Mr. Jose Guevara (713) 942-1441
Conference Period: 9:34a.m. -10:24 a.m. 2th period
Tutorials: MW 4:15-5:15 p.m.
Course Prerequisites
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: Spanish I
Course Objective: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
(1)Communication: The students communicate in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
(2)Cultures: The students gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
(3)Connections: The students use the language to make connections with other subject areas and to acquire information.
(4)Comparisons: The students develop insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the students’ own language and culture to another.
(5)Communities: The students participate in communities at home and around the world by using languages other than English.
A complete listing and explanation of the above course objective as they are listed in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills is available for your review upon request in the Principal’s Office. (Topics available in detail in the Handbook: grading system, semester exams, attendance, make-up work, and emergency procedures.)
Course Textbook: Realidades! Spanish Level 2, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005
Course Content:
Semester 1 – general review of vocabulary and verbs, describing people places, and things, discussing likes and dislikes, talking about shopping, money, holidays, parties, talking about daily routine (reflexive verbs), talking about things that happened in the past (preterite tense and imperfect tense), use of direct and indirect object pronouns.
Culture: Spanish-speaking countries/USA
Semester 2 –discussing weather, disasters, emergencies, heroes, giving commands, learning the parts of the body, talking about movies, T.V., describing people, places, events in the past, discussing travel, hotels, and talking about future actions (future tense)
Culture: Spanish-speaking countries/USA
Classroom Expectations
The Student is expected to be…
Prompt Be in assigned seat before the tardy bell rings
Prepared Always have class-room supplies with you
Participatory Start your warm-up as soon as bell rings
Polite Respect each other
Major Grades (Weight) Daily Grades (Weight)
-6 weeks/Unit Test/Oral Exams 15%- Participation 10 % - Projects/Quizzes 25% (count as double daily) - Class work 40%
- Homework 10%
-Textbook (COVERED) and workbook, class binder/folder (dividers optional), loose-leaf paper, pens/pencils
-Dictionary- Recommended (We do have several at school, however you may wish to purchase your own.)
-LOTE d-halls are explained on an additional sheet.
-Infraction of handbook rules: student will be written up on behavioral referral form and sent to his/her dean or principal.
Academic dishonesty (cheating on tests, copying another person’s class work) is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE . Any make-up work must be done BEFORE or AFTER school. Lunch time is not to be used. (Ex: If a student is absent for a test, class time will not be used as make up time.) Time for make up work will be allowed in accordance with the student handbook.
Throughout the year, several projects may require the use of a computer/printer/internet. The teacher realizes that sometimes, glitches occur. However, when sufficient time (3+ days) is given to perform an assignment, the excuse that one or all of these stopped working is not acceptable. Students have use of the school and the public libraries to finish the assignment, not to mention neighbors, friends and/or classmates. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO AN ASSIGNMENT TO AVOID ONE OF THESE MISHAPS. Students may not use the teacher’s computer to print out/work on/research any project or assignment, for Spanish or for any other class.
Students must come prepared for class (i.e. with textbook and workbook). If student doesn’t have one of these items, one warning will be given resulting in their name being written on d-hall sheet with no disciplinary consequences. The second time the student neglects to bring their materials, a 30minute LOTE d-hall will be assigned to be completed before/after school. After that first warning (only one warning per year), the student will receive a LOTE d-hall automatically if necessary materials aren’t brought.
I have received and reviewed all that is required to be successful in this class. By signing below, I am agreeing to the classroom procedures and rules set forth by the course syllabus and YWCPA school rules.
(Parent Signature and date) ______
(Student Signature and date)______
Mr. Jose Guevara (713) 942-1441
Conference Period: 9:34a.m. -10:24 a.m. 2th period
Tutorials: MW 5-5:15 p.m.
Course Prerequisites
Grade Placement: 9-12
Credit: 1
Prerequisite: n/a
Course Objective: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
(6)Communication: The students communicate in a language other than English using the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
(7)Cultures: The students gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
(8)Connections: The students use the language to make connections with other subject areas and to acquire information.
(9)Comparisons: The students develop insight into the nature of language and culture by comparing the students’ own language and culture to another.
(10)Communities: The students participate in communities at home and around the world by using languages other than English.
A complete listing and explanation of the above course objective as they are listed in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills is available for your review upon request in the Principal’s Office. (Topics available in detail in the Handbook: grading system, semester exams, attendance, make-up work, and emergency procedures.)
Course Textbook: Realidades! Spanish Level 1, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005
Course Content:
Semester 1 – general review of vocabulary and verbs, describing people places, and things, discussing likes and dislikes, (present tense)talking about shopping, money, holidays, parties, talking about daily routine (reflexive verbs), talking about things that happened in the past ( preterite tense and stem-changing verbs), infinitives.
Culture: Spanish-speaking countries/USA
Semester 2 –discussing weather, disasters, emergencies, heroes, giving commands, learning the parts of the body, talking about movies, T.V., describing people, places, events in the past, discussing travel, hotels, and talking about future actions (Affirmatives, future tense, direct and indirect object pronouns)
Culture: Spanish-speaking countries/USA
Classroom Expectations
The Student is expected to be…
Prompt Be in assigned seat before the tardy bell rings
Prepared Always have class-room supplies with you
Participatory Start your warm-up as soon as bell rings
Polite Respect each other
Major Grades (Weight)Daily Grades (Weight)
-6 weeks/Unit Test/Oral Exams 15%- Participation 10 % - Projects/Quizzes 25% (count as double daily) - Class work 40%
- Homework 10%
-Textbook (COVERED) and workbook, class binder/folder (dividers optional), loose-leaf paper, pens/pencils
-Dictionary- Recommended (We do have several at school, however you may wish to purchase your own.)
-LOTE d-halls are explained on an additional sheet.
-Infraction of handbook rules: student will be written up on behavioral referral form and sent to his/her dean or principal.
Academic dishonesty (cheating on tests, copying another person’s class work) is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE . Any make-up work must be done BEFORE or AFTER school. Lunch time is not to be used. (Ex: If a student is absent for a test, class time will not be used as make up time.) Time for make up work will be allowed in accordance with the student handbook.
Throughout the year, several projects may require the use of a computer/printer/internet. The teacher realizes that sometimes, glitches occur. However, when sufficient time (3+ days) is given to perform an assignment, the excuse that one or all of these stopped working is not acceptable. Students have use of the school and the public libraries to finish the assignment, not to mention neighbors, friends and/or classmates. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO DO AN ASSIGNMENT TO AVOID ONE OF THESE MISHAPS. Students may not use the teacher’s computer to print out/work on/research any project or assignment, for Spanish or for any other class.
Students must come prepared for class (i.e. with textbook and workbook). If student doesn’t have one of these items, one warning will be given resulting in their name being written on d-hall sheet with no disciplinary consequences. The second time the student neglects to bring their materials, a 30minute LOTE d-hall will be assigned to be completed after school. After that first warning (only one warning per year), the student will receive a LOTE d-hall automatically if necessary materials aren’t brought.
I have received and reviewed all that is required to be successful in this class. By signing below, I am agreeing to the classroom procedures and rules set forth by the course syllabus and YWCPA school rules.
______(Student Signature and date) (Parent Signature and date)