
Señorita Lutz867-6905

2015-2016Rm. 2202

ClassroomGuidelines and Expectations

I hope that you will enjoy Spanish this trimester! This course is designed to help you gain knowledge and a greater appreciation of the language and the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. You will be expected to volunteer, answer and ask questions and of course do these things in Spanish! We will focus on speaking, listening, reading, and, writing.English will be used only when absolutely necessary. You must use Spanish to ask for permission to use English. Spanish will also be used during sixth period as much as possible.Learning a world language requires rigor and motivation. You will need to review frequently, take good notes, participate often, and ask questions when needed. Everyone will make mistakes so don’t be nervous. Using the language is the only way to get better. It is my hope to challenge you, enhance your skills, and share my passion for the language and culture. I desire to see in each of my students a positive attitude, general curiosity, an open mind, and a willingness to learn. With a great attitude, a little motivation and self-discipline you will be proud of what you have accomplished!


You will need to bring the following daily:

Textbook: ¡Avancemos! Level 2 McDougal Littel

Pencil or pen (blue or black ink only)

Paper or notebook

Folder or binder

General Rules

It is your responsibility to know all of the policies in the student handbook and failure to follow any of these policies may result in a parent phone call, detention served in my classroom after school during sixth period or a referral given to a Dean.

Fighting, vandalism, inappropriate language, willingly causing harm to another student, defying the teacher, or other behavior that disrupts class will not be tolerated.

The use of any type/brand of cell phone or iPod is prohibited in my classroom. Do not use it for any reason (clock, calculator, etc.) If I hear it or see it then you will receive a Thursday school assigned by the Dean per school policy. There may be special times when I allow them for a lesson and will make an announcement.

Be in the classroom before the bell rings. Expect me to count tardies. Students who arrive exceedingly late will be considered truant.

No food or drinks are allowed in class. You may have a clear bottle of water only.

No sleeping in class or you will be sent to a Dean.

You will be given two emergency passes for the restroom/locker for the trimester. These are worth 5 pts. extracredit if not used.

Make Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to find out what has been missed due to an absence. You or your parent or guardian may e-mail me or call me directly at school if you would like to stay on track. If you know in advance that you will be absent please get assignments prior to the absence. Ask another student or myself before or after class. Exchange phone numbers with a classmate. Please do not allow yourself to get behind. It is very difficult to catch up in a world language. If you are absent and miss a quiz or a test a “0” will be entered for your grade. The “0” will be changed only if you take the quiz or test in the allotted time.

Test/Quiz Make Up Policy and Sixth Period

It is the policy of WHS that a student should not miss classroom instruction to make up missed quizzes and tests. In order to implement this policy, the following guidelines are established:

  1. Make up sessions will be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during Bonus Period from 2:52 – 3:20. Make up sessions will be held in my classroom or the testing center. You will need to schedule two sessions to make up a test.
  2. A student will have one week (3 sessions) from the time the student returns to make up missed work. Exceptions will be made when a student has an extended absence. Students who were assigned a test or quiz before they were absent should return to school prepared to take that test or quiz at the first available make up session.
  3. Tests or quizzes not taken in the required amount of time will receive a 0%. Students experiencing conflicts should see me immediately.

Extra Credit

Twenty-five points are possible during the trimester. Five or ten points are to be given for each opportunity. Possibilities may include a current event, attending a cultural activity, reading a Spanish book from the library and taking the AR quiz, a poster or a presentation etc. Do not do anything until I assign it.


Grades will be based on class work, homework, quizzes, tests, writing assignments, skits,presentations, and projects. A variety of grades will be taken on listening, reading, writing, speaking, culture, grammar, and vocabulary lessons. Quizzes and tests will be 80% of your grade. Homework and participation will be 20% of your grade. Partial credit will be given for homework. However, it will not be accepted late. It is graded as completion and occasionally for accuracy. Quizzes and tests do not leave the classroom. This is a department policy. You may review them during bonus period. Parents may request to see them if given advanced notice. They will be kept in a file in my room. Grades are weighted by categories and figured by percentages. The school grade scale is in the handbook.

Study Tips

-Create note cards or flash cards.

-Make your own quizzes and tests and take them.

-Practice writing in complete sentences using vocabulary words in context.

-Take good notes, save hand-outs and constantly review.

-Participation is essential. Be an active participant in all activities.

-Ask questions right away if you do not understand.

-Come to bonus period to get help. I can work with you or find a tutor through NHS

-Use the website that goes with our textbook.

-Use the website for help with grammar topics.

- The above websites have online worksheets for extra practice and can be printed.

-I can give you blank copies of verb charts, extra copies of vocabulary grids etc. for

additional practice. Please just ask.

-Write the verb charts and vocabulary words over and over until you have the

spelling memorized. You have to do this on quizzes and tests so practice it at

home. Don’t just look at the word but write it out.

I have read and understand Ms.Lutz’s classroom guidelines and expectations.

Student Signature


Student name PRINT______

Parent Signature


Parent name PRINT______

Parent contact phone numbers and e-mail address

If there is anything that I should know about your teenager please share this information with me on this paper. This will be collected for a grade so that expectations are understood and everyone can be successful. Thank you for taking the time. I look forward to a great trimester!