Grant Guidelines & Application Form

This program has been established in partnership with the local community, Victorian Government and the Geelong Community Enterprise, a franchise of the Bendigo Bank.


The YPAC (Young Peoples Action Committee) of 3219 have established the – TRICKYGrants Program.

T- ogether with

R – espect we can

I - mprove

C - ommunity

K – knowledge of

Y - outh


(To see the young people in the Whittington, Newcomb, Thomson community involved in making 3219 a better place for everyone to live).

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Charitable and not-for-profit organisations can apply for funding for projects and activities that offer clear benefit to young people in the local community. The projects must contribute to their development in community capacity building and community welfare, leadership, training and mentoring, environmental, health, educational or arts and cultural areas.
  • Grants of up to $1,500 will be considered for projects that make a difference to the community.
  • Projects will receive priority that involve the Whittington, Newcomb, Thomson community, and activities that involve young people.
  • To be eligible, projects must be for a charitable purpose.
  • These funds are unrestricted and available for general charitable purposes. All applications for projects which are charitable will be received and considered.
  • Organisations must have an ABN or an auspice organisation.

YFV will fund initiatives that are directed at local, youth-led community strengthening projects and which address the issues faced by diverse young people in disadvantaged communities. Such projects cover a broad range of areas:

  • Youth led projects – supporting local youth
  • Leadership, training and mentoring
  • Youth in philanthropy
  • Environmental projects
  • Arts and cultural initiatives/activities
  • Disability support projects
  • Early intervention initiatives
  • Health promotion projects
  • Community building projects
  • Education projects (e.g. a homework group)

For example, funded projects could include (but are not limited to):

  • creating an on-line virtual community or conducting oral history projects that revitalise local community museums to celebrate diversity within a community and encourage cross-cultural and inter-generational connections
  • supporting young people in participating communities to access education and training to develop skills and improve their job prospects
  • developing a local e-zine to build publishing and web development skills and build networks in the community
  • producing a mural on a community centre wall to promote the artistic and cultural contribution of young people
  • developing a local youth land care group to improve or protect the local environment
  • establishing homework clubs

How to Apply

In order to apply for a grant the application form contained in this document must be completed. Applications for funding that are not provided in the correct form will not be accepted.

Two signed copies of the application and any supporting documentation may be submitted to:

Leanne Micallef, Youth Foundations Victoria, 351 Moorabool St, Geelong, Vic 3220

at your earliest convenience. This is an open round, and all applications will be considered and evaluated until funding is exhausted.

For further information contact Leanne Micallefon 0430 211 423, or

email to .

Youth Foundations Victoria, TRICKYGrants Program

Grant Application Form

Organisation Details

Organisation Name:

Organisation Head Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss

Position Held:

Daytime Phone No: ( )

Postal Address of Organisation

Contact Person Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss

Position Held:

Daytime Phone No: ( )


Fax: ( ) Mobile:

Australian Business Number (Please provide number or other proof of incorporation)

Intermediary Organisation Name:

Intermediary Organisation Australian Business Number

Postal Address of Intermediary Organisation:

ATO EndorsementsDGR Yes No

TCC Yes No

Is your organisation or intermediary organisation registered for GST? Yes No

Is your organisation or group incorporated? Yes No

Priority Area Your Application Supports

Youth led projects – supporting local youth

Leadership, training and mentoring

Youth in philanthropy

Environmental projects

Arts and cultural initiatives/activities

Disability support projects

Early intervention initiatives

Health promotions projects

Community building projects

Education projects (e.g. a homework group)

What Does Your Organisation Do?

(Please provide mission, founding date, major programs and distinctive organisational attributes, number of members, number of staff and/or volunteers)

Project Details

Project Name

Grant Amount Requested – Maximum of $1,500

What are you going to do?

(Describe your project in one or two sentences)

Why do you want to do this project?

What will the project achieve?

(Describe the outcomes for young people involved and for the local community)

How does the project respond to and build on identified local community strengths and needs?

How will you carry out this project?

Who will you collaborate/partner with across the community to meet your Project Goals?

Have you received other grants in the past?

(Please provide names and amounts. Grants may have been provided by government (local, state, federal), philanthropic trusts/foundations or corporations)

How much will it cost?

(Please attach a detailed project budget, including total income and expenditure, program coordination, promotional material, training, transport, materials and other project costs. Is your proposal part of a bigger project? Who else have you sought funds from?)

Timeframe - Program Start And End Date

(Please outline the expected date that this project would become operational and be completed.)

How will you measure your success?

Supporting documentation

Audited Financial Statement Annual Report

DGR / TCC statements if applicable Photographs

Project Budget Support Letters

Past promotional material Quotes

Youth led projects – supporting local youth

Any other relevant information (please specify)

On behalf of the organisation for which I am authorised to act, I acknowledge and understand that all applications become the property of Youth Foundations Victoria, 3219. I agree/disagree that Youth Foundations Victoria, 3219 may provide this application to other potential funding sources.


Name/ Title

Two signed copies of the application and any supporting documentation may be submitted to:

Leanne Micallef, Youth Foundations Victoria, 351 Moorabool St, Geelong, Vic 3220

at your earliest convenience. This is an open round, and all applications will be considered and evaluated until funding is exhausted.

For further information contact Leanne Micallef on 0430 211 423, or

email to .