Year 3 Materials and Properties Dissolving Changing and Mixtures

Year Group:3,4 / Class Name / Number:= / Class size: / Pupil Age:
7,8,9 / Date:
Subject / Theme of Lesson:
Science/Materials & Properties. / NC References:KS2.Sc3: 2a,d,e,f. 3b,c,d,e
Links with previous session:
  • Looking at reversible changes, such as freezing, dissolving, melting, boiling, condensation and evaporation.
/ Link to next session:
  • Next lesson looking at non-reversible changes in more detail, with the emphasis on the formation of new materials.

Prior achievement:
  • Chn can describe what a reversible change mean. Name some liquids, solids and gases that are reversible.

Links to PSHE, Citizenship or Global Citizenship:
  • 1c – To face new challenges
  • 3g – school rules about health and safety
  • 5a – Take responsibility.
/ Links to ECM:
  • Staying safe – follow safe procedures.
  • Enjoy and achieve – develop curiosity
  • Achieve economic wellbeing – obtain and communicate data.

Exp. 1:
Becker of water (200 ml)
200g of salt.
Petri dish
Bunsen burner
Exp. 2:
Beaker of milk (500ml)
Beaker of vinegar (500ml)
Exp. 3:
Beaker of water (200ml)
‘Magic snow’ (can be bought from Hawkins Bazaar).
Exp. 4:
Beaker of vinegar (60ml)
Beaker of vinegar (120ml)
2x 4 teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda
2 Latex gloves.
All experiments will have instructions, observation sheet and a fact file.
TA to organise the above items prior to the start of the lesson into the four experiments. / Vocabulary:
Bicarbonate of Soda
Bunsen Burner
Carbon Dioxide
Change of State
Chemical reaction
Irreversible change
'Magic Snow'
Reversible change
ICT Opportunities:
  • Recording data in a spreadsheet
  • Interactive ‘Thinking frame’ (only if the school has access to Espresso.
/ Possible homework:
  • Identify reversible and irreversible changes in the home. Maybe watch someone cooking. What changes occur when baking a cake, boiling water, etc.

Target QTS Standards:
Q10, Q30, Q31 / Focus for personal reflection:
Establish a safe learning environment.
Learning Objective(s):
To understand that changes occur when materials are mixed together.
To explore the concept of ‘reversible changes’ when materials have been mixed together. / Success criteria:
  • I can describe changes that occur when materials are mixed together.
  • I can explain what a reversible change means.
  • I can name some materials that can change and be reversed.

How the learning will be assessed:
  • Open and closed questions recapping on the previous lesson: eg ‘What does reversible mean?’ ‘Who can describe materials that state can be reversed?’
  • Chn to discuss with partners materials that cannot be reversed and give suggestions.
  • TA to make notes of the chn who contribute to the class discussion.

1 mins
5 mins / Overview of whole class work ( eg Mental/oral, lesson Introduction)
  • Chn sitting on the carpet.
  • Short recap on the previous lesson, with the chn answering open question regarding reversible state of materials, eg. Water to ice.
  • T to ensure that chn understand the notion of reversible.
  • T to explain that today we are going to work in four groups, each carrying out an experiment.
The groups must:
  1. Follow the instructions on the table.
  2. Make observations and note them.
  3. Read the fact file which is on the table after they have carried out the experiment.
  4. In the plenary share their findings with the rest of the class.

Learning Objectives for group/individual work (if different):
  • To know that some solids which have dissolved can be recovered by evaporation
  • To know that some changes which occur when materials are mixed cannot easily be reversed.
  • To recognize the usefulness of some changes.
/ Success criteria:
I can follow experimental instructions.
I can make observations and record them.
I can make a comparison to the experiment I have carried out with specific uses in everyday life.
I can share my findings with others.
How the learning will be assessed:
  • TA and teachers observations
  • Observations made by the groups – self assessment.
  • Presentation to the rest of the class in the plenary.
  • Understanding through closed questions to explain words from the vocabulary list.

20 mins / Group activities (including differentiation):
Chn are split into 4 learning groups which are mixed ability.
Explain that at each experiment work space there are instructions for the chn to follow.
Emphasis the importance of working safely.
Grp 1 : Mix Salt to water and stir. The chn have the attached recording sheet to copy and complete from their observations.
Chn then heat some of the salty water in a Petri dish over a Bunsen burner and records what happens.Teacher to observe and assist with this group.
Grp 2: Add milk to vinegar: Chn add a few drops of milk to the vinegar using a pipette. Chn observe what happens and completes the record sheet attached. Chn read the fact file at the end of the experiment (see attached). This group will work independently.
Grp 3: Adding water to magic snow: Chn mix water and very fine crystalscalled magic snow. Chn to observe and record what they see. Chn to read fact file sheet attached.
Grp 4:Bicarbonate of soda and vinegar (‘Giants hand’): Chn fill half the fingers of a latex glove with bicarbonate of soda. Then put the opening of the glove over the becker of vinegar, so the bicarbonate of soda is tipped into the vinegar. The glove remains over the becker and the chn observe what happens. Next chn add double the amount of vinegar and the chn observe and record what happens. Chn to read fact file.
TA to work with this group to ensure the experiment is controlled.
10 mins / Plenary activities:
Each group will take it in turn and share with the rest of the class the experiment they have carried out. The groups will share the observations made and why the change that occurred can be useful.
The finding from all of the groups will be used for the next lesson
How and what did we learn? Review main learning objectives
  • That some changes are irreversible.
  • That some materials mixed together are very useful for everyday items and specific use.
  • Describe methods for separation, eg. Evaporation.
  • Describe chemical and physical changes.
  • Use scientific words to describe changes.