RFQ 16-044 Page 7 of 7

Return in sealed envelope to:
Shawnee Mission Unified Schools
Purchasing Department
RFQ #16-044
7235 Antioch
Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204
(913) 993-6434 /
Date: August 25, 2016 Proposal No. 16-044
FOR: Construction Management as Agent
Proposals will be accepted until:
TIME: 2:00 P.M.
Proposals will NOT be publicly opened at the above due time and date.

Any questions regarding specifications or proposal procedures should be directed to: Bob Robinson, Executive Director of Facilities via Email:

or telephone (913) 993-6404.

Your response packet should include one (1) original, two (2) copies and one (1) flash drive.


RFQ # 16-044.


Request for Qualifications/Proposal

RFQ 16-044 Construction Management as Agent Services

We are looking at two projects: a new Elementary School and an Operations

Facility Building

A.  executive summary

Your Company is invited to submit qualifications/proposal for Construction Management as Agent Services for the Shawnee Mission School District (“Owner”). The request for qualifications is part of a one-step selection process to engage a CM-A firm to provide services for the construction of an Elementary school and Operation Facility Building.

The Owner has procured the services of ACI Boland for the school and Lisbona Architects for the Operation Facility to provide professional services for the design of these projects.

B.  Scope of project

Owner is a tax exempt government entity.

The construction manager will furnish his or her skill and judgment in cooperation with and reliance on the project architect or engineer, furnish business administration, management of the construction process and other specified services in an expeditious and economical manner consistent with the best interests of the school district, and perform basic services for reimbursement as provided in the construction services management contract.


New West Elementary School: West 87th and Haven Street, Lenexa, KS 66219

Operation Facility Building: 6445 Carter, Merriam, KS 66203

The Owner will hold all contracts for the project (including the CM-A and Architect).

The Owner is budgeting 18 million for the Elementary School and 3.5 Million for the Operation Facility Building.

This will be an open-book, transparent process. The successful CM-A will not have the ability to self-perform work.

D.  project schedule milestones

•  Send Out RFQ for CM-A Services August 25, 2016

•  Proposals for CM-A Services Due September 8, 2016

•  Selection 1 Week later

E. scope of services

Services are to be as outlined in the Contract negotiated by the Owner and Selected CM-A.

The CM-A along with the Owner and ACI Boland and Lisbona Architects will be a critical member of the project team.

F.  Request for Information

To properly evaluate each CM-A firm please provide the following information using this outline as a template for your response. If additional information is submitted, please include it separately from your official proposal.

Interested parties are to respond with sealed proposals (one (1) original and two (2) copies and one (1) flash drive) in accordance with the instructions contained herein. The information to be submitted shall be organized as shown below, and will be limited to a maximum of 50 – 8 1/2” by 11” numbered pages of minimum 11 point font size (or 25 such pages printed on both sides), exclusive of front and back covers, forwarding letter and table of contents. All information should pertain to the categories listed and have relevance to this program.

Proposals are to be prepared simply, providing straight forward and concise answers to all questions in the format requested. Repetitions of the terms and conditions of this proposal request, without additional explanation, will not be considered sufficiently responsive. Your proposal document should respond completely to the requirements indicated in this request.

Proposals must be received on or before the time and date specified at the location noted below:

Shawnee Mission School District

Purchasing Department

Attn: Becky Collins RFQ #16-044

7235 Antioch

Overland Park, Ks 66204

2:00 pm September 8, 2016
Proposals received after the time and date specified, whether delivered or mailed, will not be

considered and will be returned unopened.

No incomplete proposals will be considered. Proposers must answer all questions and complete any

forms requested. Proposals should be submitted in a sealed package marked RFQ #16-044 for

Construction Management as Agent Services. No email, telephone or faxed proposals will be


Proposal information is restricted and not publicly available until after the award of the contract.

All submissions become the property of Owner and will not be returned to the proposer.

The Owner reserves the right to use any or all ideas presented. Selection or rejection of the proposal

does not affect this right.

Proposals are requested to be firm for a period of at least 120 days and considered final after

negotiations and signature of a contract for services based on the AIA C132-2009 Standard Form of

Agreement between the Owner and Construction Manager as advisor with modifications by the

Owner. The CM-A will be prepared to provide all the services required by this contract, as may be

finally agreed upon with Owner.

If Owner is unable to negotiate a contract for the type of services required with any of the CM-A’s

selected for a project at a price determined by Owner to be fair and reasonable, Owner shall

reevaluate the necessary construction management services, including the scope and reasonable fee

requirements, and again advertise and solicit proposals from CM-A’s complying with the terms of

the revised requests for proposal.


The contract will be awarded to the firm submitting the best responsible proposal complying with

the requirements of the RFQ, provided the proposal is reasonable and in the best interest of the

Owner to accept. The firm selected will be notified at the earliest practical date. The decision

regarding acceptability of any firm’s proposal shall remain entirely with the Owner. The criteria for

making this judgment may include but not be limited to the following factors:

·  price;

·  experience;

·  quality of references;

·  general responsiveness to the RFQ;

·  fees for overhead and profit;

·  reimbursable costs for reimbursable items;

·  qualifications;

·  demonstration of ability to perform projects comparable in design, scope and complexity;

·  demonstration of good faith efforts to achieve compliance with federal, state and local affirmative action requirements; references of owners for whom construction management has been performed;

·  financial strength;

·  qualifications of in-house personnel who will manage the project; and

·  the demonstration of successful management systems which have been employed for the purposes of estimating, scheduling and cost controls.

The Board will not award the contract for construction management as agent services if the construction manager or a firm that controls, is controlled by, or shares common ownership or control with the construction manager guarantees, warrants or otherwise assumes financial responsibility for the work of others on the project; provides the public owner with a maximum price for the work of others on the project or furnishes or guarantees a performance or payment bond for other contractors on the project.

Owner notifies all proposers that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this request and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry in consideration of an award. Proposer hereby agrees that should proposer be awarded this contract, proposer will not discriminate against any person who performs work thereunder because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry.

The proposer and Owner agree that this proposal or subsequent contract may, with the mutual approval of the proposer and Owner, be extended as necessary.

Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any informalities or technical defects in proposals, and unless otherwise specified by Owner, to accept any item or groups of items in the proposal as may be in the best interest of Owner.


A committee of the Owner’s representatives will review and evaluate the written responses to this Request for Qualifications. The evaluation committee may or may not conduct interviews with finalists to clarify information provided in the proposals. While cost is an important factor, it should be understood that the Owner is not under any obligation to accept the lowest cost proposal.

The Owner will select the firm best qualified for this project and negotiate a contract for construction management as agent services with that firm.

If the Owner is unable to negotiate a contract for the type of services required with any of the CM-A’s selected for a project at a price determined by the Owner to be fair and reasonable, the Owner shall reevaluate the necessary construction management services, including the scope and reasonable fee requirements, and again advertise and solicit proposals from CM-A’s complying with the terms of the revised requests for proposal.

I. Response requirements

Please provide the response in a sealed envelope:

Shawnee Mission School District

Purchasing Department

Attn: Becky Collins RFQ #16-044

7235 Antioch

Overland Park, Ks 66204

Proposals are to be delivered by September 8, 2016, Thursday, 2pm

Proposals will not be publicly opened. Responses will be available for viewing after an award is made.

Also, please provide the following email notification that proposal has been delivered to the Purchasing Department: .



1. Firm Background/Qualifications

a.  Name of Firm

b.  State of incorporation and location of principal and branch offices

c.  Length of time in business

d.  Number of employees

e.  Firm ownership

2. Construction Management Agency Approach – Provide a brief narrative of your approach to the following:

a. Communication

b. Project estimating and cost control during design and construction

c. Mechanical and electrical cost management

d. Value Engineering

e. Scheduling

f. Information management and control system

g. Your role in the preparation of the project manual and bidding documents

h. Bidding strategy and bid phase administration

i. Change order management/procedures/negotiations

j. On-site supervision

k. Final start-up, testing, occupancy and close-out

l. Use of Technology

3. Experience in Kansas K-12 renovations, additions and new school projects for school districts similar to the program required for the Owner School District is requested. Include size and type of projects, where you provided construction management services during pre-construction and construction, provided a full time superintendent(s) and the scopes of work were individually bid to trade contractors.

a. Project name and brief description

b. Owner, address and contact

c. Architect, address and contact

d. Project cost and completion date

4. References for K-12 Public School Districts in the State of Kansas for whom Construction Management services have been performed.

5. Project organizational chart of in-house personnel who may be assigned to the project. Describe the quantity, roles, and responsibility of personnel assigned for field supervision and project management. Regarding key personnel; describe contingency plan to ensure project quality and continuity in the event of a termination/departure over a project life of approximately 36 months.

6. Describe your experience managing multiple projects, multi-phase and multiple site construction programs/projects phased over several years. Briefly describe their respective total construction value.

7. Describe your in house capability and approach to provide Quality Control; MEP coordination and commissioning; Building Information Modeling if required and Jobsite Safety.

8. Describe your firms experience with Sustainable Construction Practices and LEED Certified projects.

9. Discuss your company’s current financial condition and provide your latest financial balance sheet (one copy) and three financial references.

10. Acknowledgement of intent to make a good faith effort to comply with all applicable

federal, state and local affirmative action requirements.

11. Discuss why your firm is best qualified to provide CM-A services for this program.

12. The Owner reserves the right to negotiate all fees.