafey He explained to the Commission that this is for transfer of permit from one person to another because of a change in ownership. He recommended that approval of this application should be subject to all the original conditions of approval.

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini moved to approve the application subject to all the original conditions of approval.

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


C. Application #760 of David Pope for construction of a new single-family dwelling within upland review area on Lot 10 Fox Crossing Subdivision, Lovley Drive, Watertown, CT.

If a public hearing is not held then a decision is required by May 14, 2011.

Mr. Pope Dave Pope of 85 Northwest Drive, Watertown was present on behalf of P & D Associates and explained the application to the Commission. This is for a single family dwelling 500’ from the street within the upland review area. He advised the Commission that the lot was approved in 2004 with a 50’ wetlands setback at the time. He reported that his clients are able to build closer to the road using the 50’ setback. Our application is to move the house further into the lot using the 50’ set back that was approved prior. The lot is 8.56 acres and they would like to utilize more of the lot for privacy. The front yard of the lot is very sloped. The section of the lot further in from the street is relatively flat and lends itself to a yard better than near the street. We wish to build further in the lot than shown on the original drawings as approved but using the same parameters as approved in 2004. At the start of the construction we plan to install erosion controls, silt fence, anti tracking pad.

They will maintain the erosion controls, silt fence, anti tracking pad throughout the building process. They will remove the silt fence after the lawn is established.

Mr. Rafey He reminded the Commission of extensive review that the Commission had done on this lot. He pointed out that the building location as proposed in the Fox Crossing subdivision approval was the best location for a single family dwelling. The modifications being proposed for are all within the 100’ upland review area. He recommended that the Commission take a site walk in order to determine the impact to wetlands. He requested of the applicant that the following be flagged: centerline of the proposed driveway, wetlands, and conservation easement.

MOTION: Mr. Joseph Polletta moved to schedule a site walk for 4/9/11 subject to the applicant’s surveyor flagging wetlands, conservation easement boundary, and the driveway centerline.

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


MOTION: Mr. Joseph Polletta moved to table the application to the next regularly scheduled meeting on April 14, 2011.

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


7. Old Business

A. Notice of Violation issued to the owner of 633 Park Road, Watertown, CT.

Mr. Rafey He reported to the Commission that no work has been done. It was reported to him that they are dealing with a sick child. He requested that the Commission table the Notice of Violation to the next regularly scheduled meeting on April 14, 2011.

MOTION: Mr. Joseph Polletta moved to table the Notice of Violation issued to the owner of 633 Park Road, Watertown, CT

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


B. Review of the Conservation Commission/ Inland Wetlands Agency By-Laws Conservation Commission/Inland Wetlands Agency.

Mr. Rafey He advised the Commission that there are clerical error and typos that need to be correct in Article VI Section 2.

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini moved to approve the By-laws with the modifications as discussed.

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


8. New Business


9. Communications and Bills

A. State DEP Approval of Authorization for Rehabilitation of Bridge over Steele Brook, Watertown, CT.

B. Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program DVD an Introduction to Map Reading and Site Plan Review

MOTION: Mr. Joseph Polletta moved to accept and file the communication and bills.

SECOND: Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.


10. Reports from Officers and Committees


11. Reports from Staff

A. Agent Determination

1.  Application #758 of Robert Santamaria for demolition of a portion of an existing warehouse building located within upland review area at 676 Northfield Road, Watertown, CT.

Mr. Rafey He advised the Commission that 59’ x 150’ area of an existing warehouse building collapsed due to snow. An intermittent brook exists 25’ to 30’ east of the warehouse wall parallel to the east wall. The collapsed area is within the regulated upland review area.

The collapse is within the 100’ setback of the watercourse and the wetlands area will not be altered at all. A silt fence is proposed to be installed between watercourse and the building. A demo machine will sit on and work from an existing concrete floor starting from the south and proceeding to the north.

12. Public Participation


13.  Adjournment

MOTION: Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 P.M.

SECOND: Mr. Joseph Polletta.


AYES: Chairman, Mr. Edwin Undercuffler; Vice Chairman, Mr. Donato Orsini; Secretary, Mr. Thomas Murphy; Mr. Joseph Polletta; Ms. Dorota Habib.

NAYS: None.




Tom Murphy, Secretary

Conservation Commission

Inland/Wetland Agency