German Unit 1 Sample Interim Mini-Test 1a Listening, Reading + (W) Levels 1-2

Unit 1 minitest Pupil sheet

Name______Klasse: ______

A Hören circle the correct answer
1) 2- 12- 3
2) 17- 7- 13
3) 17- 7 10
4) 7- 6- 16
5) 6- 18- 8
6) 6 –17 – 16
7) 1 –12- 2
8) 12-3-13
9) 12-3-13
10) 4-14-6
B Hören 8 pictures/words here –number each one as you hear it
8 pics
rubber, ex book, pencil, bag, teacher, rough paper,
rubber, calculator
Section C – write out the 4 names which the teacher reads out
Section D : Classroom instructions. You could draw pictures/symbols if you prefer them to words. Add the number against each one as you hear it
stand up ( to one pupil)
close your books
open your ex books
put your things away
Section E
Copy the text below into the correct picture/ phrase above . Colour in if you have time
steh auf
packt eure Sachen zusammen
macht die Bücher zu
macht eure Hefte auf

Note: …………… / 30 Bemerkungen: (Comments) ……………………………..

Extra 10 marks – Dictation ! (mainly: ie / ei )

write out the following 10 words:
1) 6)
2) 7)
3) 8)
4) 9)
5) 10)

Note: …………….. /40 Bemerkungen: ……………………………………….

German Unit 1 Sample Interim Mini-Test 1a Listening, Reading + (W) Levels 1-2

Hilfsblatt für Lehrer

These tests are not designed to be presented as major obstacles to be climbed over. Apart from being diagnostic (informing on pupil progress) they should form a useful learning and teaching resource which adds to a sense of challenge, enjoyment and achievement

Tip for doing a test in a non-threatening way: do the first one together

Tip for all tests: give some pupils a second chance to re-do test & cross a mark threshhold

This column:
Teacher’s sheet only
Section A Teacher reads
1) zwei
2) sieben
3) siebzehn
4) sechs
5) acht
6) sechzehn
7) zwölf
8) drei
9) dreizehn
10) vierzehn / Unit 1 minitest Pupil sheet

Name______Klasse: ______

circle the correct answer
10) 2- 12- 3
11) 17- 7- 13
12) 17- 7 10
13) 7- 6- 16
14) 6- 18- 8
15) 6 –17 – 16
16) 1 –12- 2
17) 12-3-13
18) 12-3-13
10) 4-14-6
Section B Teacher reads
a/w in right hand column
(pupils could draw them quickly – read the list in German in a different order, and get them to do a quick simple drawing- checking that they know the words as you go along )
8 pics
rubber, ex book, pencil, bag, teacher, rough paper,
rubber, calculator
  1. der Bleistift
  2. der Lehrer
  3. der Taschenrechner
  4. der Anspitzer
  5. der Radiergummi
  6. der Schmierzettel
  7. die Tasche
  8. das Heft
/ 8 pictures/words here – pupils number each one as they hear it 8 pics
rubber, ex book, pencil, bag, teacher, rough paper,
rubber, calculator
Section C
Alphabet – Teacher spells 4 names
1) O-L-I-V-E-R
2) P-E-T-E-R
3) E-R-I-C
4) J-ü- R-G-E-N / Section C – write out the 4 names which the teacher reads out
Section D – instructions
a/w 4 pictures/pictograms: clear boxes + line for a number
a/w put a speech bubble by each picture
Teacher reads :
  1. steh auf
  2. packt eure Sachen zusammen
  3. macht die Bücher zu
  4. macht eure Hefte auf
/ Section D : Classroom instructions.
Add the number against each picture as you hear it
stand up ( to one pupil)
close your books
open your ex books
put your things away
Section E
Pupils copy the text below into the correct speech bubbles a. They may do some colouring if time. / Section E
Copy the text below into the correct speech bubbles. Colour in if you have time
steh auf
packt eure Sachen zusammen
macht die Bücher zu
macht eure Hefte auf

Note: …………… / 30 Bemerkungen: (Comments) ……………………………..

Extra 10 marks – Dictation ! (mainly: ie / ei )

Teacher reads the following
  1. Bleistift
  2. drei
  3. vier
  4. sieben
  5. fünf
  6. zwei
  7. meine
  8. zehn
  9. ziemlich
  10. Schmierzettel
/ Pupils write out the following 10 words:

Note: …………….. /40 Bemerkungen: ……………………………………….
