Nombre______Date of Presentations: August 30-August 31

Theme 1
“Basic Conversation Puppet Show”

You and a partner will take part in a conversation which includes both

QUESTIONS and RESPONSES for the following:

1.  Greetings.

2.  How are you?

3.  What is your name? (don’t forget to include expressions of courtesy)

4.  pleasentries

5.  Where are you from?

6.  Include a plural form of Origin ( ex. you could say where your parents are from)

7.  What is the name of a friend? (you need to introduce someone in the conversation )

8.  Goodbyes. Be sure to provide a reason.

9.  Your puppet show MUST be realistic.

10.  You will need to make a set/background for your puppet show.

Remember: You will BOTH be asking and answering questions on this paper.

ALL answers should be in COMPLETE SENTENCES.

DO NOT DOUBLE DIP EVER!!!! (this includes adjectives, greetings, statements of courtesy, reasons for leaving the conversation, responses, and anything else stated in the conversation…)

Each person is responsible for all the content on their conversation.



pero… = “but” “a veces” = sometimes nunca = “never” de nada = “you’re welcome” “I want”- quiero (key-ero) “llamarte”- call you “en” = in/on ”send a text” = mandar un texto “hablamos”= let’s talk “correo electrónico”= email “I am sending you”- te mando un… “chateamos por IM” = let’s chat via IM

20 / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4
(include all info.) / ¡Fantástico! All requirements met, but you were able to expand on the conversation with ease. You have a wide range of vocabulary and incorporated it into the conversation. / ¡Muy bien! You met the basic requirements / Bien.
1 requirement not fully satisfied. / Así, así.
2 requirements not fully satisfied. / Necesita mejorar
3+ requirements not fully satisfied.
Vocabulary / ¡Fantástico! Extensive use of vocabulary. Went above and beyond when fulfilling requirements. Appeared authentic and real. Incorporated some “bonus” phrases we have learned. / ¡Muy bien! Accurate use of vocabulary. Did the bare minimum to satisfy the requirements. / Bien.
A few (2-4) mistakes with vocabulary. / Así, así.
Some (5-6) mistakes with vocabulary. / Necesita mojorar
Many (7+) mistakes with vocabulary
Grammar / ¡Fantástico! Advanced and accurate use of grammar and vocabulary. (adjective agreement, conjugation, structure, no missing words, etc.) / ¡Muy bien! Fairly accurate use of basic grammar;
1-3 minor mistakes. / Bien.
A few (3-4) minor mistakes or 1-2 major mistakes. / Así, así. Some (5-6) minor and major grammatical mistakes. / Necesita mejorar
Many (7+) grammar
Fluency / ¡Fantástico! Wow! You have a good accent for a Spanish I student! You really try hard to produce difficult sounds well. You are comfortable, making few pauses or mistakes! / ¡Muy bien! Good fluency and pronunciation; 1-2 mistakes and/or a few awkward pauses. / Bien. Paused often and/or poor pronunciation;
3-4 mistakes / Así, así. Many mistakes in pronunciation. Hard to understand at times. / Necesita
It was very difficult to decipher meaning. Poor pronunciation.
/Authenticity / ¡Fantástico! Your conversation sounded authentic. It was cohesive, the questions and answers were in logical sequence and it made sense. You had a creative scene to match your conversation. / ¡Muy bien! This made your skit sound a bit awkward and/or uncomfortable. Your background scene was creative and fit into your conversation. / Bien. Your skit was somewhat difficult to follow due to illogical sequence of questions/ answers. You had a good scene. / Así, así. Your skit was difficult to follow due to mis-matched questions and answers. / Necesita Mejorar
Your skit made very little sense Your scene was not a good fit for your conversation. .
Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy.
Use sequenced information such as the alphabet, days of the week, months, seasons, and numbers in context.
Identify basic sound distinctions.
_____ Names ___Greetings ______courtesy _____Origin ______Friend intro _____plural SER _____ goodbye
General Comments: Grammar Errors (may not be all): Pronunciation Errors (may not be all):