York District Public Health Council

Quarterly Meeting

December 8, 2010

1:00-4:00 p.m.

Hosted by: Choose To be Healthy Partnership, York Hospital

York Public Library

5 Long Sands Road, York, Maine


Present:MaryAnn Arsenault, CEO, Home Health Visiting Nurses, Chair, YDPHC; Mary CooK;Tobacco Coordinator, Choose to be Healthy Partnership, York Hospital;KatherineChaiklin, Program Manager, Sanford Safe Schools Healthy Students Sharon Leahy-Lind, York District Public Health, MeCDC; Sarah Roberts, Partners for Healthier Communities, Goodall Hospital; Megan Rochelo, Director, Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition, UNE; Bethany Fortier, Project Director,Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition, UNE;Sue Patterson, Choose to Be Healthy Partnership, York Hospital; Ted Trainer, Director, Healthy Aging, SMAA, Co Chair YDPHC; Jackie Tselikis, RN, School Health Coordinator Consultant.; Michelle Ramirez, DCC Consultant

Welcome and Introductions:

Maryanna Arsenault, CEO, Home Health Visiting Nurses, Chair of YDPHC; proposed a motion to approve the minutes from the September 22, 2010 YDPHC meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by all members.

Updates in District:

  • Logic Models: Sharon Leahy-Lind updated the Council on the status of the three logic models for the DPHIP priorities (Obesity, Access to Primary Care, and Immunization). The Obesity and Immunization logic models are ready to go into the graphic format with some minor edits. The Access logic model is still in its first draft stage. A renewed focus on the Access to Primary Care logic model needs to be a priority to meet the deadline for drafting the DPHIP.
  • SCC Updates:Megan Rochelo, Director Coastal Healthy Communities, UNE, informed the YDPHC that the SCC will meet tomorrow to continue work on the SCC functions, as well as the District Public Health Improvement Plan.
  • YDPHC Logo- The electronic version of YDPHC logo is available. A hardcopy of the logo will be unveiled at the upcoming YDPHC Full Quarterly meeting on January 12, 2011. Attending members discussed what would be the appropriate use of the YDPHC logo. Members noted that the usage of the logo should remain within the intended purpose of the YDPHC. Members all agreed that approval from the Chair and Co-Chair will be required to use of the logo.
  • Emergency Readiness: Sharon Leahy-Lind obtained a list of mailing addresses of all health care providers in York County for the Emergency Well-Check Registry. The final draft and details of this Emergency Readiness Project will be unveiled at the YDPHC Full Quarterly Council meeting on March 30, 2011.
  • The YDPHC became part of the National Association of Local Boards of Health. All eight public health districts have become members. This is a tremendous resource to help strengthen the YDPHC and to further develop the Council's structure and governance.
  • The State level Public Health Accreditation effort is moving ahead and one of the questions that is coming up related to the Districts is how to provide concrete documentation of the ongoing development of the public health infrastructure in the State of Maine. Of course, as acknowledged previously, one of the main roadblocks is the lack of resources and staff. Ongoing information on the Accreditation project will be made available as the process unfolds.
  • Medical Reserve Core and the Maine Responds projects has been revived by the Maine CDC. This effort will be organized and led by Councils in all eight districts. More information to come.
  • The planning for and development of Pan Flu Templates are currently underway in the MeCDC's Office of Emergency Preparedness. A state-local team is being convened for this purpose. Sharon is a member of this team.

DPHIP Update-

Logic Models Work Group Updates- Conversation continued on maintaining the current DPHIP workgroups to oversee the implementation of strategies and objectives in each priority area (Access to Primary Care, Obesity and Immunization). These workgroups will continue during the DPHIP's two year timeframe.

Obesity Logic Model-Members reviewed the obesity logic model and made edits that better reflect what members agreed would be attainable goals for the plan.

Deb-Erickson Irons will draft out the proposal for incorporating the Healthy Communities Coalition of the HMP’s priorities as part of the plan. This relates to behavioral health and other areas.

Immunization- Time Line needs to be developed with exact strategies that clearly state the progress on reaching identified Goals on Obesity, Access to Primary Care, and Immunization. Each work group will provide a two paragraph summary of the key points of each area and submit to Sharon Leahy-Lind to be incorporate in DPHIP before our next meeting.


Action: Sharon will contact Deb Erickson-Irons to request Access related materials from the Sept 22, 2010 full Council meeting. If materials are not yet complete, Sharon will ask Deb to reconvene Access Workgroup.

Action: Megan will reported back on the highlights and outcomes of the December 9, 2010 SCC meeting at the next Executive Committee meeting.

Action: Megan will send the Sharon, Maryanna and Ted an electronic version of the new YDPHC logo. Chair and Co-Chair will be required to approve use of the logo.

Action: Members discussed the need to have educational seminars for those present and potential members of the YDPHC on the issues occurring in the York District communities. This will provide community members with a better understanding of the mission of the YDPHC. Sharon Leahy-Lind will forward this information to the Exec Committee for further discussion.

Upcoming Meetings:

Full Quarterly Council Meeting-POSTPONED

January 12, 2011

1:00-4:00 p.m.

Hosted by: Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition, UNE

People's Choice Credit Union

23 Industrial Park Road, Saco, Maine

Executive Committee Meeting

February 9, 2011

1:00-3:00 p.m.

Hosted by:

United Way of York County

36 Water St. Kennebuunk, Maine