Your United Way of Racine County contribution is an investment in our community. See what your weekly gift can accomplish right where you live. To learn more about United Way and how we are building an educated workforce for Racine County, please
$1($52 annually) /
- Two Schools of Hope students with reading level-appropriate books for the summer.
- 12 books (one each month for a year) for two preschool children in western Racine County through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
- School supplies for two children participating in Advancing Family Assets.
- Six weeks of cooking classes for an individual with a disability who is striving toward increased independence.
- A tooth extraction for a patient without dental coverage.
- A gift card to help a family purchase prescriptions, diapers, personal hygiene or cleaning supplies (items that the FoodShare program does not cover).
- A Girl Scout membership and Journey book, uniform, badges, and pins for a girl with no means to join.
- An emergency food allotment each week for a family of four for the entire year.
($260 annually) /
- Thirty Schools of Hope students with materials and resources to work with a tutor for a school year.
- 108 books (one each month for a year) for nine preschool children in western Racine County through Imagination Library.
- A year of involvement in monthly dances designed to promote improved quality of life for five adults with disabilities.
- One-year supply of insulin for a diabetic patient.
- 12 hours of bilingual case management for individuals and families in crisis.
- A night at Girl Scout camp, horseback riding and paddling for four girls.
- All meals for a shelter resident for the entire year.
($520 annually) /
- Paint and supplies to refresh two Born Learning Trails, keeping them safe and interesting for children and families.
- 216 books (one each month for a year) for 18 preschool children in western Racine County for a year through Imagination Library.
- Five Advancing Family Assets participating children with the opportunity to participate in enrichment and leadership activities.
- Seven individuals with disabilities with a year of bowling club activities focused on enhancing social interactions.
- Basic antibiotic medication for 43 patients.
- 35 weeks of bus fares for a newly employed individual.
- A meal every day for six senior citizens on a fixed income struggling to make ends meet.
($1,040 annually) /
- A community service or service learning grant that empowers youth to make a positive difference in Racine County.
- 444 books (one each month for a year) for 37 preschool children in western Racine County through Imagination Library.
- One year of Advancing Family Assets intensive coaching services for one low-wage, working adult.
- 50 hours of bilingual case management and eight sessions of mental health counseling so families are able to overcome multiple barriers.
- A canoe expedition, paddling from lake to lake in the Boundary Waters in northern Minnesota for one Girl Scout.
- 165 average size households with a 3-day supply of emergency food.
2000Domanik Drive Racine, Wisconsin 53404 Phone 262.898.2240 Fax 262.898.2241