Sunday 25 October 2015


Ps Aiden – Vision Sunday

Welcome each member and make time to find out how it’s going with each member in the cell member. Give them some time to share about their week.

Allow the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of the people during the atmosphere of worship. After praise and worship, allow for some time for prayer in the Spirit for our Vision. When everyone is done praying, open the cell with prayer and ask that the Holy Spirit will touch each member individually during the evening.

Vision Sunday 4th Quarter: Looking unto Jesus

Hebr. 12:2 NKJV – why is it important to have our focus on Jesus?

·  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith.

·  What you look at the longest will become the strongest.

·  He will become the finisher of your story if you focus on Him.

·  Is Jesus the story teller of your life?

·  Has your human spirit connected with His Holy Spirit yet?

·  We need to keep Jesus at the centre of it all.

Why is it important to revisiting our own and also the church vision on a regular basis?

Our vision must be Jesus:

·  We must know His vision

·  We must make Him famous

·  He must be the sole purpose of my existence

o  His will, His church, His Kingdom, His ways, His life and His truth

Hebr. 12:2-3 CEV

·  We must keep our eyes on Jesus – He never lost sight of where He went or wanted to go.

·  God wants to challenge us to look to Jesus

·  We must not lose focus of what the vision of Jesus was.

Luke 4:5-8 NKJV

·  Jesus was also tempted

·  Remember the devil can only suggest to you to corrupt your focus of the cross

·  The devil will come and test and tempt us and put questions in your mind – in a moment of time

·  The devil had no right to offer Jesus authority in Matt 28

·  He will offer you false authority – but your focus must stay on what your bank account looks like in heaven

·  Devil will only let you feel good for a short while

Rom. 15:17-18 NKJV

·  You must give all the glory to God in everything – it is His favour on me that make me successful

Rom. 16:27 NKJV; 1 Cor. 1:29 – 31; 2 Cor. 1:20 NKJV and 1 Thess. 2:12 NKJV

·  Glory to Jesus

·  God’s glory through us

·  God is calling me and you

·  Ask and H will lead and guide you

Col. 1:27 NKJV

·  Each person has to do his part

·  We all have the same identity in Christ – we must make sure that we therefore find our identity in Christ

·  Therefore serve in God’s Kingdom even if you have an important title.

·  Identity problems are simply the by-product of basing your identity on the wrong thing.

·  When Christians start to show signs of identity problems it’s simply because something other than a Jesus focus has shifted their focus & now shifted their identity.

The greatest example of an identity crisis in scripture is found in Ezekiel 28 v12

·  The devil took his focus from God and thought he did not need God anymore

·  Lucifer had everything going –“Gifted, musician, beauty, wisdom, permanent access to God

·  But it wasn’t enough-He wanted to be worshipped by creation and what he created through his gifting he was given instead of worshipping the creator and the one who created him.

Every human needs an Identity shift & every Christian needs to regularly check if their identity has shifted.

Saul had a shift:

Phil 3:5-8(NLT) and 2 Cor. 5:17

·  Everything you did is worthless when compared with what Christ has done for you.

John 12:24-26 NKJV; 2Cor 5:17

Rev 2:17

·  We must listen to the Spirit and understand what He is saying to the

·  As church we have been called to place our identity in Jesus and no other. When we do, we will go from glory to glory.

·  Pray for your own vision and that it will be aligned to the example of Jesus

·  Pray for your homecell – that each member in the homecell has a personal vision and that the homecell’ s vision is aligned to the vision of CRC Cape Town.

·  Pray that the vision for CRC Cape Town for the 4th quarter be fulfilled and that as a church we stay focused.


Let’s look at our target list:

·  Have each member commit to bringing at least one of their targeted names to church next courter.

·  Share practical ways of approaching them and inviting them.

My church – My family

·  Identify any needs of people in your homecell

·  If necessary provide details to Ps Wimpie