Your Advice Should Be Clear, Concise, Relevant, Accessible, Specific and Timely (Dated

Your Advice Should Be Clear, Concise, Relevant, Accessible, Specific and Timely (Dated


If you are involved with a child/young person for whom the Local Authority may need to carry out a Statutory, Education, Health and Care Needs assessment, you will be asked to provide advice towards the assessment. Ideally, this information should be provided at referral stage in order to inform the multi-agency panel help the decision making progress and to ensure the process is as timely as possible.

Your advice should be clear, concise, relevant, accessible, specific and timely (dated within the last 12 months) and should include the following:

  1. A description of the child/young person’s education, health and care needs (relevant to your area of work with that child/young person. Be aware not to repeat information that is likely to be provided from another professional and their area of work;
  1. Known views of the child/young person (where appropriate);
  1. Results and an explanation of results of assessment and reassessments including evidence of the child/young person’s progress;
  1. A description of support and provision provided so far;
  1. Desired outcomes (usually over a Key Stage – these should be SMART - what does it look like? What do you want the child/young person to be able to do that they are not currently able to)?

A description of the Special Educational, Health and Care Provision that may be required to meet identified needs and to achieve the desired outcomes:

Section F: The special educational provision required by the child/young person eg Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) programme delivered by an experienced Teaching Assistant 20 mins X 2 weekly;

Section G: Any Health provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child/young person having Special Educational Needs (SEN). Where an individual Health Care Plan is made for them, that plan should be included eg a Speech and Language Therapist will review X termly and will update the programme according. They will support and train the teaching assistant to carry out the SALT programme;

Section H1: Any social care provision which must be made for a child/young person under 18 resulting from the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (Section 2);

Section H2: Any other social care provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child/young person having SEN. This should include any adult social care provision being provided to meet a young person’s eligible needs (through a statutory care and support plan) under the Care Act 2014.

Suggested provision must be specific and quantifiable how long and how often.