KYSTE Grant Unit Tracking Sheet
This is the document for your KYSTE unit. You will be using your assigned Surface Tablet to keep up with this document and save it electronically. While this is a self-paced unit of study, there are various points in which Mrs. Johnson must sign off on your progress. Follow the instructions carefully. Let Mrs. Johnson know if there are any questions or concerns!
Let’s begin!
- Save this file in the following format:
Your Full Name – class period – KYSTE Tracking Sheet Part One
Example: Lindsay Johnson – 5th period – KYSTE Tracking Sheet Part One
Sign off: You located and saved this document in the proper format. Keyword:saved31______
- Go to the front of the room to grab your “My Heritage, My Future” handout that you completed after the field trip. Review and add to or change your responses to these questions.
- If you were interested in working with a partner on your project, please discuss this with Mrs. Johnson now. If she approves, you will be instructed to sit together and continue working as a unit
Develop a Driving Question
This is a huge and extremely important step. We will spend the next three weeks focusing our time and energy on answering this driving question.
- To accomplish this step go to my teacher website and open the KYSTE bie tubric file. This document will be helpful because it gives you the “pieces” of a driving question that you can put together.
- My driving question: Using the pieces given to you from the tubric, construct your driving question in the table below:
My Driving Question
Piece One: / Piece Two: / Piece Three: / Piece Four:
How can / we / Preserve the history / for an online audience?
Sign off: You created an appropriate driving question. Keyword: ______
- When you have the keyword for your driving question (meaning Mrs. Johnson has signed off on it) use your student e-mail to send the driving question to Mrs. Johnson. An example e-mail is found below.
Subject: Full Name’s Driving Question (Lindsay Johnson’s Driving Question)
Dear Mrs. Johnson,
The driving question for my project is:
(Copy and paste [or re-type] the complete driving question here)
Full Name
Class Period
- When Mrs. Johnson has received your e-mail, she will give you access to Part Two of the KYSTE Tracking Sheet!