Dear student,
You are invited to participate in research study that examines the ways in which Universities internationalize their curriculum and analyses how the curriculum internationalization helps building students’ global competences. You were selected as a participant because you have an experience of studying in an International program and you have unique perspectives to contribute to this study.
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the International program curriculum on building students’ global competences.
Part 1.
- Based on your experience, howimportantaretheseglobal competences in order for you to be successful in life and in your futureworkplace?*
Very important / Important / Neutral / Unimportant / Very unimportant
Understanding of global issues in my field of study
Effectively communicate across cultures
Effectivelysolveunfamiliar and complex problemsinthe international teams
Ability to be open and flexible to new ideas, perspectives and ways of thinking
Creatinginnovativesolutionstoglobalchallengesin my field of study
If there are any other global competences that you see important for you which are not included in the list above, please specify them here:
Part 2.
To what extend do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please choose the response that best describes your opinion. Choose “Don’t Know” if you don’t know or unable to answer. The first row is the time period just before you begin your study at the International program. Thesecondrowisyourcurrentstatus.*
- I have a good understanding of global issues in my field of study
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
Before studying at the International program
2А. If there is a difference between before you began your studying at the International program and now, to what extant was the change a result of the curriculum and activities of your International program?
Completely / To a great extent / To a moderate extent / Partially / Not at all / Difficult to estimateComments
- I can effectively communicate across cultures
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
Before studying at the International program
3А. If there is a difference between before you began your studying at the International program and now, to what extant was the change a result of the curriculum and activities of your International program?
Completely / To a great extent / To a moderate extent / Partially / Not at all / Difficult to estimateComments
- I can effectively solve unfamiliar and complex problems in international teams
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
Before studying at the International program
3А. If there is a difference between before you began your studying at the International program and now, to what extant was the change a result of the curriculum and activities of your International program?
Completely / To a great extent / To a moderate extent / Partially / Not at all / Difficult to estimateComments
- Iam open and flexible to new ideas, perspectives and ways of thinking
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
Before studying at the International program
4А. If there is a difference between before you began your studying at the International program and now, to what extant was the change a result of the curriculum and activities of your International program?
Completely / To a great extent / To a moderate extent / Partially / Not at all / Difficult to estimateComments
- I can create innovative solutions to global challenges in my field of study
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Don’t know
Before studying at the International program
5А. If there is a difference between before you began your studying at the International program and now, to what extant was the change a result of the curriculum and activities of your International program?
Completely / To a great extent / To a moderate extent / Partially / Not at all / Difficult to estimateComments
Part 3
- In this set of questions we will ask you to evaluate various competences of the International program curriculum in terms of their impact on building the following global competences:
-Understanding of global issues in my field of study
-Effectively communicate across cultures
-Effectively solve unfamiliar and complex problems in the international teams
-Ability to be open and flexible to new ideas, perspectives and ways of thinking
-Creating innovative solutions to global challenges in my field of study
How helpful were the following components of the International program curriculum in building the set of global competences?
Core coursesoftheInternationalprogram: which courses are helpful for building a global competence
Title of the course / Extremely helpful / Very helpful / Slightly helpful / Not helpful at allElective coursesoftheInternationalprogram: which courses are helpful for building a global competence
Title of the course / Extremely helpful / Very helpful / Slightly helpful / Not helpful at allComments
- Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagreewiththefollowingstatements. Pleasechoosetheresponsethatbestdescribesyouropinion.
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
Faculty teaching in my International program has a strong knowledge of global expertise
The diversity of faculty group is helpful for me in building my global competence
Faculty in my International program introduce many cases, readings and examples with international context in their courses
Faculty in my International program often bring their international experience and expertise to generate discussions and relevant conversations in the classroom
Faculty in my International program are accessible and supportive with my efforts to build my global competence
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please choose the response that best describes your opinion.
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
I have a chance to work closely with students from different countries
Group projects and team assignments help me to great extent to build my global competence
I have developed friendship and close personal relationships with my international groupmates
I have developed more knowledge and understanding of other cultures, their norms and traditions
Working with a diverse group of students in my classes have contributed significantly in building my global competence
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements. Please choose the response that best describes your opinion.
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagreeThere are many extra-curriculum activities organized in my International program that help me with building global competences
Summer and winter schools help me greatly in building my global competence
Studying at my International program I am provided with opportunity to meet with and learn from global leaders
- What are the ways in which the International program curriculum can be improved to help students to build global competence?
Part 4
Thenextquestionswillhelpwiththeanalysisofthesurvey. All information will be kept confidential
- What was the country of your citizenship at the time of starting the International program
- Which statement best describes your status as a student of the International program
- Resident student
- International student
- What is your specialization in the International program
- Your gender
- Male
- Female
- What year do you enter the program
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- BeforeyoustartedanInternationalprogram, whattypeofinternationalexperiencedidyouhave? Please specify how many countries did you travel to, lived in, or worked in prior to starting an International program.
1-2 countries / 3-5
countries / 6-8
countries / 8-10 countries / Morethan 10 countries / Not applicable
Travel to foreign countries
Lived in foreign countries for at least 3 months
Worked in foreign countries
- Doyouspeakanyforeignlanguagesandifso, whatisyourlevelofproficiencyinthoselanguages?
Language / Beginner / Intermediate / Proficiency
- Tell us about your plans after the graduation from the University. Put a tick opposite the answer that best describe your opinion.
To work in an international company abroad
To continue education abroad
To work in an international company in my home country
To continue education in my home country
Your own answer
- Contact details
- Name
- E- mail