Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee Youth Subcommittee Application

Please complete this application to the best of your ability and fill out all of the information. If you have any questions please contact John Richmond (/575-494-0105) or Erica Padilla (/505-660-9315). Please email/returnPage 1 only back to John Richmond or mail them to Erica Padilla PODrawer 5160 Rm 209, Santa Fe NM 87502.

Contact Information

Name(Last, First)
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Home Phone / () -
Cell Phone / ( ) -
E-Mail Address


Are you locally involved at your continuum site?
Yes How Long ______
If no, would you be willing to serve locally?
How did you hear about the Youth Subcommittee?
Why are you interested in being a member of the youth subcommittee?


By submitting this application, I understand that the answers I have given are true and complete. By signing this application I confirm that I have read and agree to all expectations and responsibilities attached to this application.


Signature Date Signed

“The strength of the team is each individual member.

The strength of each member is the team”

-Phil Jackson

JJAC Youth Subcommittee

Expectations and Roles


  1. Participate in 9 monthly meetings per calendar year (3 unexcused absences allowed)
  2. Absences may be excused by: Doodle, e-mail, call or text to the committee chair or co-chair
  3. Special circumstances will be considered by chair and co-chair
  1. Be professional
  2. Be on time
  3. Communicate professionally: limit slang and acronyms, use appropriate and respectful language
  1. Contribute
  2. Use your voice and speak up: your opinions and experiences are valued, be empowered to advocate in and on behalf of the subcommittee
  3. Come with an open mind
  4. Create a safe and comfortable environment
  5. Share agenda time, allow others to participate
  6. Be respectful of one another
  7. Recognize other people’s strengths, not weaknesses; empower others; separate person from behavior
  8. Treat others as you would like to be treated
  9. Be truthful and fair
  10. If an issue occurs and you feel you need support you can reach out to:
  11. A mentor
  12. Chair or co-chair
  13. Fellow member

*If expectations have not been met, members will be considered inactive


  1. Youth member
  2. Actively participate in conference calls
  3. 12 month commitment
  4. Attend annual retreat
  5. Stay informed on current state and local juvenile justice initiatives
  6. Follow expectations of the subcommittee
  1. Adult mentor
  2. Actively participate in conference calls
  3. Attend annual retreat
  4. Stay informed on current state and local juvenile justice initiatives
  5. Follow expectations of the subcommittee
  6. Support youth and be available to mentor youth members as necessary
  1. Roles of the Chair shall include but not be limited to:
  2. Keep a current log of members and attendance
  3. Send out meeting reminders
  4. Develop agendas
  5. Facilitate meetings
  6. Send out follow up emails
  7. Maintain communication with members
  8. Liaison to State staff and JJAC board chair
  9. Represent JJAC youth subcommittee in all official events
  10. If members do not meet expectations it will be at the discretion of the Chair to move members to an inactive status
  1. Roles of the Co-Chair shall include but not be limited to:
  2. Assume the Chair’s duties in the Chair’s absence
  3. Assume any and all duties as requested by the Chair

“The strength of the team is each individual member.

The strength of each member is the team”

-Phil Jackson

Updated June 2014

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