PRÉNOM: ......

NOM: ......



The main focus of the examination will be on the grammar and vocabulary studied inunits 11 and 12. Of course, as language learning is cumulative, we will assume that you have retained your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from last year.

Madame Creak / B2Y - Thursday 29th October
A2X - Friday 30th October
Madame Jansen / Thursday 29th October
Monsieur Carbonel / Friday 30th October
Madame Harte / Friday 30th October


Your examination will be completed during your French lessons. You will be assessed on the following skills:

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Grammar
  • Writing

Every section will be worth 25%.



Reading and Listening Comprehension

In both sections of the examination there will be up to three activities to complete based on different texts and recordings (all recordings will be played twice). These activities will cover everything that we have learnt in units 11 and 12.

The best way to get ready for these two sections is to learn the vocabulary and understand the grammar that we have covered in class. Look for the verb first! It will help you understand the meaning of the sentence. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the little words; try to concentrate on the gist of the story.


To prepare for reading and listening, you will need to study the vocabulary (spelling, meaning and gender) of the following topics:

  1. PLACES IN TOWN(shops, public spaces, etc…) - uneboulangerie, le marché, les magasins
  1. DIRECTIONS- Allez tout droit et, au rond-point, tournez à gauche.
  • Shopping in France (shops, department store, etc…) - Le rayon mode femme est au premier étage.
  • Ordinal numbers (1st to 4th ) - premier, troisième …
  • Numbers: 1 – 100

If you are missing any of this material, please copy it up from a classmate’s exercise book and refer to summary on page 131 of TAPIS VOLANT 1 Student Book.


/ le supermarché
/ le collège
/ l’église
/ la boucherie
/ l’hôtel
/ le parc
/ la gare
/ la boulangerie
/ l’hôpital


A. Translate the following words in English. /10

(10 marks, ½ mark per right answer)

1 Un pont______2 Un magasin de jouets ______

3 Une plage______4 Une piscine ______

5 Une boucherie______6 Une rue ______

7 Une église______8 Un parc ______

9 Une gendarmerie______10 Une librairie ______

11 Un stade______12 Un musée ______

13 Une école______14 Un hôpital ______

15 Une boulangerie______16 Un hôtel de ville ______

17 Un fleuve______18 Un zoo ______

19 Une bibliothèque______20 Une maison ______

B.Translate the following sentences in English. /5

1 Au carrefour, tournez à droite.


2 Passez devant la gare.


3 La boulangerie est en face de l’église.


5 Prenez la deuxième rue à gauche puis traversez le pont.


C. Problem to solve /5

(5 marks, 1 mark per right answer)

Below is a description of where businesses are located in town. In French, label each of the mentioned business on the map in one of the blank spots.

All the blank spots do not need to be filled.

La pharmacie est en face de l’hôtel. Le cinéma est à côté de l’hôtel. L’épicerie est derrière la pharmacie. L’école est entre la pharmacie et le restaurant.

Total = ______/20


Please review your notes of the following grammatical rules and complete the practice exercises your teacher will give you. Also refer back to your TAPIS VOLANT 1 Student Book & Workbook Units 11 & 12 + handouts to go through what we have done in class.

You will be EXPECTED to know:

  1. the PRESENT tense -ER/-IR/-REregularverbs – jouer/grandir/entendre

A – Les verbesen - ER

parler / chercher / acheter
(Attention! Accent!)
Je / Je / J’
Tu / Tu / Tu
Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On
Nous / Nous / Nous
Vous / Vous / Vous
Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles

B – Les verbesen – IR

finir / choisir / grandir
Je / Je / Je
Tu / Tu / Tu
Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On
Nous / Nous / Nous
Vous / Vous / Vous
Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles

C – Les verbesen – RE

vendre / descendre / attendre
Je / Je / J’
Tu / Tu / Tu
Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On
Nous / Nous / Nous
Vous / Vous / Vous
Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles

Complete the following sentences by conjugating the verbs in the present tense.

  1. Tu ______(chanter)trèsbien.
  2. On ______(grossir)quand on ______(manger) trop de chocolat.
  3. Sophie et Marc ______(acheter) un joli bracelet comme cadeau pour leur mère.
  4. Je ______(réussir) le test de maths.
  5. La vendeuse ______(rendre) la monnaie au client.
  6. Mon frère ______(attendre) le bus tous les matins.
  7. Julie et moi ______(choisir) un steak frites au restaurant.
  8. Les enfants ______(grandir)toujours trop vite.
  9. Véronique et toi ______(descendre) du train.
  10. Est-cequ’ils ______(vendre) du pain?
  1. the PRESENT tense of the irregular verbs vouloir, connaitre savoir

Les verbesirréguliers au présent

(= to know a fact or how to do something) / connaître
(= to know a person or a place) / vouloir
(= to want)
Je / Je / J’
Tu / Tu / Tu
Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On / Il/Elle/On
Nous / Nous / Nous
Vous / Vous / Vous
Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles / Ils/Elles

Complete the following sentences by using either CONNAITRE or SAVOIR.

  1. Jean-Luc, tu ______bien Nice.
  2. Est-ce que vous ______que Paris est la capitale de la France ?
  3. Mon copain ne ______pas biencette rue.
  4. Elle ______parleranglais.
  5. Ils ______biendanserla macaréna?
  6. Les élèves ne ______pas le prof de musique.
  7. Je ne ______pas pourquoi deux et deux font quatre?
  8. Nous ______Monsieur Raudys.
  1. Prepositions of location – L’église est devant la pharmacie et entre lecinéma et la parfumerie.

Saying where things/places are

Translate the following prepositions into French.

in front of
to the left of*
to the right of*
next to*

Devant, derrière, dans andentre are always followed by the following articles:

  • le + masculine noun

La poste est devant le supermarché = The post office is in front ofthe supermarket.

  • la + femininenoun

Le marché est derrièrelaposte = The market is behind the post office.

  • l’ + nounstartingwith a vowel or h

Le cinéma est entrel’école et la librairie = The cinema is betweenthe school and the bookshop.

  • Les + plural noun

Les plans des villessontdansles office de tourisme = The maps of the towns are inthe tourist offices.

  1. Grammatical rule withde–La gare est à côté du parc et en face de la banque.

Fill in the gaps in these sentences with either du, de la, de l’ or des, depending on the word after the gap.

  1. La boulangerie est en face ______supermarché.
  2. Le tabac est à côté ______banque.
  3. Le marchand de fruits et de légumes est près ______magasins.
  4. Le restaurant est à droite______pâtisserie.
  5. Le café est en face ______magasin de vêtements.
  6. La boucherie est près ______épicerie.
  7. Le cinéma est à gauche______pharmacie.
  8. La piscine est près ______centre commercial.

Translate the following sentences into French.

  1. The train station is next to the cinema.


  1. The cake shop is between the library and the bakery.


  1. The bank is on the left of the shopping centre.

SINGULAR (this/that) / PLURAL (these/those)
Masculine / Masculine
Starting with a vowel or silent h / Feminine / Masculine & Feminine
CEmagasin / CET enfant / CETTE robe / CES lunettes de soleil


  1. The jewellery shop is in front of the hospital.


  1. The use of demonstrative articles: ce, cette, cet, ces
  1. ______pull est trop cher.
  2. Je voudraisresterdans______hôtel.
  3. ______filleesttrèssympa.
  4. Regardez! ______chemises sont en solde.
  5. ______robe est à moi!
  6. ______cadeauestgénial! Merci!
  7. ______hommeest grand.
  8. Je vaistoujoursachetermes croissants dans ______boulangerie.
  9. ______fleurssontbelles.
  10. ______écoles’appelle St Leonard’s College.


Be prepared to:

  • write a longer conversation taking place in a department store between a salesperson and a customer.
  • give specific directions to get to some places.

Make sure you are familiar with the vocabulary listed previously and all the different expressions and key phrases related to Units 11 & 12 in TAPIS VOLANT 1 Workbook page 210 – 211.

You should also take a few minutes at the end to proofread your work and focus on:

  1. Verbs: they should beconjugated and linked to the correct subject.
  2. Nouns: check the gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) and make sure you have used an article (le, la, les, l’, un, une, des) when it is needed.
  3. Adjectives: remember that adjectives are ‘copycats’. They will agree in gender and number with the nouns they qualify. Most of them go after the nouns they describe.
  4. Have you used LINK WORDS in your writing (parce que, mais, aussietc.)?
  5. Check the spelling!
  6. Make sure you haven’t used the same word or phrase more than once – You need to show off your French and recycle what you have covered in class.
  7. What about those sophisticated structures copied in your exercise books? Have you included them in your writing (je cherche/je pense que)?
  8. Make sure you only write in French!!!!!

Bonne Chance!


Practice makes perfect!

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