Kohn30 Summer Intern Program
Thank you for applying to the Kohn Summer Intern Program. JVS has adopted a Rolling Admissions Policy and is accepting applications and notifying interns as applications are completed. However the final deadline to apply for the summer of 2015 is Monday, March 2nd.
Your completed application includes the following:
- 2015 Intern Application Form
- Two short-answer essays
- Two letters of recommendation sent directly from the source to JVS. At least one recommendation should be from a current or former supervisor, if possible. The other recommendation can be from an academic reference, an extra-curricular reference, or any other reference that can comment on your potential to succeed in a professional environment.
- Resume
Submit applications letters of recommendation or:
JVS – Attention: Kohn Summer Intern Program
225 Bush Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94104
Select candidates will proceed with an interview in person (preferred) or via Skype with Kohn Program Staff. Interviews will take place on a rolling basis, but not before the JVS office has received and reviewed your application.
Please consider:
If you will be in the Bay Area in the winter or spring months, and wish to be interviewed in person, submit your application at least one week before your visit. This will provide the opportunity for an in person interview, if selected.
Questions? Please contact Melissa Prager at 415.782.6281 or
Kohn30Summer InternProgram Application
First NameMILast Name
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, as well as the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Permanent Contact Information
Parent Name(s)
Home Phone
Birth Date
Parent Email ______
Contact Information during School
College Attending
Your Address
Cell Phone
Preferred Email
Non-College Email (if not listed above)
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, as well as the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Will this be your summer address?
Current Year in School (please check one):
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4Year 5
Major Grade Point Average __
How did you hear about the Kohn Intern Program? (Please check all that apply):
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, as well as the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Kohn alumnus
How did s/he hear:______
Hillel or Career Center
Please specify:______
Jewish Agency, i.e. JCC or synagogue
Please specify:______
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, as well as the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Have you previously applied to the Kohn Program? YES; which year NO
Please list any Kohn alumni with whom you are familiar:
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, as well as the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund, as well as the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Synagogue affiliation, if any (or family affiliation while growing up): ______
Employment History
EmployerDates of Employment
Phone number
Supervisor(s) name(s)
Dates of Employment
Phone number
Supervisor(s) name(s)
Dates of Employment
Phone number
Supervisor(s) name(s)
Leadership Experience
Please include any leadership experience you have, such as serving on a volunteer board for a youth group, student council, etc. You may include high school youth groups.
Position served / Group/Organization / Dates of ServiceExtra-Curricular Activities
Please outline all meaningful club, volunteer opportunities, and organizations with which you have been involved during the past three years.
Activity / Group/Organization / Dates of InvolvementWork Experience Preferences
This section of the application will be used to identify the type of work you would like to do and the skills you would like to develop.This will also allow us to match you with the best possible intern positions and agencies. Please note that placements will be made based on skill sets, prior work experience, the learning objectives you identify as your goals, as well as the needs of the agency. JVS cannot guarantee placement at any particular organization or particular geographic location.
Workplace Environment and Culture
In what type of working environment do you feel most comfortable? (Please check all that apply):
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Fast paced
Moderately paced
Quiet and relaxed
Working with people
Working both with people and independently
Working independently
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Are you available for limited weekend work? YES NO
Are you available for limited evening work? YES NO
Will you have a car available for the summer? YES NO
In which part of the Bay Area do your prefer to work? (Please check all that apply):
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
San Francisco
North Peninsula
South Peninsula
North Bay
East Bay
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Which transit system(s) are convenient for your use?
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Cal Train
Golden Gate Transit Bus
Golden Gate Transit Ferry
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Please be aware that the Kohn program does not have the capacity to reimburse for commuting costs. If you prefer not to commute under ANY circumstances, please make that abundantly clear.
Work and Skill Preferences
Please indicate the type of work you are interested in by checking all that apply:
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Direct service (working with seniors/people with disabilities/children, etc.)
Event planning
General office work
Social media
Web site development
Program/curriculum development
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Please list your top two choices from the list above:
Please identify the skills and programs in which you areproficient:
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Mac computers
Curriculum writing
General writing
Mail merges and administrative tasks
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Word
Social media
Web site development
Public speaking/presentations
Working with children
Working with the elderly
Writing for publications
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Please identify any skills/programsthat you would liketo learn or improve upon:
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Mac computers
Curriculum writing
General writing
Mail merges and administrative tasks
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Word
Social media
Web site development
Public speaking/presentations
Working with children
Working with the elderly
Writing for publications
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
If you are interested in working in Direct Service (working with seniors/ people with disabilities/children, etc.), please specify in the space below and outline any experience you have working with this population:
If you are interested in working for a particular Jewish agency or organization, please specify in the space below and explain your reasons:
Have you ever traveled to Israel? YES NO
If yes, please list dates and program attended or specify if family trip:
Date / Program/GroupWe do our best to accommodate medical conditions and special needs, please outline how we can best accommodate you:
How do you describe your food preferences (please check all that apply):
I keep kosher (I only eat food with a heksher)
I keep kosher-style
I do not keep kosher
Friday Seminar Topics
When planning our seminars we value your input. Please review the list below and rank the top 7 topics that you would like to explore during the seminars (1 = most interesting):
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
____ History of the Bay Area Jewish
____ Volunteer Opportunities in the
Jewish Community
____ Jewish Issues on Campus
____ Israel: Beyond the Conflict
____ Israeli Politics 101
____ Current issues facing the Jewish Community
____ Public Speaking
____ Visits to/from other agencies in our community to learn about who they serve (Jewish Home, JFCS, JCC, etc.)
____ Other:______
____ Navigating the Federation and how it funds programs
____ Navigating Graduate School
____ Stress Management
____ Resumes Writing
____ Writing a cover letter
____ Informational interviews and Elevator pitches
____ Public Speaking
____ Other:______
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Short Essays
Each essay should be no more than 300 words.
- Explore how your personal experiences and values have shaped your interest in participating in the Kohn Summer Intern Program. Please be specific.
- What do you hope to gain from participating in the Kohn Summer Intern Program?
Please arrange to have your two letters of recommendation submitted to JVS as soon as possible. We will consider your application as soon as it is complete. Your application must be completebyMarch 2,2015.
Please download the letter of recommendation from the website and give it to two people. One should be a current or former supervisor.
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Name of reference(current/former supervisor):
Relationship to applicant:
Place of employment:
Phone number:
Email address:
Name of second reference:
Relationship to applicant:
Place of employment:
Phone number:
Email address:
The Kohn Summer Intern Program is a project of Jewish Vocational Service, funded by The Eva Heller Kohn Fund of the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund. This program is also supported by a joint grant from The Jewish Community Foundation and the Milton and Sophie Meyer Fund.
Thank you for completing the Kohn Summer Intern Application. Please read the following statement and sign the bottom of the page.
I understand that the information in this application will be kept strictly confidential and reviewed only by JVS staff members, parties involved in the interview process, and final placement supervisor. All the information I have provided in this application is accurate.
Signature (hard copy) / Initials (email)Date
Kohn26 Intern ApplicationRecommendation Page 2 of 2