
MFL Teacher:

PACA Y8 Spanish Unit 2 Homework Tasks.

MFL Homework tasks will be a mixture of activities.

For some of the tasks you will need access to:

Ask your tutor for login details.

You will then need to click on beginner, enter, Hola (Spanish),

the topic e.g. Los países. You will then be able to see a slide show to introduce you to new vocabulary (words) and then you can play games to improve your Spanish. There are pairs, hangman, word searches and many, many more!

****If you do not have a computer- your teacher can guide you to ones you can use at school.****

Week 1: Go on topic: Los miembros de la familia

Extension: Chose a person from your family. Draw a portrait/ take a picture of them and then write a short description of them in Spanish. Key words to help you: Se llama…= He/she is called….Es/ está…= He/she is….. …Tiene = He/ she has….


Parent/carer signature.

Week 2: Spelling Independent Learning Task.

¿Perdón? / = Excuse me?
¡Gracias! / = Thank you!
Por favor / = Please
¡Silencio, por favour! / = Silence!
¡No entiendo! / = I don’t understand!
¡Puedo ir al baño? / = Can I go to the loo?
He terminado. / = I’ve finished.
¿Cómo se dice (X) en español? / = How do you say (X) in Spanish?
¿Qué significa eso? / = What does that mean?

Week 3: Go on topic: En mi estuche

Extension: Become a designer and design a pencil case and its contents, which you believe could be used across all Aldridge Academies.


Parent/carer signature.

Week 4: Spelling Test Task.

Present tense / AR
Verbs / ER Verbs / IR
yo = I / o / o / o
tú = you (informal) / as / es / es
él/ella/usted = he/ she/ you (formal) / a / e / e
nosotros/ nosotras = we / amos / emos / imos
vosotros/ vosotras = you (lots & informal) / áis / éis / ís
= they (boys/ mix) / girls/ you (lots formal) / an / en / en
Past tense endings / ado / ido / ido

Week 5: Please write your answers to the questions below (on lined A4 or A5 paper).

1. ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? = Do you have brothers or sisters? 2. ¿Cómo es tu familia? = What’s your family like? 3. ¿Qué te gusta estudiar? = Which school subject do you like to study? 4. ¿Cual es tu professor(a) favorito/a? =Who is your favourite teacher?

Level 1 answers – one word answers

Level 2 answers- answers copied directly from books, the internet and/ or dictionaries

Level 3 answers- answers in full sentences, using books, the internet and/ or dictionaries as a help/guide only, or where you also ask questions and/ or give opinions.

Level 4 answers – answers include connectives (e.g. but/and) and qualifiers (e.g. very/ quite).

Level 5 answers- answer including any two tenses (past/ present/simple future/conditional)

Week 6: Can you teach the following tongue twister to someone who is not in year 8? You can record them or ask your parent/carer to sign here as proof that you did it (you might even choose to teach them!).


Parent/carer signature.


Como poco coco como, poco coco compro..

Coh moh poh coh coh coh coh moh , poh coh coh coh cohm proh…


You will need your parent/ carer to sign, by the week, to show that you have been on for between 30 minutes and an hour each week that it is set. You will also be completing spelling tests in class. Your written work will be evaluated and marked, by your teacher and/ or your peers.

Good luck and enjoy developing your skills as linguists!