Year 9 Mathematical Applications

Assessment Plan - Semester 2 - 2008

The following is an outline of the topics to be covered in the first semester of this course. Topics will cover the approximate time span that is indicated, but special requirements of students may result in minor changes being made.


and SACSA strand /


/ Assessment Tasks / Text Questions(Core Skills Mathematics 9) / Time
Coordinate Geometry
Patterns & algebraic reasoning / Students will learn the meaning of slope of straight-line graphs and how to plot them, including axes intercepts. / Assignment
SO: 4.9, 4.10 / Chpt 12 A, B, C, D, E / 3
Measurement / Students will learn how to use formulae to find the perimeter, area and volume of basic shapes, including circles. / Directed Investigation
SO: 4.4, 4.5 / Chpt 6 A – J / 4
Exploring, analysing and modelling data / Students will learn the basic concepts of relative frequency, measurement of chance, and their applications with tree diagrams, lattice diagrams and expected outcomes with simple models. / Directed Investigation
SO: 4.3 / Chpt 15 A, C, B, D, E, F & worksheets / 3
Percentages and Ratio
/ Students will look at the application of percentages to discount, GST, markups etc. They will use ratios to compare quantities. Applications to scale drawings, mixtures and maps will be studied. / Directed Investigation
SO: 4.6, 4.8 / Chpt 4 C – F
Chpt 7 A –E / 4
Statistics and Spreadsheets
Exploring, analysing and modelling data
/ Students will be introduced to basic spread sheeting concepts using Excel 2000 through a variety of activities.
Students will look at how data is collected, organised, presented, summarised and analysed so that interpretations and conclusions can be drawn from this information. / Directed Investigation
SO: 4.1 /
/ 3
  • Scientific calculators are required for year 9 Maths classes. Each student must have their own calculator.
  • Gradesare determined by a combination of Tests, Directed Investigations and Assignments.
  • Assessment tasks(Tests, Directed Investigations and Assignments) may be varied depending upon the abilities and interests of the students.
  • Tests are given to determine the level of learning and understanding of a particular topic. They are generally one lesson long. If a student is absent for a test they are expected to sit the test at the next available opportunity.
  • Directed Investigations require some class time, and usually some homework time. The purpose is for students to discover some mathematical relationship
  • Details for Tests, Directed Investigations and Assignments should be recorded in the student’s diary. Should events affect the possibility that a deadline cannot be met then the student must negotiate an extension before the deadline is due
  • Students need to have a 48-page graph assessment book and a 96-page graph for class-work.
  • Homework is assigned twice a week and will be monitored and assessed.

I have read the assessment plan and understand its implications.

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