PTA Newsletter
Autumn 2011
Your PTA committee for 2011
Following a very positive turnout for our AGM, we are please to announce the 2011-12 committee as follows;
Amanda Kings (Chair) Louise Busby (secretary) Caroline James (staff)
Denise Milnes (Website design) Pete Maguire Mandy Walker (class 5 rep)
Sonia Tenniswood Vicky Woodall (nursery rep) Claire Cartwright (class 4 rep)
Sara Shepherd Laura Getlevog (class 3 rep) Darren Riley (treasurer)
Sarah-Jane Green (class 2 rep) Bryonie Kelly (staff) Alice Ventham (reception rep)
Caroline Jiminez
At the AGM Sally Paveley, Gill Barrett and Sallyann Beresford stood down after several years on the committee. Our sincere thanks were expressed for their hard work and support.
The PTA continue to support the children and so far this year, your support has allowed us to pay for new school music equipment, additional PE equipment and give each class teacher £100. We have also funded the visiting pantomime that the children will see in December.
Wrapping paper (Northbrook Fundraising) – thank you to everyone who purchased wrapping paper this year. Orders have been distributed and we have made £150 profit.
Christmas Cards – organised in conjunction with the parent council, this has again been a great success. In total we have raised almost £250
Plants and Bulbs – thank you to Louise who kindly arranged for delivery and collection from her house. A relatively small number of orders helped raise over £100 profit.
PTA Fund – to date we have raised over £1000 but in doing so have learnt that the PTA fund request should have been sent in the New Year. Whilst several other local Schools ask for this donation twice a year, we agreed we would only ask for this once but on reflection, timing was not ideal. We will therefore ensure this request is not made again until 2013.
Film Club (coordinator Denise Milnes) proved to be a real success with positive feedback received about the decision to show the film on a Sunday. We had over 100 children attend and following this response have committed to run Film Club once per term from the New Year. We will always aim to show films not yet available on DVD. Our next Film Club is scheduled for January so look out for more details nearer the time.
School Disco (coordinator Mandy Walker)- we have had fantastic feedback from the children themselves about this event but in our attempts to fit around "Rainbows Club", we are conscious this event ran quite late and a number of children returned home very tired. Our next Disco is due in February and as it is difficult to work around all of the other after school clubs that take place in the village, we are likely to hold this event on a Sat/Sun afternoon.
Christmas Fair – Friday 2nd December
Being held at school from 3.45pm-6.30pm, this is our annual extravaganza, including a wonderful grotto with Father Christmas, our NEW Beauty Parlour and over 30 stalls including 2nd hand toys, lucky dip, name the teddy. In addition we have over £1000 worth of raffle prizes so please get your extra raffle books from the school office!
Project Playground
Earlier in the year we wrote to parents detailing our fundraising goal to improve the school playground. On 21st November we have four companies visiting the school and provide full quotations and drawings. As this is a large scale project we wanted to give parents an update on progress to date… our plan is ambitious – we aim to raise £50,000 by summer 2012. It is very important to us that parents supporting our fundraising goal see the benefit of their generosity whilst their children are still at the school. As such we have a full calendar of events happening throughout the school year and our aim is to hold one event each month either for children or parents.
As a result of these events we hope to raise £10,000 towards "project playground" and our commitment to parents in return, is that the PTA will secure the remaining £40,000 from external grants and donations. This is a significant commitment on our part but we appreciate we are also asking parents to support us more than ever before and for this we are incredibly thankful.
We are incredibly pleased to confirm that we have so far raised £3600 and with our Christmas fair still to come… we expect to exceed £6000 in our first term.
We therefore want to say a huge thank you to all our parents. The autumn term has been rather packed with gift wrap, books, cards, catalogues etc and I hope you will understand that whilst this volume of activity is higher than we would have liked, the profits earned have been worth it.
Dates for your diary
Monday 2nd December – Grand Christmas Raffle – being drawn at Christmas Fair at 6.15pm
January TBC – Film Club
February TBC – Children's Disco
March TBC – Easter Treasure Hunt