Year 3Homework Overview: Summer 1

At Broad Heath we want children to be active learners who become great thinkers, super readers, fantastic writers, are kind, considerate but most all are inspired to learn. By working together, we can make this school year a very positive and successful inspirational experience for both you and your child.

The children are to choose at least two activities from each row per week and complete in either their folder, Blog or on Education City.Thehomework mustbe returned to school by Wednesday the following week after the homework has been set. A minimum of 2 pieces of homework must be completed each week.

Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5
/ Create a poster with your own I’ think of a number’ problems.
I think of a number
I add 10 and subtract 6.Then I double it the answer is 80 / Complete the Maths challenge on the website. / Create a song/rap to help remember a tricky times table. / Use your maths measuring skills to create your roman shield. Think about the length, height and width. Perhaps create another one and compare the measurements? / Create a game using Roman numerals.
/ Create a book review on Purple mash.
Find it on your to do list when you log in.
/ Write a letter to / Create a glossary for The Romans or plants.
Remember – alphabetical order and technical vocabulary. / Complete the Reading Challenge on the website / Create a leaflet about how to look after a plant.
/ To look at plants in your local environment (garden, house, park)and create a detailed sketch of the different parts of the plant using a pencil. / Create an advert for a Roman bath present this in your own way- verbal, song, video, poster. / Research what Romans work and create your Roman outfit for our Roman day on Thursday 17th May 2018 / Produce a presentation about a Roman invention / Respond to Roman day blog
PE and Swimming Kits
Make sure your PE and Swimming Kits are brought into school every Monday ready for the week ahead.

Curriculum Overview

Year 3Summer1


Our Literacy units this half term will be Authors and Letters and Information texts. We will also be focusing on using paragraphs, organising information into subheadings, using complex sentences in our writing and using the correct punctuation.
Please see homework on the homework planner.
This homework may need to be completed in the homework folder, posted on the blog or it will be available on ‘Education City’ or Purple mash.

You will also be expected to practice your weekly spellings, read your reading book daily, complete activities in your reading diary and contribute to our class blog. / Maths

In Maths this half term we will be adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers including exchanging, ordering and comparing numbers to 1000, counting up in tenths and finding fractions of amounts, money and perimeter.
Please see homework on the homework planner.
This homework may need to be completed in the homework folder, posted on the blog or it will be available on ‘Education City’ or Purple mash.

You will also be expected to practise your multiplication facts and number bonds at home as well as complete several calculations to help you retain the skills you are learning. Moreover, you MUST contribute to class blogs and maths challenges.
Our Science unit this half term is Helping plants grow well.
•To recognise that plants provide food for humans and other animals
•To understand that plants need light, water, warmth and healthy leaves, roots and stem to grow well
To be able to make careful measurements of heights of plants and volume of water

Keep looking out for Science links and challenges on our class blog. / Topic
Our Topic this half term is Romans. We will learn when the Romans ruled and will know when different Roman emperors ruled and state the order. We will research life as a Roman and state 3 key facts then compare Roman entertainment with modern day entertainment and present findings using secondary resources. We will solve problems involving Roman Numerals.
We will finish our topic with a Roman day. Please start thinking about your Roman costume as all children will be expected to dress up for this.
Keep looking out for Topic links on our class blog.
PSHE:Our SEAL unit this half term is citizenship. They will understand what a community is and why our community is special for many different reasons.
Computing: Our ICT unit this half term is ’I am a communicator’. Children will be learning the importance of being safe when using communication software/hardware
SMSC:Our RE unit this half term will be Christianity. We will be able to read stories from the old and new testament and understand the terms authority.

Music:Children will have the opportunity to practice playing the Recorder.

PE:Our PE units this half term will be Striking, fielding and athleticsand Swimming

MFL: Our MFL unit this half term is ‘Families’Children will learn the names and spellings of the days and months in Spanish.