October 31, 2014
You can contact Mrs. Anderson at , 608-204-2038, or .
Dear Families,Thank you for your well wishes and kindness when I was out sick last Friday. My family is doing much better. I am working to catch up and be ready for next week’s family night.
Please help us say goodbye to Reggie and welcome Rodrigo to our classroom. Rodrigo joins us from Mexico and will be practicing his English with his new friends here at Emerson.
Mrs. Anderson
We had successful reading centers this week. Students worked in academic-similar groups to help them do word work, read with the teacher, practice math activities, and silent read from their book boxes. We also started to study the second grade high frequency words. By the end of the year, your child should be able to read and correctly write all of these words. Words will now be practiced as part of their homework routine. We did not do shared reading this week because students were busy doing two assessments. One of the assessments was called CogAT. It is an assessment that checks students’ cognitive development through a series of picture and number relationships.
We just started our second unit, Geometry. We are working to name 3-D shapes by looking at the shape of their faces. We also stated talking about arrays of numbers by practicing our doubles addition facts.
Please mark your calendars for an Author’s Celebration on Tuesday, November 25th. Remember, there is no school Wednesday-Friday that week due to the holiday. I will send out an invitation closer to the date.
Our class talked about how writers craft their stories to make them show emotion and to have purpose. We completed our first quarter writing assessment as well.
This science week was all about liquids. We learned that a liquid moves if it is not in a container. Students studied properties of liquids and recorded their thinking in their science log. A science log will come home after each science unit. Your child should be able to describe the following vocabulary to you: property,liquid, bubbly, flow, pour, transparent,opaque, translucent, and viscous. If they cannot, please remind them to focus on science in class so that they can show you what they have learned next week. Thanks!
Homework is expanding. Students should be reading, practicing math facts, reading high frequency words, and doing practice work all week. Please assist your child in finding a comfortable, stable, homework routine.
Read at least 4 days this week.
Write at least one entry in Response Journal to Mrs. Anderson.
Complete sentence fix-ups page (in homework bag).
Complete math practice pages (different for each student group).
Practice high frequency words and math facts (please leave the pages in the sheet protectors and erase after each use.
Behavior Report
Student Name: ______
I shared in class discussions& stayed focused on the task.
I completed my work in all subjects.
I was respectful and kind to peers and adults.
I was safe in all spaces.
I was responsible with my Eagle folder, homework, and gym shoes.
I followed teacher directions.
Words in BOLD in the academic portions of our newsletter represent new vocabulary being used within the classroom. / Page 1 of 3