Ythan Community Council
7.00pm Monday 3rd July 2017
Ellon Community Campus
In attendance: Chris Hall, Councillor Davidson, Charles Wolridge Gordon, Sean Buckle, Hamish Garland, Elaine Jones, Melanie Wilson, Stuart Duncan, Charles Coulson, PC David
Apologies: Councillor Owen, Andy Clubb, Councillor Kloppert, Councillor Thomson
- Opening remarks - Charles Wolridge Gordon
- Notice of meeting and apologies – CWG
- Minutes of previous meeting:
Query over where we are with Brewdog (Councillor Davidson had no further update)
Ellon CC – now looking for people to join. Nominations will start at the end of the school holidays.
Travelling Site – no further information.
Scheme of Establishment – It is now complete, feedback will be given.
Noticeboards – apologies from Sean, things will be looked at over the next few months.
Minutes 22nd May 2017
Disappointment over the Christmas lights noted.
Proposal for defibrillators to be fitted in areas with money from Community Council. Discussion around which type of defibrillator to fit, and where to fit them. Can we find someone to come and talk to the Community Council about the different kinds that are available and training? Elaine has already investigated and has information, and will ask Cheryl Jones to come to the next meeting to explain. Action EJ
Discussion around the bridge repairs and whether the council or we would spend money on getting the bridge repaired. Councillor Davidson will look into repairs. Action Councillor Davidson.
Ythan Biodiversity Volunteers – also are always looking for donations to help them keep running.
Minutes proposed and accepted.
Minutes from AGM 3/7/17
Secretary and Vice Chairman: nominated – Charles Coulson
Chris Hall proposed
Elaine Jones seconded
Minutes proposed and accepted.
- Matters Arising: See above
- Chairman’s report: Good news that we have targets for our September meeting.
- Secretary’s report :
Meeting Schedule for 2017/18:
Monday 4th September 2017
Monday 6th November 2017
Monday 15th January 2018
Monday 5th March 2018
Monday 14th May 2018 (revisit to decide when the AGM should take place)
See comments below in planning and LDP 2017
- Treasurer’s report
£7363.07 in the bank
Money to be transferred for spending during the Hustings 2017.
- Councillors’ reports
Recycling is soon to be glass and textiles at recycle points at smaller recycling points.
Please let Councillor Davidson know if you require ‘mini glass recycling centre’.
Speed bumps at the new recycling centre have been mentioned.
Drainage in Ythanbank – we are no further forward.
- Planning and LDP 2017:
Stone interceptor drain for Connon’s – issue that has been brought to council.
SEPA have been asked to have oversight of the planning, YCC have asked to have this in place to ensure that it is overseen throughout the planning process. To have an independent viewpoint over the process.
Comments in planning – The comments are not anonymous this can cause problems for neighbouring applications. The way in which the paperwork is in place is not anonymous. Councillor Davidson says it cannot be anonymous. YCC should have an address that states it is from the council not an individual.
LDP - Inaccurate and out of date, and the narrative is also not accurate.
This is the start of the new planning until 2022. We need to think about what the residents of the Ythanbank area would want for the future. There are sites all over Aberdeenshire which are not progressed and can be removed from the Plan.
YCC would like to call a public meeting around this – around September 2017. This would generate a feeling for demand for planning, business and recreation.
Action: Find out when the staffroom is free end of August – Mel.
- Police report:
‘Speeding initiative’ is helping curb speeding in the local area.
We have 2 speed detectors that can be deployed around the area, Police Scotland are looking for suggestions as where they should be deployed. Some cars have been seized, through anti-social driving.
Hare-coursing has also been a problem with has been on police radar. Registration or photograph would help the police greatly. Intelligence is the best way for the police to find out what is going on and to try to put a stop to it.
Inquisitive Crimes are also still an issue in the local area. Leaving doors unlocked is an ongoing issue.
Current Policing numbers are around 20 (twinned with Turriff)
Ythanbank – has been made as a suggestion for use of speed detectors.
Chris received an email regarding optimising web search for YCC.
We haven’t used it, even though we have the domain.
- Date of next meeting – Monday 4th September 2017 1900.