All About our Kinesio Taping Seminars
Sponsored by Live and Learn Consulting in affiliation with Spine Solvers Inc.

Who can register for Kinesio Taping Seminars?

Licensed Healthcare Professionals who have had significant study with regards to anatomy and physiology:

Physical Therapists

Physical Therapist Assistants

Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapist Assistants


Athletic Trainers

Massage Therapists

Doctors of Medicine

Other Health Care Providers/Allied Healthcare Professionals

Do you provide Continuing Education Units/Credits?

Yes, we provide CEUs for the following licensed healthcare professionals:

PTs, PTAs – from the state chapter of the APTA where the course is being given

OTs , COTAs – from the AOTA (national)

ATCs – from the BOC (national)

MTs – from the NCBTMB (national)

Other healthcare professionals who routinely attend KT courses but do not receive CEUs from us include
DCs, LAcs, RNs, LPNs, and MDs.

How many CEUs do the attendees receive upon completion?

KT1 & KT2 – 16 credits for a 2-day, 16-hour course

KT3 – 8 credits for a 1-day, 8-hour course

KT3 Extended – 12 or 16 credits for a 1.5-day, 12-hour course or a 2-day, 16-hour course (respectively)

How much does it cost to participate?

Our fee structures are as follows:

KT1 & KT (2-day, 16-hour course)

$599 (regular rate), $575 (early-bird rate), $550 (group rate)

KT3 (1-day, 8-hour course)

$299 (regular rate)

KT3 Extended (2-day, 12-hour course)

$449 (regular rate), $425 (group rate)

What do these fees cover?

KT1 & KT2

  • 16 hours of lectures, demonstrations, and labs by qualified CKTIs and CKTPs (See Syllabus)
  • Full-color workbooks for KT1 & KT2
  • 60-day limited membership/KTA database access
  • 3 rolls of Kinesio Tex Tape to use during lab sessions
  • Complimentary products (as available)
  • Attendance verification forms (from KTA)
  • Certificates of completion
  • Snacks – morning and afternoon


  • 8 hours of lectures, demonstrations, and labs by qualified CKTIs and CKTPs (See Syllabus)
  • Full-color workbooks for KT3
  • Eligibility to take Certification Exam (CKTP – Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner)
  • 2 rolls of Kinesio Tex Tape for each attendee to use during lab sessions
  • Complimentary products (as available)
  • Attendance verification forms (from KTA)
    Certificates of completion
  • Snacks – morning and afternoon

KT3 Expanded

  • 8-12 hours of lectures, demonstrations, and labs by qualified CKTIs and CKTPs (See Syllabus)
  • Full-color workbooks for KT3
  • Eligibility to take Certification Exam (CKTP – Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner)
  • 4 rolls of Kinesio Tex Tape for each attendee to use during lab sessions
  • Complimentary products (as available)
  • Attendance verification forms (from KTA)
    Certificates of completion
  • Snacks – morning and afternoon

What are your payment options?

We prefer that you send us a check for your payment.It can be a personal, business, or bank check. One check can pay for multiple attendees. Your cleared check confirms your place in the class. Sending a bank check or money order accelerates the process of confirmation.

If you would prefer, we can take a credit card. We take the credit card information over the phone.
Call Felicity Pine at 914-263-1943

What is your refund and cancellation policy?

If a registrant cancels more than two weeks before the seminar date, then a refund will be granted, minus a $50 service fee.

If a registrant cancels less than two weeks before the seminar date, then no refund will be granted. However, if the registrant can attend another class in the future, sponsored by Live and Learn Consulting, then we can hold his/her payment for that date without penalty.

The course sponsor reserves the right to cancel at any time and will provide participants with a full refund.

What content information do the seminars cover?

Overview of the Kinesio Taping® Method (KTM) and Kinesio® Tex Tape:

  • Re-educates the neuromuscular system
  • Reduces pain
  • Supports performance
  • Prevents injury
  • Promotes improved circulation and healing
  • Improves functional movement and positioning

KTI - Fundamental Concepts (to be taken in conjunction with the KTAI-approved KT2)

Introduces practitioners to the Kinesio Taping Method

Covers the five major physiological systems:

  • Skin
  • Muscle
  • Fascia
  • Circulatory/Lymphatic
  • Joint

Features lab sessions to practice KTM applications

Prepares attendees to accomplish the following:

  • Relax overuse syndrome
  • Stimulate weak muscles
  • Decrease pain and swelling

KT2 – Advanced Concepts & Corrective Techniques (to be taken in conjunction with the KTAI-approved KT1)

Builds on material learned in KT1

Covers the six corrective techniques:

  • Mechanical
  • Functional
  • Space
  • Fascia
  • Ligament/Tendon
  • Lymphatic

Features lab sessions to practice KTM applications

Prepares attendees to apply the KTM to orthopedic and neurological conditions

KT3 - Clinical Concepts and Advanced Taping Methods (must have completed KT1-KT2 prior to attending)
Minimum 8-hour course

Combines KT1 and KT2 coursework

Features lab sessions to practice KTM applications

Covers some of the more advanced techniques of the KTM

Can be tailored to specific conditions, professions, or applications by each instructor

Provides eligibility to take the CKTP exam, upon completion

What are the course objectives?

Upon completion of this series of courses, including the lectures, demonstrations and labs, the participants will be able to do the following:

  • Describe the concepts of Kinesio Taping.
  • Review muscular anatomy as it is related to Kinesio Taping.
  • Explain and apply the concepts of the Kinesio Taping Method.
  • Describe the unique qualities of the Kinesio Tex Tape.
  • Recognize the principles of Kinesio Tex Tape application.
  • Utilize and demonstrate application skills in guided laboratory sessions.
  • Demonstrate application skills during lab sessions.
  • Practice the various cutting techniques and their clinical application.
  • Apply Kinesio Taping method to relax and stimulate muscles.
  • Apply Kinesio Taping methods for pain, swelling, joint mobility and stability.
  • Apply various taping techniques for treatment of the spine, and upper/ lower extremity dysfunction
  • Apply various taping techniques for treatment of unique conditions using the concepts and principals of the Kinesio Taping Method.

Is there a syllabus for the Kinesio Taping classes?


7:30 / Sign in
8:00 / Instructor Introduction and Bio
8:10 – 10:00 / Intro Kinesio Taping Concepts, Theory, History; Tape Qualities. Finger Demo: Intro five major Physiological Effects; Skin, Circulatory & Fascia Function; Sacrospinalis Demo; Fascia & Muscle Function; Basic Application Concepts;
10:00 / Break
10:15-11:30 / Joint Function; Biotensegrity; Application Basics, Prep, Precautions; Into to KT Assessment Tests; Q&A
11:30 / Lunch
12:30-3:00 / KT Assessments & Labs: Cervical Paraspinals; Scalenes Anterior; Rectus Abdominus; Pec major & Rhomboid Major; Gluteus Medius
3:00 / Break
3:15 – 4:30 / Assessments / Labs Cont.: Quadriceps Femoris; Ext. Digitorum; Hamstrings; Ext. Policis Longus; Biceps Brachii; Deltoid
4:30-5:30 / Assessment Q&A; KT1 Review & Q&A, Application Requests; Conclusion


8:00 – 10:05 / Overnight Responses, Trouble Shooting: Basic Concepts of Corrective Techniques, Tension; Mechanical Correction: Patellar Tracking, Shoulder Instability
10:05 / Break
10:20 / Fascia Correction: Lateral Epicondylitis, ITB
11:30 / Lunch
12:30 – 3:10 / Space, Tendon & Ligament Correction: Elbow, Lumbar, Carpal Tunnel, MCL, Achilles
3:10 / Break
3:25 – 5:10 / Fascia/Ligament Correction: Plantar Fasciitis; Function Correction: Ankle and Wrist; Circulatory/Lymphatic Correction: Edema of Calf &/or Foot, Finger Sprain
5:10 – 5:30 / Assessment Questions, Glossary Review, Application Requests; Q&A; Conclusion


8:00 – 10:20 / Experiences; KT1, 2 Review; Corrective techniques ; Kinesio Taping Screening Assessments; Chlincal Concepts: Shoulder Impingement, Whiplash / Cervical Pain, Chondromalacia Patella Lab
10:20 / Break
10:35 – 12:00 / Advanced Concepts: Scar applications: Directional Pull, Pitting Scars; Manual Fascia Glide, Basket Weave Technique
12:00 / Lunch
5:30 / Per CKTI

What is the Kinesio Taping® Method?

The KTM enhances the body’s natural healing process and provides support through the muscles.

How can something so gentle be so effective to reduce pain?

KTM allows for full range of motion. It does not negatively affect circulation, since there is no wrapping,
and therefore no impediment of blood flow. KTM is a “light” modality. In rehabilitative applications it works continuously, so each treatment can continue for 2–3 days. KTM is like having healing hands to put on the
area 24–7.

To illustrate: When you bump your knee, your elbow, your head, (any part of your body) what is your first, unthinking response? You rub on it. That works; it feels better. Why?

What is in effect here is something called Gate Control Theory: The rubbing provides a distraction, impeding the brain’s message of pain, closing the “gate” on pain receptors, at least temporarily. But this sensation effect is only the beginning.

Dr. Kase bases his techniques on three important concepts. They are Space, Movement and Cooling. Muscles that are painful and/or inflamed lack space. When the KTM technique is applied to create space, it is helpful in and of itself, but also leads to the opportunity for improved movement and circulation. This space and movement then allows for cooling of the affected muscles, often combined with cryotherapy.

By targeting different receptors within the somatosensory system, the KTM alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting affect forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space and allowing for a decrease in inflammation of the affected areas.

The KTM starts with two basic muscle taping techniques. These are used to balance muscles and bring them up to functional level.

The first is applied for overuse and acute injuries and for rehabilitation. In such cases the tape is applied insertion to origin.

The second is applied for increased muscle function and to address chronic conditions. Origin to insertion taping is used here.

In addition to these basic techniques, there are many correctional procedures that deal with positioning as well as other specific purposes such as pain relief. All the correctional procedures are specific, including treatments for cerebral palsy, pediatric needs, lymphoedema and a host of other specific conditions.

The following areas are addressed by correctional procedures:

  • Mechanical Correction
  • Fascia (Fascial) Correction
  • Space Correction
  • Ligament/Tendon Correction
  • Functional Correction
  • Circulatory/Lymphatic Correction

A key focus of KTM training and practice is the process of assessment. Assessing the patient’s condition, looking at both the symptoms and the likely cause of each individual patient’s condition, is the only way to successful treatment.

Evaluation and assessment dictate the treatment of any clinical condition. In order to get the desired results from a Kinesio Taping® Method application or any other treatment, a full assessment of the patient is necessary. In some cases, the treatment of a condition may also require that other underlying conditions be addressed. Assessment should include the Kinesio screening test: manual muscle testing, range of motion testing, gait assessment, and any other orthopedic special tests that the practitioner may deem necessary.

The findings of the clinical evaluation or assessment dictate the specifics of the KTM application and other possible treatments or modalities. Delicate adaptations are necessary, whether utilizing of single “I” strips or modifications in the shape of an “X”, “Y” or other specialized shapes, or calibrating the direction and amount of stretch placed on the tape at time of application. The KTM is applied in hundreds of ways and has the ability to re-educate the neuromuscular system, reduce pain and inflammation, provide support, prevent injury and promote good circulation and healing. All these work toward the goal of balance, of returning the body to homeostasis.

The information gained from proper assessments will allow for the most effective treatment protocol to be laid out. The Kinesio Taping® Method has been shown to have positive physiological effects on the skin, lymphatic and circulatory system, fascia, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. It can be used in conjunction with a multitude of other treatments and modalities, and is effective during the acute, chronic and rehabilitative phases of injury as well as for preventative measures.

What is the instructor’s background?

Andrea Wolkenberg, PT, MA, CKTI, is the founder and president of SPINE SOLVERS INC. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Allied Medical Professions (SAMP) in 1979, and since then has worked with chronic pain patients in almost every kind of inpatient and outpatient clinical setting. Since 2004, most of her professional focus has been in treating neck and back pain, and chronic pain of all kinds related to postural and muscle imbalance syndromes.

Andrea has developed a unique eclectic approach to the treatment of chronic pain by integrating the knowledge she has gained from her many years of continuing education with luminaries in the fields of orthopedic, osteopathic, and manual medicine and combining it with postural re-education, targeted exercise, instruction in proper body mechanics, and assistance with lifestyle changes. When necessary and appropriate, Andrea will refer her patients to other disciplines, such as massage therapists, acupuncturists, Alexander Technique teachers, Pilates instructors, pain management physicians, and others.

Andrea also uses The Kinesio Taping Method to prolong the benefits of her hands on treatment and to jump start the nervous system to bring the body to homeostasis.

Andrea has been a certified instructor of the Kinesio Taping Method for over 12 years.
