Young People in Theydon Bois
(Please complete this form by clicking to the right of the three dots of each question and typing an X or your comment to answer. If you are using ‘Word’ you can E-Mail this form by going to File/Send To/E-Mail recipient (as attachment). You should enter as the E-Mail address. Then just click on Send a Copy when connected to the Internet. If not Save & E-Mail as an attachment from your normal E-Mail program to: or return it to the Village Office at the Village Hall.
Female …Male…
Age 11-12…Where do you live? …
13-14… Theydon Bois Other (please specify) …
17 +…
What do you do with your free time? (Please put X against top 5)
Stay in – Watch TV…Swimming Pool …
Play computer games… Youth Club…
Surf the web – Email…Sports Club…
Friends’ Houses…Cinema…
Sports Centre…Pub/Club…
Hang out with friends… Religious/uniformed club…
Skateboard/rollerblading/ …Other (please specify)…
What nights do you go out?What do you do on this night?
What is important to you for a good night out? (Put X next to 3 maximum)
Activities (e.g. sports, crafts,…Dancing…
Socialise with friends…Opportunities to meet the opposite sex…
How much money do you usually spend on going out each week? (X against which)
Less than £5.00…£10 - £19.99…
£5 - £9.99…£20.00 or more…
What stops you from going out? (X against as many as appropriate)
Cost…Transport problems…
Too far to go…Age restriction on activity…
Worried about violence…Parents won’t let me go…
No one to go with…Homework…
Other – (please specify)…
Which of the following facilities would you like to see available for young people in Theydon Bois? (X 5 maximum)
Café/Bar…Media Centre…
Drop-in Centre…Recording studio…
Live music venue…Music tuition/performance…
Football…Dance/Drama clubs…
Film Nights…Pool/Snooker/Table Tennis…
Badminton…Roller blade/Skate board/biking park…
Aerobics/keep fit classes…Holiday activities/Outings…
Internet access…Homework/After school club…
Conservation opportunities…Trampolining…
Other (please specify)…
Which of the following services would you like to see available for young people in Theydon Bois?
Activities/events information…Counselling…
Careers advice…General health information…
Sexual health information…Homework assistance…
Travel…Other (please specify)…
Please return before 18 October 2004 to the Parish Office at the Village Hall either by E-Mail, hand or post.
Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey.
If there are any further comments from the youth of the village or parents please add them below :