Rur It Ania Project
Youth Exchange in Belgium - “Beyond the Future”
Call for participants
Who?25 young people (20 participants and 5 youth leaders) from 16to 22 years old coming from Albania (BB), Bosnia&Herzegovina (YCC), Belgium (CBB), Estonia (ESTYES) and Serbia (YRS).This group will be socially and culturally diverse, and will bring together young peoplefrom different rural areas or facing geographical difficulties.
When? From August 21thtill September 03rd 2017(travel days included).
Where?In Marche-en-Famenne, a semi-rural lively town, located in the French-speaking part of Belgium.
To do what?
To think about which are the expectations, hopes, desires, fears and dreams of the young people projected to the future, to find creative solutions to“the problems” of the world, to promote the use of new technologies, to make videos with special effects, to enjoy a unique international group life and… to go boldly where no man as gone before!!!
The idea to organize this youth exchange comes from the big question: What will our future be?
We will try to answer this question with artistic workshops, debates, round tables, role play sessions, guided tours, new technologies and video workshops.
The final outcome of this youth exchange will be a video that describes how the participants imagine the future and that will be publicly presented.
During the exchange, we will alternate debates, meetings, cultural visits,role plays sessions, new technologies and artistic video workshops.
An important part of the program will be dedicated to learn how to use video camera and how to produce our own movie.
The community life, the meeting between the participants simply through leisure time activities and the sharing of tasks from the daily life (cooking, cleaning, shopping…) will also be an important aspect of the exchange.
All together we will have a big trip into the future.
Living conditions and accommodation: The participants will be accommodated in a former boarding school from Marche-en-Famenne (complexe Saint-François) and will share double or triple bedrooms. They will have a kitchen, a big meeting room and an outdoor terrace.
Competences and learnings outcomes tackled by the exchange:
This youth exchange has the objective of fostering an international/intercultural supportive environment for practicing and improving basic IT and IC skill and many others competencies such as solidarity to others, teamwork, independent travelling, intercultural exchange and dialogue, communication in English language, Information on mobility opportunities…
Expectations towards the participants:
By signing in for this project, we ask you to:
-Be prepared to empower your imagination and to explore your creative skills
-Be ready for an artistic project and to be involved in the production of a video movie
-Be ready to share a rich international group life,to share your culture, your personality and to learn from the other participants’culture and personality.
-To be prepared to live an experience where they will be responsible of the different aspects of the project: food, tidiness of the place, shopping…
L’asbl Compagnons Bâtisseurs est un association de chantiers de jeunes reconnue et subventionnée, en tant qu’Organisation de jeunesse, par le Ministère de la Jeunesse de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, membre de la Confédération des Organisations de Jeunesse (COJ) et de l’Alliance européenne des associations de service volontaire (ALLIANCE).
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