ZimmerFINAL EXAMSpring 2015 (152)


Clean up your current domain webpages to have the proper webpage information as indicated below. Make sure that webpage.html is added to the default webpages for all websites. Enter iptables into a script and know how to start, stop and restart them. Your iptables should allow for email, web access, SSL access, SSH access but not ftp or telnet.

Create an additional domain to the one you have. The list of assigned domain names and ip addresses are specified on page 2 of this document. Be sure to retain your current domain and all the related settings and website structure as you add this new domain.

The domain has some canonical/host names: www and final. This domain should use SSL for everything and only allow access through SSL. Create webpages for the root and final namedhome.html. Add this to your list of default webpages for all websites. Each webpage should include the webpage requirements listed below.

Create a new user named user1 (password edinboro) and a home page named home.html that has the webpage requirements listed below. Create a MySQL account for the user named user1 (password mysqlpw). Create a database for the user1 named hiking with a table called trails. There are two fields in trails: a trailname and a traildistance. Add a few records to this database table. In user1’s website create a webpage, finalform.html, which will update the trails table and once updated simply retrieve the trail data and print it to the response page. The php file to do the transaction on the database and print the response page should be called processfinalform.html. You can use the file: finalform.txt to create finalform.html and the file: processfinalform.txt to create the processfinalform.php.

Create a secure directory in the user1website that uses .htaccess and .htpassword. The username and password should be yourfirstname1(password edinboro). Name the directory protected and the webpage secret.html. Make sure the webpage has the requirements as indicated below.

Create a directory admin1with a webpage secret.htmlassociated withfinal.domainName that only allows access from Create another directoryadmin2 with a webpage secret.htmlassociated withfinal.domainName that uses http authentication provided by Apache httpd. The username should be yourfirstname2 (password edinboro).

The following page has the directory structure for the webpages and directories required.

Webpage Requirements:

All web pages and php files must display the following lines at the top of the webpage and include the specific information as it pertains to that page and website:

Full directory Path to webpage: /…


IP address:

User/host name:

Directory structure to add under this new domain:

List of ip addresses and domain names for new domain:

Student Name / IP address / Domain Name / Timeslot
Lillie, Alex J. / / alillie / 8:00 AM
Wick, Kristopher T. / / kwick / 8:20 AM
Schaming, Luke A. / / lschaming / 8:40 AM
Gardecki, Jordan M. / / jgardecki / 9:00 AM
Rowland, Tara L. / / trowland / 9:20 AM
Dramera, Adama / / adramera / 9:40 AM
Huson, Joshua T. / / jhuson / 10:20 AM
O'Black, Nicholas D. / / noblack / 12:20 PM
Core, Justin M. / / jcore / 12:40 PM
Leonard, Jesse L. / / jleonard / 1:00 PM
Tirums, Todd A. / / ttirums / 1:20 PM
Jakubowski, Zachary / / zjakubowski / 1:40 PM
Anthony, Eric A. / / eanthony / 2:00 PM
Bilski, Jeffrey R. / / jbilski / 2:20 PM
Javens, Ryan C. / / rjavens / 2:40 PM
Genis, Joshua T. / / jgenis / 3:00 PM
Corapi, David J. / / dcorapi / F4:35
Sheehan, Sara O. / / ssheehan / F5:00

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