Please complete this form and submit by 17 June 2016 to: James Ruggeri, Industry Development Executive at Hybu Cig Cymru

You can send your form via:

Post: Hybu Cig Cymru, Tŷ Rheidol, Parc Merlin, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3FF

Fax: 01970 615148


Contact Details

Full Name Date of Birth


Post Code Phone Number (home)

Mobile Phone Number (work)

E-mail Address

Present Employment (including your duties and responsibilities)

Name of employer Type of business Summary of duties and


About You

Use this space to briefly state your ambitions and career planning for the next 5-10 years:

Participation in community and other activities

Note: The selection committee are particularly interested in your activities and participation outside your immediate employment and attach great importance to the completion of this section

In the community What part do you play, or have played, in the community, clubs and other bodies not connected with your


Communications Give brief details of any experience of writing, broadcasting or public


Why do you want to become a Scholar and how will you personally, and the Welsh sheep, beef and pork industry generally, benefit from the Scholarship?

Which country would you like to visit and


How did you hear about this scholarship? (letter / website/ press

article / advert – please note which newspaper)

The foregoing statements are accurate to the best of my knowledge and I undertake, if I am awarded a scholarship, to observe the conditions and regulations now made.



All applications should be returned by Friday 17th June 2016

Terms and Conditions

As part of the Strategic Action Plan for the Welsh Red Meat Industry, Hybu Cig Cymru – Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) is committed to funding Vcholars who can demonstrate a desire to improve their own farming businesses and knowledge through travel to another part of the world where the farming practices of that country can be applied to the Welsh industry.

Travel to a chosen destination, as approved by the HCC Livestock Scholarship selection panel, must take place before 31 March 2017. All expenses claims must also be made by this date. The bursary will cover up to six weeks travel.

Aims of the Scholarship

-  Increase individual’s knowledge of chosen subject area.

-  Disseminate information on key areas where improvements could be made that will benefit the Welsh red meat industry.

HCC will provide

-  Up to £3000 to assist with travel and accommodation costs. Major expenses such as flights can be paid for directly by HCC (within the funding limit) but smaller costs such as accommodation and internal transfers (by road, rail or air) must be claimed for retrospectively. Receipts will be required. Funding is only provided for travel and subsistence, costs such as mobile phone charges will not be paid. Final expenses claim will only be paid by HCC on completition of the final report.

-  A support network and access to useful contacts via the HCC Scholarship Association.

-  Support and advice while preparing a report.

-  Assistance in setting up discussion group meetings for disseminating your findings. HCC is also able to provide support in preparing a presentation and loan of equipment to deliver meetings if required.

The Scholar will provide

-  Full travel insurance for the duration of the trip.

- All travel arrangements and planning of meetings will be the responsibility of the Scholar.

-  A written summary and video diary, a blog or written report suitable for publishing on the HCC website. This can include video clips and pictures to illustrate the findings.

-  Presentation of findings to HCC staff and HCC Scholarship Association. You may also be invited to speak at the HCC Annual Conference.

-  Presentation of findings to at least five farmer groups/ discussion groups across Wales.