Your New Puppy Checklist

•Your Puppy is now eating Pure Balance salmon and Pea recipe Dog food. It is okay to switch foods but do it gradually, mixing a little daily.

•Your puppy has been vaccinated but vaccinations are due at 9 weeks, May 28th 2014, keep a record of all shots and deworming.

•I strongly suggest getting involved in a puppy obedience class. When you both understand what is expected you both will be happier!

•4-H is a wonderful way for children ages 8-18 to learn to take care of and train a puppy; it’s fun and cheaper too! Contact your county extension office to find a club near you.

•Having a new puppy is fun and exciting, but remember, it’s just a baby and needs rest. If it seems crabby or tries to hide let her/him rest. This is especially important in houses with children.

•Potty training should be relatively easy now. I suggest crate training; put them into a crate that is comfortable and that they can easily turn around, stand and sit. They don’t like to go in “their” space. When you take them out, take them immediately to where you want them to go potty. Praise them when they go! Be consistent and they will learn quickly.

•Teach them tricks! Mental work is as tiring as a walk and will help keep them out of trouble. There are a few basic commands that every Puppy should learn that they may not tell you about in Basic puppy classes. 1) Leave it- put a treat on the ground within their reach and tell them to leave it and don’t let them have it until you say it is okay. 2) out of the kitchen (I don’t like them begging when I’m cooking or eating).

•Your Puppy needs to see you as the pack leader, make them sit and wait after you put their food down and before they are allowed to eat. Pet them and play with them while they are eating, grab some food out of their bowl and give it back, move the dish. They should not see the food as “their food” and they should allow you to do whatever you want with it.

•Touch them and get them used to being touched, poked, and pulled everywhere! This will help with grooming and is especially important if you have young children. (same with the food stuff above)

•Love your Puppy! I hope that you feel free to call, text or email me with any questions, ~Marla Motteshard, 360-862-3490