Habitats: Travel Destination
Due Date: Monday, February 27th
- Students are challenged to become "Resident Experts" by learning new material that enriches and extends their knowledge of topics related to the curriculum.
- Students choose how to share the information they have learned with the class, which enables them to utilize their multiple intelligences and creativity.
- Students learn to work independently, take responsibility, manage a "long term" project, and utilize resources available to them (ie. prior knowledge, reference materials, technology, adult experts, etc.) to solve problems.
- Please encourage your child to choose a project that is manageable.
- Ideas for student project presentation formats are listed on the back of this paper. You may choose your own project idea and presentation format. The ideas provided are only suggestions.
- Presentation must be no more than 5 minutes in length.
Topics:Habitat: Welcome to “First Grade’s Finest” Travel Company. We are needing your expertise on a fun destination for our clients. You willchoose any destination in the world to travel to and market your destination to our class. You will research all about that destination and focus on one habitat that is found in your location. You will then present your marketing campaign for your destination to our class. Make sure your presentation makes your destination sound fun and appealing to your audience.
Examples of Topics (You do not have to pick one of these):
Arizona, the Sonoran Desert
Sedona, Arizona
Yosemite National Park
Australia – Great Barrier Reef
Australia – Outback
Amazon Rainforest
China – Sea of Bamboo Park
Egypt – Nile River
Egypt – Eastern Desert (Arabian Desert)
What to Include: You are reading and learning about a specific habitat/destination of your choice. You will present what you learned about your destination/habitat to the class in a 3-5 minute presentation. Make sure you include:
-The name of your specific destination
-A description of where your destination is located in the world and show us where your destination is located on a map of the world.
-What type of habitat is found in your location? (Focus on only one habitat from your location. For example, if you choose Australia, focus only on the Great Barrier Reef or the Outback) Describe this habitat in detail. (Climate, features, etc.)
-What animals and plants can be found in your habitat? How have these plants and animals adapted to survive in this habitat?
-What fun activities could someone do if they traveled to this habitat?
-What makes this destination/habitat so special to visit?
* This is going to be designed to be a way to market your destination to the class. You are trying to convince people to visit your destination, so make it sound fun and exciting!
Ideas for Student Projects
These are only ideas! You may choose any presentation format you’d like to share. Use your imagination and have fun with your presentation!
- Travel Video
- A live performance/play
- PowerPoint, Prezi or slideshow
- Compose a Song or Poem
- Create a Museum Exhibit
- Create a Travel Brochure
- Create a Mural using a variety of artistic mediums
- Create a Commercial
- Create a collage
- Create an online digital presentation using tools such as Animoto (or any others you like)
- Any other fun and exciting way to get people to visit your destination!