Keir Hardie Primary School

Year 5 Summer Newsletter

Firstly, we would like to warmly welcome you all back to the start of the Summer term at Keir Hardie. We hope that you all had a fantastic holiday, and had a chance to relax and re-charge the batteries before coming back for another hard-working term.

This term we will also be welcoming Miss Woodhall back to the school where she will be joining us as part of the year 5 team.

It is going to be a very exciting term in Year 5; your child will be learning lots of new things.


This term Year 5 will be studying the following topics:

English – This term the children will be learning how to write their own stories based upon Greek myths. They will be learning to use language appropriate to the genre. They will consider how to tailor their writing for specific audiences and purposes as well as how to use punctuation like colons and question marks for rhetorical questions effectively.

Maths – Angles including how to identify missing angles on a straight line and around a point, Properties of Triangles and Quadrilaterals, Geometric Construction, Volumes of Cubes and Cuboids and Roman Numerals

Science – ‘Living things and their Habitats’: Throughout the topic the children will be learning about the life cycles of various animals including humans. They will consider how different species of animals have different life cycles and how to compare and contrast them.

‘Animals including Humans’: In this unit the children will be looking at how the human body changes as we move from birth to old age.

Geography – Countries in North America, including Carnival

As part of their topic, year 5 will be comparing and contrasting where they live to an aspect of North America. They will be considering the similarities and differences including the humans and physical features, key topography and how the land use differs.

History –The Great Fire of London- The children will be building upon their learning about ‘The Great Plague’ from the previous term and build an understanding of what ended the epidemic. They will be developing their understanding of chronology as they move their learning into this hugely influential time in British history. They will learn about how the fire began, why it was so devastating and its lasting impact upon our lives today.

Art– Sculpture- This term the children will be working with clay to create their own thumb pot busts of historical figures. Through this unit they will be consolidating their learning on sketching as a design tool and transferring this into the work they do with clay.

DT– This term the children will be creating their own cranes through the use of woodwork. They will be using a range of tools to enable them to accurately saw and join wood and will also be considering how levers and pulleys can be used to support their work.

Computing –The children will be creating their own stop frame animations using the schools computing equipment based upon ‘The Great Fire of London’.

PE– Football, Gymnastics, Dance (Linked to Carnival)

RE – Inner voices: The children will be thinking about the inner voices that impact on the way we think and live our lives on a day to day basis and relating these to a range of religious stories

Thankfulness: The children will be considering the religious and non-religious thoughts about the power and thankfulness of human life.

PSHE (P4C) – Relationships and SRE

Music – With the help of the Newham Music Academy, Year 5 will be continuing with keyboard.

E-Safety – Online Safety- How to use search engines and social media safely.


Your child will be given the opportunity to choose a new reading book each day, please make sure your child brings in their reading book every day. It is essential that they read every day for at least 20 minutes.

Reading doesn’t just have to be their school reading book. Encourage your child to read newspaper articles, comics, library books, recipes or even the back of cereal boxes. As your child’s reading skills develop so will their writing skills. Remember to visit the school library where we have lots of new and exciting books!

In addition to the above, our online reading resource Bug Club will allow your child to access a range of books online and will directly feed into your child’s learning at school. Please take some time to explore this website. Working together we can improve your child’s reading ability greatly.

The school library is open every day after school and on Thursdays at lunchtime, for a bigger selection of books.


Your child will be given three pieces of homework every Thursday: one piece of English based around Spelling; one piece of Numeracy based around Times Tables and a piece of homework relating to the topic we are covering. Be assured, the homework reflects the work that has been done in class and is explained to the children every Friday. All homework is due in by the following Thursday. As well as this, all pupils will receive a half-termly Project based around the Creative Curriculum which should be completed and handed in by the end of the half term. Homework club will continue every Monday, where your child can come and complete their homework. We urge you to make sure your child attends homework club as the staff supporting them will be able to help them with their work.


PE is on Wednesdays and Fridays

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit into school on this day: navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt.

Educational visits and Diary Dates

Please make a note of these dates in your diary:

Half Term- Monday 29th May-Friday 2nd June

Refugee Week- Monday 19h June-Friday 23rd June

Eid- Monday 26th June

Community Fair- Thursday 29th June

Parents Open Evening/Celebration of Work- Monday 3rd July

Sport and Health Fortnight- Monday 3rd July-Friday 14th July

Carnival- Thursday 6th July

Sports Day- Friday 14th July 2017

End of term- Thursday 20th July

Thanks you for your continued cooperation,

Miss Wilson, Miss Woodhall and Mr Gunyon