July 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 7 - Student Lockers

At Hinchingbrooke School the cost of a locker for Year 7 students is £20.00 This locker will then remain theirs for their entire time at Hinchingbrooke up to the end of Year 11. This cost will guarantee the provision of a clean lockable locker.

If your child would like a locker to store their possessions (books, bags and coats) you need to ensure that you send a cheque for £20.00 made payable to “Hinchingbrooke School” with the word “Locker”, your child’s name and form written on the reverse of the cheque. Please return the form with your admission information so that a locker can be allocated to your child during the summer in readiness for the start of the school term.

When your child starts in September they will be given a key (so please ensure that they have a suitable key ring) and they will be shown where their locker is. Below is the Request to Purchase a Locker Form, along with some rules which we ask parents to go through with their children.

Please note that the school retains the right to open/search lockers. These checks will of course follow a strict protocol and will only be used to ensure the safety and security of our students.

Please note if a student leaves Hinchingbrooke School then we are happy to look at refunding the cost of those years that the locker has not been used, providing the locker is left in a clean and usable condition.

Please note that the number of lockers available in school is limited. However, we will do our best to accommodate all requests.


Request to Purchase a Locker Form

I enclose a cheque for £20 made payable to “Hinchingbrooke School” to secure a locker for my child. (Please put the word “Locker” the student’s name and form on back of cheque)

Student Name______Form Group ______

I have discussed the following rules with my child and understand and agree to the conditions of use:-

  • The school padlock and key cannot be replaced with a personal one.
  • The locker should be respected and kept clean and if any damage occurs school will be notified as soon as possible.
  • Food, drinks and wet and muddy items of kit should not be left in the locker for long periods.
  • If a key is damaged or lost there will be a charge of £5 for a replacement key
  • If vandalism or damage to a locker is proven, the parent/carer will be charged for the cost of any repair or replacement

Parent Name______Parent Signature______

Date ______

Please return with your cheque by 22nd July to ensure a locker is allocated over the summer break.

To: Hinchingbrooke School (Lockers) - address below.