Ms. Chase
Students are expected to come to class prepared, on time, and ready to learn. When the bell rings, you should already be seated with your notebook on your desk opened to the assignment. Don't be late!
You are required to bring to class every day the following: a covered textbook, a separate 3-ring math binder, pencils or pens, a scientific or graphing calculator, and an active brain.
Students are responsible for maintaining neat and clean desks and floors. Detentions will be given to anyone found writing on or defacing school property. Leave any bags or backpacks in your locker along with any music players (mp3 players, iPods, etc).
Your notebook should have 5 distinctly labeled sections.
- Handouts- this includes the homework and grading policy
- Notes- dated and with examples
- Homework/Classwork/Worksheets- dated and in chronological order
- Test and quiz corrections
- Conjectures, properties, and theorems
Notebook may be checked at least once a quarter and will count as a quiz grade.
Notebooks will be graded on neatness, organization and completeness.
Homework is usually assigned daily and is due the following school day. Each assignment must show all work and include your name, date, class period and the assignment. For full credit, all problems must be attempted and must be completed on time. Homework will count for approximately 15% of your quarter grade. Late homework will only be accepted the following school day, for half credit.
Students will be notified of tests in advance. Tests are usually given at the end of each chapter. Quizzes may or may not be announced. They may cover any material covered in class or in the text.
All TollandHigh School and Math Department policies will be followed.
All tests and quizzes are kept in a student file. They are available for review upon request but may not be removed from the classroom.
A point system is used for grading. Tests and quizzes will be weighted according to their length and difficulty. A student's individual points for the quarter are totaled and divided by the total possible points for the quarter. Record all test, quiz, and assignment grades on your grade sheet.
There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. The scores from the two tests will be combined to get the final exam grade which counts for 20% of the grade for this class.
Your grade for the course will be determined as follows:
Quarter 1 Average40%
Quarter 2 Average40%
Exam Grade20%
Participation in class is highly encouraged. Always participate by giving answers and asking questions when you have them. Math is not a spectator sport!! Try your best 100% of the time and NEVER leave an answer blank.
Students who are absent are responsible for all missed assignments. Prompt completion of makeup work is essential, as math is a sequential subject. When no new material has been presented during your absence, you must take the test/quiz on the day of your return. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to secure the missed assignments from the teacher and to turn them in on time. Students are to get assignments in advance for school related absences (e.g. field trips) or when they know they will be absent.
Academic Integrity
TollandHigh School is committed to academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is a serious offense and carries serious consequences. Academic dishonesty, including but not limited to plagiarism, cheating, and presenting someone else's work as one's own, will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and a referral to building administration.
Extra Help
Extra help is always available. Please see me to schedule extra help before, during or after school. Understand that I am here to help you and I want to see each and every one of you succeed.
Note to Parents/Guardians
Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Phone: 870-6818 ext. 326