Youth Advisory Council

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Meeting Minutes

1.  Call to Order – 6:43pm

2.  Regular Business

a) Pledge of Allegiance

b) Roll Call

Present: Ariagno, Armstrong, Bakker, Bos, Kuipers, Parsons, Trameri, Ziegeler

Excused: Scholten

Staff: Ms. Kim, Mrs. DeBoer, Chelsea Barfield

c) Approval of Minutes - moved by Trameri and seconded by Kuipers

3.  Guests:

·  Charlie Kolean – MAX

Kolean reports that the MAX bus raised fairs by 100% (from $1 to $2). Kolean also shared that MAX bus has received a grant to build a new bus depot. Some complaints of the bus is that they need to have bigger bike racks, and so they will be doing so by adding more spaces for bikes. MAX bus also had recently serviced 3 million riders.

·  Clara Bakker – Sustainability

Focused on the Holland Energy plan, members were rather frustrated with it. Bakker said that they might be moving into a new direction such as water management. They are building a newer and more efficient gas plant by BPW, but it will not be operational until the year 2016

4.  Subcommittee & Member Reports

Ø  Recreation Committee

§  “Run of the Mill” will hopefully be planned in partnership with Gazelle


§  The run will be held April 20th, the opening day of Windmill Island.

Ø  Social Services Committee

§  Starting to take applicationss for the Raise your voice program. Trameri is the first to sign up, and we are still looking for more.

Ø  Special Events Committee

§  They were forced to push back The Mixer due to a few planning mishaps. The Mixer won’t be possible in January or February. We don’t want The Mixer to overlap with planning for the auction that will also be happening. We may have to look for another location that is available. The WOW center is an option that we noted. There is also no more white out theme, so the new theme is an 80s look.

5.  Continuing Business

Ø  HYAC Christmas volunteer activity- Ring Salvation Army Bells

·  HYAC will be ringing bells outside of Sandcastle and JP’s (Sandcastle 4-6 and JP’s 5-7)

Ø  HRC Social Justice Award- final selection

·  We noted that Bri hasn’t had an update since January of 2012. Julia wrote an amazing letter to nominate Ethan King, and he will be who we nominate for this year’s Youth Social Justice Award.

Ø  Youth Talent Show Planning

·  Matt is writing a letter to contact businesses for sponsors.

·  Tyler is busy working on creating a flyer for the event.

·  We discussed the idea of having a registration fee of $5/act. We also considered having tryouts at the City Hall or possibly the Library.

·  Also, Ms. Kim is going to talk to the library student board to potentially partner with us for the event.

6.  New Business

Ø  Mayor’s Roundtable – February 4, 2013

o  We talked about the Model Community idea. We also conversed about the White Paper Booklet ideas. All participants will get to select their topic discussion grou.

o  HYAC Core will be the hosts of the event.

o  So far, Lindsay, Tyler, Connor K., Julia, Matt, Alyssa, Clara and Connor B. have RSVP’d.

7.  Communications from Staff/Others: no announcements to make

8.  Public Comment: No public present to comment.

9.  Next Meeting: Thursday, January 10, 5:30pm(dinner)/6:15pm (mtg)

10.  Adjournment: 8:29pm