2017 - 2018
Ysgol Pen Y Bryn School Improvement Plan
2017– 2018
This document meets Welsh Government regulations 155/2014
Timeline / Date / Staff and GB MembersPlanning / May-September 2017 / SLT and HV (Chair of GB)
Reviewing / June 2018 / SLT and HV (Chair of GB)
Contents / Page
Contextual information
Progress since last inspection
Evaluation of 2016-17 priorities
Three year priorities
Priorities 2017-18
Policy review
Other Continuing Aspects to be Improved/Implemented
Staff development plan
Contextual Information
Current National Category / GreenStrategic Overview 2017-2018
Workforce Planning: Number of FTE Teachers / 19
Workforce Planning: Number of Support staff / 74
Workforce Planning: Number of FTE Support staff / 61
Grant Finance 2017-2018
Source of Funding / Purpose / Sum
Education Improvement Grant / Ensure each pupil profits from excellent teaching and learning, focusing on
•Improving Literacy
•Improving Numeracy
•Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment / £8,303
Pupil Development Grant / Breaking the link between disadvantage and educational attainment / £40,205
WG Pioneer Schools’ Funding / Design, develop and pioneer a new curriculum for Wales (Qualified for Life) / £7,500 (0.25% of £30,000 for 4 school network)
Lead Creative schools grant
ALN innovation fund / Deliver ALN outreach services to STF and mainstream partners / £10,000
2017-2018 / R1 / Y1 / Y2 / Y3 / Y4 / Y5 / Y6 / Y7 / Y8 / Y9 / Y10 / Y11 / Y12 / Y13 / Y14 / TotalAll Pupils / 2 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 18 / 19 / 13 / 11 / 16 / 12 / 15 / 16 / 132
Male / 1 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 13 / 11 / 9 / 9 / 10 / 6 / 13 / 13 / 95
Female / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5 / 8 / 4 / 2 / 6 / 6 / 2 / 3 / 37
Eligible for Free School Meals / 2 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 7 / 7 / 3 / 6 / 9 / 4 / 6 / 10 / 57
Looked After Children / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 5
English as an additional Language / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 0 / 3 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 11
Special Educational Needs (Statement) / 2 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 18 / 19 / 13 / 11 / 16 / 12 / 15 / 16 / 132
IEP TargetsLiteracy / Numeracy / All Targets
All pupils / 88% / 88% / 85%
Male / 88% / 88% / 85%
Female / 88% / 88% / 85%
EFSM / 88% / 88% / 85%
EAL / 85% / 88% / 85%
Attendance Targets
2018 / 2019 / 2020
93% / 93.5% / 94%
Progress since the Last Inspection
Date of Last Inspection: October 2013 / Current Performance:Good / Prospects for Improvement: Good / Subsequent Monitoring:
Recommendation / Very good progress / Strong progress / Satisfactory progress / Limited progress
Tackles the recommendation in every way / Tackles the recommendation on the whole / Tackles the recommendation in many ways / Does not satisfy the recommendation
Definition / Does not require any further attention to this aspect.
Very good effect on the quality of provision / Requires attention only to minor aspects.
Positive effect on standards and/or quality of provision. / Continues to require substantial attention to some important aspects.
Limited effect on standards and/or quality of provision. / Each aspect or many important aspects continue/s to require attention.
No effect on standards and/or quality of provision.
R1: Ensure the self-evaluation report is evaluative and clearly identifies the school’s strengths and weaknesses. / The SER is created collaboratively; the SLT are all involved and it is also shared with Governors; It incorporates a range of data; it is clearly aligned to the Estyn framework; there are aspects of evaluation and it is contextualised and detailed; each section has clear areas for improvement and it uses proportional language; and it is evidence based throughout. Review of the current SER has taken place and there is more focus on impact. There is evaluation of sector- leading practice. The new draft SER is fully aligned to Common Inspection Framework (CIF) and has significant contribution from the distributed leadership team. The new template promotes an evidence- based approach. Next steps will ensure that an evidence-based approach to qualitative and quantative data is regular and robust and clearly demonstrates relevant impact on pupil outcomes.
R2: Strengthen the role of the Governing Body in challenging the work of the school. / The Chair of Governors is passionate about the success of the school and the role of the Governors within it; he has been influential in all recent appointments; governors have actively involved themselves in a variety of training; since the last inspection the training has focused on: Data analysis training by the deputy headteacher; Successful Futures presentation to GB by the headteacher and performance management training; there is now a link governor for assessment, safeguarding, attendance and human resources, which has had huge impact on the positive effect of distributed leadership; there is greater supportive challenge from GB within the school priorities, IEPoutcomes, rationale for changes to the staffing structure; performance management restructure; Age based ‘upper school, lower school environmental change and protecting and developing the ethos of the school; perception and links with the wider community are made stronger through work of the Chair; The FAST project (families and schools together and the only special school in Wales to be involved); governors have supported the re-established PTA, Swansea schools newsletter and a host of community partners are accessed through the Governing Body, impacting on provision and enrichment. The school has ahigher profile because of this work; Governing body meetings are scheduled in the day so that they can link directly to thechildren; there are forums whereby the governors can question and a structure for doing so: Why any changes are beingmade? What will happen during the change? How will it help the pupils?The Chair of the Governing Body attends senior management team meetings on a regular basis and SLT SIP planning sessions. The governor with responsibility for safeguarding meets regularly with the deputy head and they report jointly on safeguarding issues to the governing body and the SLT. A governor is linked to each of the 6 areas of the curriculum who develop skills through undertaking learning walks. Data, moderation and standardization judgments are agreed in Governing Body meetings and recorded in minutes. Any challenge made by the Governing Body is noted in GB minutes of meetings.
R3: Where teaching is excellent, make sure that teachers share their good practice across the school. / The successful Pioneer School bid has increased the potential and validated capacity for this to develop; distributed leadership model is ensuring that there are staff accountable for this to be planned into the monitoring cycle; joint working within special sector and across into mainstream provision is widening opportunity; deputy headteacher worked within the local authority to share good practice across SEN provision in the city; peer observations are developing pedagogy around good teaching and learning; innovative practice for viewing lesson observations is being led by the new assessment coordinator; TAs are involved in lesson observations; there are exemplar teaching observations for NQTs and new teachers and good practice presentations at ADDs and the strategic plan is to involve governors in learning walks and increase TA involvement. There is a calendar in place for a program of SLT and peer observations and follow up learning walks (with Governors and challenge advisor) which has enabled excellent teaching to be highlighted and has informed professional development days. ADDs scheduling facilitates sharing excellent teaching and learning practices, and opportunities to team teach are planned to enable. Teachers with specific expertise and track records of success in specific areas to share their good practice with colleagues. Data confirms the positive impact on behaviour outcomes and pupil progress via improved IEP target achievement.
R4: Increase the opportunities for pupils to work alongside peers from their mainstream schools. / We are developing a professional mainstream connection, which will lead to more opportunities for pupils. From September 2016 KS5 pupils will study Entry level Science at Bishop Vaughan Secondary school. There are more bespoke pathways for older pupils; the work is being done in the production of the Swansea newspaper; joint sporting activities with 100 pupils from STFs; Golf and tennis tournaments, which happen termly.
School and Governing Body appraisal of the progress with 2015-2016 priorities
Very Good Progress / Strong Progress / Satisfactory Progress / Limited progressPriority 1.1: Raise standards of Literacy and Numeracy
Literacy target of 88% was exceeded, a 6% rise on the 84% achieved in 2015/16 and an 11% increase on the 2014/15 figure.
Numeracy target of 88% was achieved a 5% rise on the 83% achieved in 2015/16 and a 9% increase on the 2014/15 figure / Very Good Progress
Priority 1.2: Ensure IEP targets are consistently robust
IEP targets are set termly for literacy, numeracy, communication, digital literacy and wellbeing/behaviour. The targets are set by the class teacher in consultation with the class team. The targets undergo two rounds of quality assurance, first scrutinised by Key Stage leaders and then by SLT to ensure they are relevant and robust. / Strong Progress
Priority 1.3: Ensure all PM objectives detail a pupil performance target identifying quantifiable responsibility for IEP target outcomes
All PM objectives detail a pupil performance target identifying quantifiable responsibility for IEP target outcomes.As a result the whole schoolIEP target of 85% was exceeded by 3% points with 88% of all IEP targets being achieved by pupils, a 5% rise on the 83% achieved in 2015/16 and a 14% increase on the 2014/15 figure. / Very Good Progress
Priority 1.4:Ensure pupils’ IEP targets are the learning objectives for all learning experiences
14-19 curriculum has been revised and now offers every pupil the opportunity to follow a bespoke learning pathway which includes an individual suite of formal, informal and vocational learning experiences and qualifications. Work is well advanced in making every pupils’ IEP targets the prime objective for all learning activities and experiences thus personalising the learning pathway and ensuring targeted differentiation for all pupils from entry (whether at Foundation stage, Primary, KS3/4 or 5) through their school tenure. Performance management targets assign responsibility for specific IEP targets to support staff ensuring learning objectives within all lessons focus on individual pupils’ IEP targets. / Strong Progress
Priority 1.5:Reducing the effects of poverty and social disadvantage on educational attainment
EFSM pupils achieved 88% of all IEP targets equal to the school average clearly demonstrating success in reducing the effects of poverty and social disadvantage. / Very Good Progress
Priority 1.6:Set 24 hour curriculum IEP targets for pupils accessing the residential unit
All pupils who access the residential unit have a 24 hour curriculum IEP target for the duration of their time in the residence. G Band pupils who access for a longer period are set long term personal development targets. E Band pupils who access for a fixed period of one term are set specific independent living skills targets. / Strong Progress
Priority 2:Continuetoreviewcurriculum provisiontomatchtheimplementationof‘Qualified for Life’ as a Welsh Government curriculum pioneer school
We successfully planned and delivered a joint INSET day ‘Qualified for Life’ conference for Curriculum pioneer network partners (Crug Glas, Hendrefelin, Maes Y Coed) and followed this with a joint INSET day of sharing excellence in pedagogy with 24 workshops highlighting and sharing effective classroom practice. We have established and introduced a curriculum based on 6 AoLEs, with 3 cross curricular themes andhave established special school network PLCs for each of the 6 AoLEs (four of which are led by our WG curriculum pioneer network AoLE leads). We continue to fulfil our commitment as Strategic lead pioneer school as member of strategic steering group and our national commitment as a WG pioneer school to implement WG strategy for the design and implementation of ‘Qualified for Life’ / Very Good Progress
Priority 3:: Review the school vision and ensure it describes who we are as a school and community and demonstrates commitment to the four purposes of ‘Qualified for Life’
Although a number of the initial actions to achieve this priority have been undertaken the SLT and governors made a decision to arrest the advance of this priority until the full training and understanding of the ‘Thrive’ programme is embedded as this will inevitably have a significant impact on our future vision. / Limited progress
School’s three year Priorities 2016-19
Inspection Area 1:Standards / Inspection Area 2:
Wellbeingand Attitudes to Learning / Inspection Area 3:
Teaching & Learning Experiences / Inspection Area 4:
Care Support & Guidance / Inspection Area 5:
Leadership & Management
2017-2018 / Ensure IEP targets are relevant, consistently robust and the focus of all learning. / Ensure every pupil receives the support to enable them to engage fully in school life and makes progress appropriate to their ability / Continuetoreviewcurriculum provisiontomatchtheimplementationof‘Qualified for Life’ as a Welsh Government curriculum pioneer school / Ensure all pupils have access to a safe, appropriate, exciting and progressive curriculum in which every individual is valued and given every opportunity to reach their potential. / Continue to develop distributed leadership, build leadership capacity in all staff and develop succession planning
2018-2019 / Raise standards in literacy, numeracy, communication and digital competency by setting and achieving robust IEP targets / Ensure every pupil receives the support to enable them to engage fully in school life and makes progress appropriate to their ability / Continuetoreviewcurriculum provisiontomatchtheimplementationof‘Qualified for Life’ as a Welsh Government curriculum pioneer school / Ensure all pupils have access to a safe, appropriate, exciting and progressive curriculum in which every individual is valued and given every opportunity to reach their potential. / Continue to develop distributed leadership, build leadership capacity in all staff and develop succession planning
2019-2020 / Raise standards in literacy, numeracy, communication and digital competency by setting and achieving robust IEP targets / Ensure every pupil receives the support to enable them to engage fully in school life and makes progress appropriate to their ability / Continuetoreviewcurriculum provisiontomatchtheimplementationof‘Qualified for Life’ as a Welsh Government curriculum pioneer school / Ensure all pupils have access to a safe, appropriate, exciting and progressive curriculum in which every individual is valued and given every opportunity to reach their potential. / Continue to develop distributed leadership, build leadership capacity in all staff and develop succession planning
Priorities 2017-2018
Inspection Area 1:Standards1.1 Standards and progress overall
1.2 Standards and progress of specific groups
1.3 Standards and progress in skills
Priority 1: Ensure IEP targets are relevant, consistently robust and the focus of all learning. Raise standards in literacy, numeracy, communication and digital competency by setting and achieving robust IEP targets
Links to Curriculum purposes:
- Ambitious, capable learners
- Enterprising, creative contributors
- Ethical, informed citizens
- Healthy, confident individuals
- R2
- R3
Internal Accountability:
- AoLE link governors
- 100% of lessons good or better
- IEP targets are consistently robust with increased number of pupils achieving their targets
- Ysgol Pen-Y-Bryn is a Total Communicative School
Key for Milestone Evaluation
Very Good Progress / Strong Progress / Satisfactory Progress / Limited Progress
Actions / Who / Milestone Term 1 / Milestone Term 2 / Milestone Term 3 / CPD Needs / Source of Finance & Cost / Monitoring and Evidence
1 / 100% of lessons are good or better – / All staff / Autumn Term Lesson observations, learning walks confirm all lessons good or better / Trust trios, learning walks confirm all lessons good or better / Summer term triangulated lesson observations and lesson box, learning walks confirm all lessons good or better / Training provided for identified areas for development / Lesson Box £4000 PYB cost centres / SLT, Governors, CMG, ADDs , MER calendar, lesson observations, trust trios, learning walks, work scrutiny
2 / 85% of all IEP targets achieved – / All teachers / Autumn term quality control checking (KS leaders /AB/CH) / Spring term quality control checking (KS leaders / SLT) / Summer term quality control checking (KS leaders / SLT) / IEP target setting induction for new members of staff
Adds on SMART IEP target setting for all staff / EIG grant, PYB cost centres / SLT, Governors, CMG, ADDs , IEP data, ARR calendar, MER calendar
3 / 88% of Literacy and Numeracy IEP targets are achieved / All teachers / Autumn term quality control checking (KS leaders / AB/CH) / Spring term quality control checking (KS leaders / SLT) / Summer term quality control checking (KS leaders / SLT) / IEP target setting induction for new members of staff
Adds on SMART IEP target setting for all staff / EIG grant, PYB cost centres, SWASSH moderation network £1,500 / SLT, Governors, CMG, ADDs, IEP data, ARR calendar, MER calendar
4 / Ensure all PM objectives detail a pupil performance target identifying quantifiable responsibility for IEP target outcomes / PM line managers / Quality control PM documentation (GS/BP) / PM February review confirms on track to achieve pupil progress targets (PM line managers) / PM review confirms pupil progress targets achieved (PM line managers) / Identified in PM documentation / EIG grant, PYB cost centres / SLT, Governors, CMG, ADDs , IEP data, ARR calendar, MER calendar
5 / Ensure pupils’ IEP targets are the focus of all teaching and learning activities / All teachers / Teachers short term plans confirm IEP targets as learning focus (AB/CH) / Lesson observations and learning walks confirm IEP targets as learning focus (SLT/TLRs/Govnrs) / 100% of observed lessons good or better / ADDS time sharing good practice & data analysis (teaching/planning)
Peer observations
ERW special schools network (lesson toolkit ) / EIG GRANT
WG curriculum pioneers funding, PYB cost centres / SLT, Governors, CMG, ADDs, Lesson observations
Learning walks
Medium term planning
Building Blocks
6 / Raise standards in literacy, numeracy, communication and digital competency / All teachers / 88% of Autumn term LNF + DCF IEP targets achieved / 88% of Spring term LNF + DCF IEP targets achieved / 88% of Summer term LNF + DCF IEP targets achieved / ADDS moderation
SWASSH consortium LNF moderation network