(07 JUL 89)
Zillertal, Tirol, Österreich
Suggested music:'Zillertaler Ländler' von Tänze der Völker 45-57150
Steps:Ländler (NOT A WALTZ)
Meter:3/4 a ritardo
Formations:Couples in LOD, W free hand on hip, M free hand thumb hold on
upper suspenders, joined inner hands (W L, M R), relaxed low hold.
Swing Under
Ladies Back
Step Through
M start left, W start right
1-2Couples in LOD, dance rest
3 Man brings left thumb up to suspenders at left armpit level (if suspenders
not worn, then under left armpit) left arm bent at elbow, elbow slightly below shoulder height
4 Couple look at each other and acknowledge
1-2Two Ländler steps forward, joined hands forward and back
3-4M continues step while W turns CW under M right arm. As the turn
completes, W ends up in front of M facing RLOD with both hands joined, arms almost fully extended.
1-4M forward LOD, W backward LOD, both with Ländler step, joined hands
sway slightly in-out-in-pull
1-2Using full TWO measures, M walks up beside W so that they are right
shoulder to right shoulder (this is an eight count). As they begin this figure, hands are raised such a "yoke" is formed with LEFT hand behind head, RIGHT hand joined midrange. Couple pulls slightly apart. At this
point, M should be on inside of circle, W on outside.
3-8Couple turns CW 1 time around and on the 8th measure M should be on
inside, W on outside
9-10 Each turns 1/2 around in place (W CW, M CW), hands brought up as they
turn, so they end up left shoulder to left, RIGHT hand behind head, LEFT joined midrange. Couples pull slightly apart.
11-16Same as above, but both turn CCW to end up left shoulder to left shoulder.
Couple does a 3/4 CCW turn so that on 16th measure, couple opens up with W facing LOD, M RLOD
1Keeping hands joined throughout figure, W kneels on right knee, brings
right hand down as low as possible while keeping left up. M takes a step with LEFT foot turning slightly CCW to face the "open circle" made with partner.
2-3M steps over his own left, W's right, with RIGHT foot, continuing CCW
4-5W stands up, M continues CCW turn, bent over at waist, keeping left hand
down and bringing right hand (still joined to W's left) to under his R armpit as he faces W
6M continues bent over CCW turn bringing left hand to under right armpit
7As M comes around to face W again, he begins to stand, taking hands
from under armpit, and W begins CW turn under joined hands
8W completes turn on last beat of measure facing LOD with a pull away
from M. Hands are kept close together
1 Hands are changed such that right hands are crossed over left as W starts
towards M's left
2M stays in place as W circles around him to inside spot so they stand M
right shoulder to W left, M&W left hands under his left armpit, right hands joined with M arm in front of W. (NOTE: As W starts to go around M, he switches their hands so that right hands are over left. He lifts his right hand/arm so that she can go around him and brings joined L hands directly to his L armpit)
3-8Couple circles CCW ending on 8th measure with W outside
9-10M stays in place while W passes behind him to his left (inside), left arm is
extended, joined right hands placed under right armpit.
11-16Couple circles CW ending on 16th measure with W outside
1Bending over at waist, M backs under W left arm.
2M stands up, brings joined hands up above head level as
W begins CW turn
3-8As W continues CW turn, M "follows" CW slower than W, hands
maintained above head level, so that the little window (right shoulder to right elbow, M right hand bent back, palm up with W right hand palm down placed upon it) is formed on the last measure as the M gets to INSIDE
9-16Ländler step CW looking through little window, on first beat M tilts head
slightly towards W, W tilts head slightly away. On second beat, M tilts head slightly away from W, W tilts head slightly towards M. This continues through sequence (continue to look at partner). Make 1 1/2 turns so that sequence ends with M on outside, W on inside
17-18M lifts up hands, W turns CCW, M CW to face opposite direction to begin
other little window.
19-24Same as 3-8, except CCW instead of CW and M using 1 ½ turns to
"make" window and end up on INSIDE
25-32Same as 9-16, except CCW instead of CW.
1-4In "window "position, W facing out, M in, W unwind CW to crossed
hands position on first measure, couple steps away on second, step slightly forward on third, on fourth M kneel on right knee while bringing W's hands to lips and W does slight curtsy.
NOTE: The Zillertaler Ländler is a courtship dance. The dancers movements mimic the movements of figures on the top of a music box.
Introduced into the U.S by the National Austrian Dance Ensemble. These dance notes and choreography were written by Dr. Douglas Lee Hall, Der Deutsche Volkstanzverein von San Antonio. ©1990. May be used for non-commercial purposes without written permission of the author.