Present: Brent Paxton, Chairman

John Lewis, Secretary

Joel Brumlik

Craig Dyke

Sheri Jesiel

Cynthia Johnson

Audrey Liddle

Kent McKenzie

Doug Ower

Linda Sittig

Larry Booth

Absent: Craig Mason

Item 1: Call to Order

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Item 2: Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve March 17 and June 30, 2014 meeting minutes was accepted, seconded and approved by all.

Item 3: Chairman’s Remarks

The Chairman gave a friendly reminder to silence all cell phones during the meeting. Chairman introduced Sherry Jesiel who is taking over for JoAnn Osmond.

Item 4: ZionSolutions Presentations

Decommissioning Status Update

by Gerry van Noordennen, VP of Regulatory Affairs

Mr. van Noordennen introduced himself and gave the audience his background information. He then gave a slide presentation on the Zion Status which included a short video of present site conditions.

Disbursements and Balances

ZionSolutions Nuclear Decommission Trust

Balance Roll Forward – Cash Basis

As of June 30, 2014

($ millions)
Beginning Balance / 801.4
Earnings – Net of taxes and fees / 110.2
Disbursements / (522.8)
Ending Balance / 388.8

Majority of Expenses incurred as follows:

·  Project Management

·  Procurement of casks and canisters for dry fuel storage

·  Waste disposal

·  Planning and preparing for spent fuel transfer

·  ISFSI construction

·  Unit 1 and Unit 2 reactor internals segmentation

·  Asbestos remediation

·  Plant maintenance and security

·  Unit 1 & 2 containment preparation and support

·  Fuel transfer operations

·  Unit 1 and 2 reactor vessel segmentation

Item 5: Comments, Questions and Answers

Panel Comment and Questions

Q: What happens to the water from the pool?

A: We have a discharge permit with the Illinois EPA which allows us to discharge, under very strict limits, to Lake Michigan. The water is processed, filtered, it goes through ion exchanges, then goes into a 20,000 gallon test tank. It must meet the state release limits before release into Lake Michigan. There are also dilution flow pumps to further dilute the water. Thus far, there has never been a discharge permit violation.

Q: Have there been any radiation safety issues?

A: We have had a few personnel contaminations (particles) inside containment, but there has never been an over-exposure contamination. Personnel working inside containment have to go through three sets of scanners before leaving the site.

Q: Regarding license termination – what happens if you can’t meet the threshold?

A: Must reach 25 millirem/year. Just keep cleaning up the site until you get there.

Q: Is the 25 millirem a Federal standard?

A: Federal and State of Illinois standard.

Q: What type of contamination are you finding around the site?

A: Near the Class B & C waste storage area, a couple of little particles have fallen on the soil. This could be due to the drain holes in the casks. All of this will be cleaned up and the soil will be removed.

Q: Have there been any leaks into Lake Michigan?

A: Nothing.

Q: Who is responsible for security on the ISFSI pad?

A: ZionSolutions until project completion. Exelon will take over once the license is transferred back.

Q: Is there a delay in receiving some of the liners?

A: Closing of the GE factory has put them behind schedule. We are short six liners, we have been promised four from another site and the other two when production is back on schedule.

Q: What if costs exceed the trust fund?

A: ZionSolutions has a letter of credit and would be responsible for the difference.

Public Comment and Questions

Q: Please explain the letter of credit.

A: That is the guarantee that EnergySolutions has with Exelon that we would finish the decommissioning.

Q: How much is it to hold the line of credit?

A: Will ask our finance department.

Q: How do you monitor the casks through time? How do you monitor in the lake?

A: There is a radiation monitor with an automatic shut off at the discharge to the lake. Every quarter we do a radiation survey at the ISFSI pad. There are film badge dosimeters hung around the pad and the State of Illinois also has monitoring equipment around the site.

Q: What if something happens to the cask?

A: We send inspectors to the factory that manufactures the casks. We also do inspections on site.

Q: In the next 5-10 years?

A: The oldest ones in existence are 40 years old. NRC requires an Aging Management Program. Inspect them regularly – look for cracks or rust.

Q: Who is responsible for the cost 20 years from now?

A: Exelon as the license holder, DOE, or the Federal government.

Q: Is there any potential for the fuel rods to be reprocessed?

A: It has been done overseas but not yet in the U.S.

Q: Why don’t we have reprocessing?

A: There is no incentive – it’s cheaper to buy new.

Q: What is the size of the pad? How deep is the concrete?

A: There are two pads and each is about the size of a tennis court, 5-6 feet deep.

Q: Are you still planning to be finished in 2019-2020?

A: Right now we are forecasting to be complete in 2018.

Q: When would the resident farmer be able to use the land?

A: 2018, but that is the cleanup standard for License Termination, not for future use

Q: Are those sales taxes primarily – not income taxes?

A: Sales taxes I believe, but will have to verify with our financial personnel.

Q: Was any money used for characterization or testing?

A: I will get you that answer.

Q: The cutting instrument – is that one of a kind?

A: Yes, that was made for Zion.

Q: Why cutting instead of torching for the reactor internals?

A: It would be more difficult and take a lot longer. It would also expose more people to radiation

Q: What was the $16k fine from the NRC?

A: During the ISFSI construction, some drawings were deemed to have had a loss of control between the contractor and subcontractor.

Q: What is the security and monitoring around the site?

A: Security procedures are not public knowledge. We do have scenarios and a terrorist attack is one of those scenarios.

Q: Isn’t the ISFSI pad too close to where the general public could access?

A: No, there is over 100 yards between the pads and the surrounding area.

Q: Two tennis courts are holding all those casks?

A: Yes.

Q: How do they ventilate?

A: Natural circulation.

There were 2 questions previously submitted to the panel in writing. 1.) Is there any reason at this time to think that the current reported level of Decommissioning Trust Funds may be inadequate or insufficient to complete the Zion Decommissioning & Site Rehabilitation Project as was originally forecast? Mr. Van Noordennen answered No. 2.) Are there any large scale pending project forecast changes that will change the original schedule or the parties charged with the Zion Decommissioning & Site Rehabilitation Project? Mr. Van Noordennen answered No.

Item 6: Old Business


Item 7: New Business


Item 8: Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting will be December 8, 2014. The Chairman entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion by Brumlik, seconded by Sittig. Motion was carried unanimously by the Panel. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.