Class Procedures
"Your Key to Success"
Course Title:English IV College Prep/Honors
Teacher:Barbara W. Coleman
Phone:(904) 547-8331
Students must bring the following materials each day:
a. Text: Class Set available
b. Standard (lined paper)
c. English folder (Kept in class)
d. Pen (blue or black) and Pencil-No. 2
e. Black/White composition book (Journal) *Kept in class!
f. * Vocabulary Book
1.NO PHONE ZONE Policy: You are required to sign the Academic Integrity Policy as directed. Phones should be out of sight…out of mind unless teacher gives verbal permission. All consequences will be followed in accordance to this BTHS policy.
2. Students are to remain in their seats until the bell has rung. Standing at the front door is absolutely unacceptable.
3. If you are absent for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to turn a parent note within 48 hours and ask the teacher for any make-up work upon his/her return. Ask the teacher for any missed assignments and follow-up with a verbal confirmation from the teacher. Students will be given a day for each day absent to turn in the required work to earn credit for that assignment. No late class/home work will be accepted past the day it is due. The SJC attendance policy for make-up work will be followed and make-up work will be graded accordingly.
4. Vocabulary book work is to be completed in class only! Sufficient class time will be given to complete each unit. Students may not take their vocabulary books home to complete units, but may stay after school to finish any work missed. Your book will be checked prior to the completion of each unit, and students who have worked ahead in their books will not receive credit for that unit—no exceptions. Vocabulary books will ALWAYS be returned 4-5 days prior to the test day for study and review.
5. All final writing assignments must be typed using Times New Roman font and double-spaced. Those turned in written in pencil/pen will count as a rough draft at a maximum of only 25%. No late writing assignments will be accepted past the due date unless you have an excused absence.
6. On all assignments, place your full name, date, and period in the upper right hand
corner of the paper. All information on scantrons must be completed according to the teacher’s instructions. A demonstration will be given in class. Points may be deducted from your paper for missing information.
7.For assignments completed on your own paper, follow procedure #6 for heading your paper, and always write the name of the assignment and page number if necessary. Points may be deducted from your paper for missing information.
8.All journals must be completed in a composition style book only! For all journal entries, make sure you include: 1) Journal Number, 2) Date, 3) Writing Prompt, and 4) the total word count, (ex. 25, 50, 75, 100 etc... )Items 1-4 must be present to receive full credit.
9. If you are absent on a test day, you are required to come before school for test
Make-up. You will have one full week from the date of the test to makeup the test. Failure to makeup the test within the established time frame may result ina zero, or you may use the “up to 75% school” policy for 1 make-up assignment. Other arrangements such as another class period, or other alternative options are also available, but must be approved by the teacher.
10. Out-of-class passes will only be issued to go to the restroom. No Passes will be issued to go to guidance, the dean, or another teacher's class. Restroom passes will be issued during the last 10 minutes of the class period only! Each student is allowed one pass per week without question, and up to three students may use the pass during the class period. Emergencies, however, will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If there is a medical reason for a student to use the restroom more often, a doctor's note must be given to the teacher or filed in the dean's office. These cases will be handled confidentially.
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