Name ______Class ______

Your answers will go directly on this sheet. Type or paste in the places indicated. When you are done, you will print this document with your answers and then turn it in!

1.  Go to:

2.  Click on the first link “What is a mousetrap powered car and how does it work?” and read the entire section. Pay close attention to the first two paragraphs “What is a mousetrap powered car and how does it work?” and “How do you build a mousetrap powered racer?”

3.  Open up a new browser window and do a Google search for mousetrap powered car images. Good key words are mousetrap, racer, car, and vehicle.

4.  Find two mousetrap cars that you think have a good design. Copy and paste them here. (Right click on the picture and choose copy. Return to this document, right click and choose paste.) Resize the pictures so that they are no larger than 2” x 3”.

5.  Look at the Mousetrap Trial Chart. These students tested their vehicle many times to find the optimum or best performance.

6.  How many times did they test their vehicle?

7.  What was their best distance?

8.  Was this a valid test? (Is this really the furthest their vehicle went following to the rules of the competition). Remember that the mousetrap should be the only source of power! ______

9.  What part of their car did they test the most? ______

10.  Go to back to my webpage and click on the links for the mousetrap videos. There are 19 videos in all. You do not have to view them all. Watch the movement of the vehicles. Do the cars go fast or slow? ______

11.  Why do you think they go the speed that they do? ______

12.  Sketch and/or describe three designs for your mousetrap car. Brainstorm! Be creative! Use your research!