PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is to make a 3D model of a cell in order to better understand the parts and workings of a cell. Mr. Jacobs loves to have science projects surrounding his classroom and to show off to all of the other teachers in the school. Everyone knows that science is the most amazing topic of study, especially Life Science. What better way to show off the amazingness of Life Science than with some stellar 3D cell models, everyone knows how fun it can be to make them, so we are going to do just that!!

Design: Using household items and I mean ANY household item (school appropriate) make a three-dimensional model of a plant or animal cell that meets the criteria listed below. In the past, students used to have to make cells out of rocks and dirt because they did not have any wicked stuff to make it out of; today’s students have it way better off. Students could use food items such as cereal, balloons, gummi worms, mints, dried fruit, matches, gum balls, peanuts, rope licorice, jelly beans, sesame seeds, other candies, toothpicks. Additionally, non-food items such as craft packages, Lego’s, K’nex, ribbons, cushions, papier-mâché, clay, beads, pipe-cleaners, and SO MUCH MORE. Please don’t use anything that will spoil in my classroom and make it stink

Before you begin, you must tell the tallest teacher of all, Mr. Jacobs, what cell you are going to build: plant cell or animal cell. You may choose to work with a partner or work alone. Either is a great option, however, partners beware… If you chose to work with a partner and they do none of the work, Mr. Jacobs cannot help you.

Your project must have:


·  KEY to the cell parts

1.  MODEL – Make a 3 dimensional model of a cell (choose plant or animal). SHOW all parts listed (see below) and NUMBER all parts.

a.  Use common materials such as Styrofoam, cardboard, wood, paper, play-dough, macaroni, dry cereal, string, buttons, pipe cleaners, beads, yarn, etc. Be creative, you don’t need to spend money to make the cell model.

b.  Number all parts.

c.  Make sure parts and numbers are securely attached to your model.

d.  Cell model must be 3D, it cannot be flat like a poster.

e.  Do not use pins or anything sharp.


g.  Identify your cell as plant or animal using a LABEL.

h.  Parts to include: NUMBER THESE PARTS ON YOUR MODEL!!


____ Cell membrane

____ Cell wall

____ Chloroplast

____ Cytoplasm

____ Mitochondria

____ Nucleus

____ Golgi bodies

____ Smooth and Rough ER

____ Nucleolus

____ Very Large Vacuole

____ Chromosomes

____ Ribosomes


____ Cell membrane

____ Cytoplasm

____ Mitochondria

____ Nucleus

____ Golgi complex

____ Lysosome

____ Smooth and Rough ER

____ Nucleolus

____ Very Small Vacuole

____ Chromosomes

____ Ribosomes

2.  KEY: 8 ½” X 11” paper, TYPED, 4 columns.

a.  Column 1 = the NUMBER of each part

b.  Column 2 = the NAME of each part

c.  Column 3 = a CONCISE statement of the FUNCTION of each part

d.  Column 4 = what the organelle is made out of


f.  Label your key plant or animal cell.