You Have a QUIZ Next Class! You Need to Practice!

You Have a QUIZ Next Class! You Need to Practice!

Unidad 4 - ¡Tarea importante!

You have a QUIZ next class! You need to practice!

***Your quiz will assess Criterion D: Use of language in the written form.***

You must show you can write the following using the correct structures in the Spanish language:

 Sentences using the correct agreement with gustar, encantar, ser, and adjective forms

  • You must show that you can use the correct parts in a sentence that “agree” with one another. That means you have considered:

- quantity (singular or plural)

- gender (masculine or feminine)

  • You must be able to write sentences like those below in Spanish:

- I love coffee a lot because coffee is delicious.

- I don’t like peas at all because they are gross.

- Pizza is rich and I like sausage pizza more than cheese pizza.

- Cookies are bad for your health, but they are delicious!

- Seeking an advanced?

Be able to give advice, writing sentences like:

We think that you should drink less coffee because

coffee is horrible for your health.

 Verb conjugations for regular, irregular, and stem-changing verbs

  • This requires that you memorize and can apply the rules for verb conjugation. Tips for memorizing include:

 Using the “Conjuguemos” practice site

 Writing conjugated forms over and over again – repetition is key!

 Asking someone to drill you on each form!

 Using Quizlet’s ‘Speller’ game.

 Putting the endings to a song, rhyme, or chant that is familiar to you.

 Drawing and memorizing a table with the endings.

 Making your own flashcards – the act of writing each form can be as helpful as practicing the cards themselves!

 Watching the videos (YouTube & Sra. M.’s flipped classroom videos) on verb conjugation

Yo estoy
Tú estás
Él, ella, Ud. está
Nosotros estamos
Ellos, Uds. están / ser
Yo soy
Tú eres
Él, ella, Ud. es
Nosotros somos
Ellos, Uds. son
Yo como
Tú comes
Él, ella, Ud. come
Nosotros comemos
Ellos, Uds. comen / admitir
Yo admito
Tú admites
Él, ella, Ud. admite
Nosotros admitimos
Ellos, Uds. admiten
Yo cocino
Tú cocinas
Él, ella, Ud. cocina
Nosotros cocinamos
Ellos, Uds. cocinan / hacer
Yo hago
Tú haces
Él, ella, Ud. hace
Nosotros hacemos
Ellos, Uds. hacen
Yo tengo
Tú tienes
Él, ella, Ud. tiene
Nosotros tenemos
Ellos, Uds. tienen / preferir
Yo prefiero
Tú prefieres
Él, ella, Ud. prefiere
Nosotros preferimos
Ellos, Uds. prefieren
Yo quiero
Tú quieres
Él, ella, Ud. quiere
Nosotros queremos
Ellos, Uds. quieren / poder
Yo puedo
Tú puedes
Él, ella, Ud. puede
Nosotros podemos
Ellos, Uds. pueden
Yo juego
Tú juegas
Él, ella, Ud. juega
Nosotros jugamos
Ellos, Uds. juegan / dormir
Yo duermo
Tú duermes
Él, ella, Ud. duerme
Nosotros dormimos
Ellos, Uds. duermen