Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium 2017-18
Local authority to receive funding for the 2017 to 2018 academic year on 28 February 2018.
Funding is to be allocated in line with 2016/17 with adjustment to reflect the increase in the Year 7 cohort.
Of the 144 students with KS2 Reading and Maths scores, 62 (43%) have not reached the expected standard (a scaled score of 100 or more) in Reading and 54 (38%) have not reached the expected standard in Maths.
Overall there are 74 eligible students (51% of the Year 7 cohort with KS2 data)
For 2017/18 St. Matthias has been allocated £16,846 for 74 eligible students (51% of the cohort with KS2 data).
Reading / 20 studentsMaths / 12 students
Reading and Maths / 42 students
Monies are being spent as in 2016/17
Impact of Intervention –Termly Assessment
Year 7 / Year 8Autumn / Spring / Summer / Autumn
English / Students ‘on track’ / 66% / 72%
Maths / Students ‘on track’ / 87% / 87%
Impact of Intervention – Year 7 Reading Assessments - NRSS categories
NRSS / Comment / Autumn Year 7 / Summer Year 7Below 77 / Urgent Intervention / 22.8%
Below 85 / Intervention / 19.3%
Below 95 / On Watch / 43.9%
At/above 95 / At/Above Benchmark / 14.0%
Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium 2016-17
The Literacy and Numeracy catch-up premium gives schools additional funding to support Year 7 students who did not achieve the expected standard in Reading or Maths at the end of Key Stage 2.
Of the 117 students with KS2 Reading and Maths scores, 70 (60%) have not reached the expected standard (a scaled score of 100 or more) in Reading and 54 (46%) have not reached the expected standard in Maths.
Reading / 28 studentsMaths / 12 students
Reading and Maths / 42 students
For 2016/17 St. Matthias has been allocated £13,500 for 82 eligible students (70% of the cohort with KS2 data).
The individual needs of each student have been assessed and interventions from the following are in place
- Accelerated Reading Programme
- Star Reader Assessment Programme
- In class support from a subject specific teaching assistants
- Handwriting Intervention
- Whole school focus on Literacy strategies within all lessons
- Marking of students work and teacher feedback focussing on SPaG
- Reading focus within KS3 English lessons
- Best Practice Teaching and Learning Model used consistently
- Setting of students based on KS2 outcomes
- In class support from a subject specific teaching assistants
- Whole school focus on Numeracy strategies within all lessons
- Use of My Maths (interactive IT resource) for homework tasks
- Focus on Number within Year 7 Maths lessons for two terms
- Best Practice Teaching and Learning Model used consistently
- Setting of students based on KS2 outcomes
Students will be assessed each term and the effectiveness of the interventions will be monitored and amended accordingly
Funding will off-set a proportion of the salaries of the 2 subject specific teaching assistants and the teacher in charge of Reading Intervention
Impact of Intervention –Termly Assessment
Year 7 / Year 8Autumn / Spring / Summer / Autumn
English / Students ‘on track’ / 69% / 81% / 76% / 63%
Maths / Students ‘on track’ / 93% / 85% / 85% / 89%
Impact of Intervention – Year 7 Reading Assessments - NRSS categories
NRSS / Comment / Autumn Year 7 / Summer Year 7Below 77 / Urgent Intervention / 14.5% / 8.1%
Below 85 / Intervention / 16.1% / 17.7%
Below 95 / On Watch / 46.8% / 40.3%
At/above 95 / At/Above Benchmark / 22.6% / 33.9%
Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium 2015-16
For 2015/16 St. Matthias was allocated £10,500 for 21 eligible students
Literacy / 9 studentsNumeracy / 5 students
Literacy and Numeracy / 7 students
Impact of Intervention – Year 7 Termly Assessment
Achieving at least a 4cAutumn 2 / Spring 2 / Summer 2
Literacy / Students at KS2 3a (3) / 100% / 100% / 100%
Students at KS2 3b (4) / 50% / 100% / 100%
Students at KS2 3c (8) / 62.5% / 75% / 100%
Students at KS2 2b (1) / 100% / 100% / 100%
Numeracy / Students at KS2 3a (7) / 43% / 86% / 86%
Students at KS2 3b (2) / 0 / 100% / 100%
Students at KS2 2b (3) / 0 / 0 / 33%
Impact of Intervention – Year 7 Reading Assessments (15 students)
Reading AgeStudent / Sept Year 7 / June Year 8
A / 5 / 7.02
B / 6:4 / 11.02
C / 6:5 / 10.1
D / 6:7 / 10.06
E / 6:11 / 10.09
F / 7.01 / 10.06
G / 7:9 / 11.04
H / 7:10 / 10.11
I / 8:0 / 10.05
J / 8:2 / 10
K / 8:4 / 12.01
L / 8:8 / 10.01
M / 8:8 / 10.06
N / 10:0 / 11.03
O / 10.01 / 11.07
One student left during Year 8