yoUrTOPIA Assignment

For this assignment, your group will be designing your ideal society. Below are the requirements you must meet.

1. Cover

a. Name of Your Utopian Society Choose a creative and appropriate

name to represent your new society.

b. Utopian Motto and Seal Create a slogan or motto that inhabitants of

your utopia will follow and design a seal. On the inside of the cover,

explain the reasons for your society’s name and the symbolism of any

elements in your seal.

2. Declaration of Independence Write a statement (2-3 paragraphs) citing the

reasons for your formation of your society. In other words, what specifically

don’t you like about current society? How has the current society broken trust

with you? Why do you feel the need to form a “more perfect” society? You

might refer to the U.S. Declaration of Independence for ideas.

3. List of Rules Develop a list of at least ten rules that all community members

will follow. Provide a rationale for each rule.

4. Governing Body How will the government of this utopia be structured? Will

you have a democracy, an anarchy, a monarchy, or a dictatorship? How will

your utopia make decisions? What will be the election process?

5. Social Beliefs How will food, shelter, medical care and other

necessities be provided? What will churches, schools, recreation, holidays

look like?

6. Daily Itinerary How will utopia inhabitants spend their time during the week?

Develop a schedule that a community member might follow during a typical

day (this should be broken down by the hour).

7. Advertisement Develop an ad promoting your community as an ideal place

to live. Include pictures that are representative of life in your utopia.

8. BONUS: National Anthem Create an anthem for your utopian society.

Lyrics should be set to a familiar tune or song. You may be asked to sing it!

Adapted from “Blogtopia” lesson on ReadWriteThink website

yoUrTOPIA Rubric

Your grade will be assessed as follows:

·  90 – Projects that earn a 90 are neat and informative. The ideas expressed are relevant and insightful. The symbols are creative and meaningful. The explanations of choices your group have made demonstrate a deeper understanding of the novel.

·  80 – Projects that earn an 80 are fairly neat and informative. The ideas expressed are, for the most part, relevant and insightful; however, one or two seem to be stretches. The symbols are fairly creative and meaningful. For the most part, the explanations of the choices your group have made demonstrate an adequate understanding of the novel, though some explanations seem to be somewhat superficial.

·  75 – Projects that earn a 75 are somewhat neat and informative. The ideas expressed tend to be irrelevant. The symbols often lack creativity and meaning. For the most part, the explanations of the choices your group have made demonstrate only a superficial understanding of the novel. Sections of the project may be incomplete.

·  70 – Autopsies that earn a 70 are not very neat or informative. The majority of ideas expressed are irrelevant. The symbols lack creativity and meaning. The explanations are extremely superficial and sometimes don’t make sense. Sections of the project are incomplete.

·  50 – Projects that earn a 50 are incomplete or make very little sense. It is evident that little or no thought went into this project. The symbols have no meaning and the ideas expressed are irrelevant.

***As you can see, a 90 is the highest grade listed. In order to get the remaining points, your project must go above and beyond. When I see it, I should say “WOW! That’s awesome!” ***